Author Topic: Concerns of Changes vs Community  (Read 34433 times)

Offline Mr Arrow Captl Fello

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Concerns of Changes vs Community
« on: March 13, 2013, 10:09:25 pm »
I apologize if this post is misplaced…

but Guns of Icarus has a mature, respectful, and friendly community where people actually express sportsmanship and genuine goodwill... where I personally look forward to seeing regulars hanging out in the lobby and besting or being bested by them time and time again.

I understand that some balance is necessary but I don’t think that it should be at the cost of breaking up our community…

We have lost too many “good friends” to rules that keep changing…to the felling of getting the rug pulled out from under our feet on a far too frequent basis.

I think what makes myself the most disappointed was the “big steam kickoff” where we had 300+ people in the lobby looking to join our community, only to find those lobbies back down to 30 people just 2 weeks later...

after they got tired of dealing with the “bugs” coupled with the frustrations of the regular community…

the people who would have been there helping this new “crew” join up but instead were out in the forums complaining, or frustrated to the point that they were unable to enjoy the game…or simply left us completely.

Awkm, as for your comment about working for free…I have asked time and time again for ways to contribute to our community financially…be it through custom team outfits, or custom balloon designs…I guess what I’m saying is throw us a bone, please…and maybe you’ll get back a steak

And please consider my favor..of asking us to perhaps step off the rug before you (muse) decide it’s time to yank it up and throw down a new one.

-Mr Arrow
First mate to Captain Smollett
and indeed a Capital Fellow

Offline awkm

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Re: Concerns of Changes vs Community
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2013, 03:35:51 pm »
I have asked time and time again for ways to contribute to our community financially…

The best way to contribute to our cause is to fund us during our next Kickstarter campaign for Adventure Mode.

Unfortunately, any kind of other assistance is beyond our scope.  We don't have the processes in place to even have custom anything right now so even if you do anything for us we can't put it in.  Even when we do have more customizeable aspects for ships and etc... we might not even have enough manpower to create a vetting process for all the community created items that we'd receive.  It's a lot of work that needs to be done here in the office.

And to be completely honest about balance: if something is broken (working not as expected, bugged, overpowered, overused) then I will take action regardless of who likes or dislikes the current or post-balance strategies/changes.  I am impartial.  I cannot, in good conscious, make or not make changes based on keeping certain players in or out of the game.

You cover a lot of things in your post and I'm unsure of what the specific problems are.  I only have direct control over balance and things seem to be very good in the past few builds.

If you would like to talk about these topics further, please address it in the appropriate forum threads.

Offline Charon

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Re: Concerns of Changes vs Community
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2013, 07:17:56 pm »
I have asked time and time again for ways to contribute to our community financially…

The best way to contribute to our cause is to fund us during our next Kickstarter campaign for Adventure Mode.

Unfortunately, any kind of other assistance is beyond our scope.  We don't have the processes in place to even have custom anything right now so even if you do anything for us we can't put it in.  Even when we do have more customizeable aspects for ships and etc... we might not even have enough manpower to create a vetting process for all the community created items that we'd receive.  It's a lot of work that needs to be done here in the office.

And to be completely honest about balance: if something is broken (working not as expected, bugged, overpowered, overused) then I will take action regardless of who likes or dislikes the current or post-balance strategies/changes.  I am impartial.  I cannot, in good conscious, make or not make changes based on keeping certain players in or out of the game.

You cover a lot of things in your post and I'm unsure of what the specific problems are.  I only have direct control over balance and things seem to be very good in the past few builds.

If you would like to talk about these topics further, please address it in the appropriate forum threads.

Any SA on when that campaign will begin?

Offline awkm

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Re: Concerns of Changes vs Community
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2013, 07:21:18 pm »
Next week.

Offline Charon

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Re: Concerns of Changes vs Community
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2013, 07:36:59 pm »

Offline Squash

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Re: Concerns of Changes vs Community
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2013, 02:54:09 am »
You know I don't think Arrow was talking about the content of the balance changes so much as he was talking about the timing, and I think that's a sentiment most people agree with.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Concerns of Changes vs Community
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2013, 09:22:10 am »
I split this from the main topic since I felt it was worth its own discussion rather than balance.

I hope people realize that, with all good intentions, Muse wanted to push the patch out before the last steam sale. This would allow all of those new players the chance to learn the revised meta instead of having to confusingly change a few days down the road.

We all know people come and go, but if they for some reason cannot continue to play a game based on balance changes that makes them change their layouts because the previous was considered OP, thats on them.

Offline awkm

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Re: Concerns of Changes vs Community
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2013, 07:24:18 pm »
Will be adding information about Adventure Mode Kickstarter here as we get closer to launching it this week:,346.0.html

Offline Andriej

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Re: Concerns of Changes vs Community
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2013, 10:20:08 pm »
I split this from the main topic since I felt it was worth its own discussion rather than balance.

I hope people realize that, with all good intentions, Muse wanted to push the patch out before the last steam sale. This would allow all of those new players the chance to learn the revised meta instead of having to confusingly change a few days down the road.

We all know people come and go, but if they for some reason cannot continue to play a game based on balance changes that makes them change their layouts because the previous was considered OP, thats on them.

Not everyone is no-lifer, you know Zill...Not everyone has time to check the forums after each update to find out what ship/layout is OP now and which one is not anymore...Explain your frustrating players why after 2-3 week brake they have to change their tactics/guns/ships and adapt to new GoIO?

Oh right, there is a guy who calls himself "God" and talks to us "via game changes". Don't take it wrong - I support changes which are rational, add new features but constant "balancing" and "tweaking" makes me go berserk when I imagine going through all the changed weapons again to test them in the battle.

The last but not least. Muse still didn't find a way to actually force teamwork and punish immature players. This causes that such "n00bs" are constantly destroying fun for others (including themselves too) and that is leading to both group of players leaving this game.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Concerns of Changes vs Community
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2013, 01:37:59 am »
Ill ignore your blatant disregard of respect among peers, and address your "concerns."

Not everyone is no-lifer, you know Zill...Not everyone has time to check the forums after each update to find out what ship/layout is OP now and which one is not anymore...Explain your frustrating players why after 2-3 week brake they have to change their tactics/guns/ships and adapt to new GoIO?

Reading through patch notes takes 10-15 minutes tops. After everything was said and done we ended up with a rather balanced game. I haven't seen a "insert gun here" is OP thread in weeks. The point of the balancing was so that you do have to change tactics. Not roll a Heavy Flak Goldfish and roll over everything all day and call yourself the master of the universe.

Oh right, there is a guy who calls himself "God" and talks to us "via game changes". Don't take it wrong - I support changes which are rational, add new features but constant "balancing" and "tweaking" makes me go berserk when I imagine going through all the changed weapons again to test them in the battle.

Im assuming youre referring to Eric aka awkm. Hes the balancing guy. He might as well be your goio gaming deity. If you think that his changes arent for the sake of the betterment of the game however, thats your problem. All of the changes made and subsequently tweaked have only made the game better for it. Darn, you cant roll an all Flak Galleon and win all day on any map. Maybe use some brain power and figure out strategies like everyone else is.

The last but not least. Muse still didn't find a way to actually force teamwork and punish immature players. This causes that such "n00bs" are constantly destroying fun for others (including themselves too) and that is leading to both group of players leaving this game.

You cant force teamwork from people who dont want to play with others. You cant inject maturity into another player over the internet. New players who want to learn will find a rich and welcoming community, and trolls will be shown the report system/block feature/and subsequent losses because no one will want to be anywhere near their boat or crew. If you have managed to somehow find the magic to cure internet trolling, pass it along to xbox live.

Offline Ciciro

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Re: Concerns of Changes vs Community
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2013, 03:15:04 pm »
I miss the old community...

Offline MasX

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Re: Concerns of Changes vs Community
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2013, 12:52:57 pm »
I think the community has made a complete 360
I remember trading horror story of noobs to helping them
The community has improved in my eyes a hell of a lot
Mostly because of the CA program I think

Offline Helmic

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Re: Concerns of Changes vs Community
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2013, 10:28:47 pm »
Well, speaking strictly in selfish twink terms, it's more efficient to quickly train a new player than to bitch them out or leave them be.  There's not enough people in the community to always play with your friends so you WILL have to crew with new people at some point.  I guess the community at some point figured this out, I'm kind of surprised this wasn't always the attitude it held.  It just seems like it'd be immediately obvious even if you're an asshole.

Offline Squash

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Re: Concerns of Changes vs Community
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2013, 06:04:10 pm »
I think the community has made a complete 360


Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Concerns of Changes vs Community
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2013, 06:12:42 pm »
I think the community has made a complete 360



MasX, you might want to think about what a 360° turn results in.