Author Topic: All Gun Calculated DPS  (Read 18811 times)

Offline JaceBoojah

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All Gun Calculated DPS
« on: April 23, 2013, 03:41:31 pm »
I am working hard calculating and graphing gun DPS which I will eventually post here.

To increase the range and accuracy of my database I have some questions:

1. Fire
how does fire damage work. does fire do damage besides just stacking fire? wat is the DPS of each stack of fire? 
When it says the flame thrower does 4 fire damage does that mean 4 stacks?

2. AoE radios
When it says the carousel has a AoE radios of 14, is that 14 feet? inches? cm?

3. Will AoE hit the balloon multiple times? or does AoE damage each component in its range and the balloon counts as only one large component.

4. How often is the damage chart on the GoI website updated? I see the Flare gun's clip size and reload time are wrong.

5. Is there any charts for the angles for aiming the guns?

I hope my charts once published here will shed a lot of light on all the guns functionality and will be a quick and easy way to compare different ship builds.

So far I've only calculated the Balloon DPS of all the guns (not including AoE and Fire) and here is my first note!

Blender fish will have around 244.4 front facing DPS on a ballon while a double carronade Pyramidian with have around 375 front facing balloon DPS.  The Pyramidian will also have much better component breaking.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: All Gun Calculated DPS
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2013, 03:52:28 pm »
Fire damage and damage from fire stacks are two separate things. "Fire damage" refers to a damage type that works like explosive, piercing, etc. and is therefore done directly by the gunfire. You can find the numbers for how much it does on the main site. So for the flamethrower, for example, it fires 13 (I think) particles per second, each of which does 4 fire damage. Each particle has an x% (don't remember the number) chance of applying a stack. A single-stack fire does 8 damage (no modifiers) per second, with an additional 2 damage per extra stack.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: All Gun Calculated DPS
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2013, 03:58:36 pm »
2) All distance measurements are in meters. Actually all measurements are in game units which are roughly a meter long for this game.
3) One bullet can't hit a component more than once, this includes component hits that are transferred to the hull when they strike a dead component.
4) As far as I know that chart was updated once when they added the lumberjack, but I could be wrong.
5) The only aiming chart is the one you made. Thanks by the way, I forward it to a friend of mine who wants to learn the dark art of lumberjack gunnery.

Offline JaceBoojah

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Re: All Gun Calculated DPS
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2013, 04:13:33 pm »
5) The only aiming chart is the one you made. Thanks by the way, I forward it to a friend of mine who wants to learn the dark art of lumberjack gunnery.

Too bad that one only works for dunes!  I want to adapt it to all the maps but i would need help and it takes a long time.  I WISH THERE WAS SANDBOXES FOR EVERY MAP!

what I was talking about for #5 was how far you can turn the guns side to side and up and down.

THANK YOU SUNDERLAND and HAMSTER. This will help my data collection.

Here is another note for all of you:
Lumberjack and Carronades all have great ARMOR DPS

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: All Gun Calculated DPS
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2013, 04:18:11 pm »
Actually think all grid squares are 1000 meters x 1000 meters. That is why there are fewer squares in the Duel at Dawn map than there are in Dunes. So your graphs should be universal (at least for targets at the same altitude).

Offline Pickle

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Re: All Gun Calculated DPS
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2013, 04:22:34 pm »
4) It's been updated by Eric a few times, and at least twice since the Lumberjack.  Once to add the Mine Launcher and generally mess it up (I think he said that one was an accident), a second time to fix it and remove the Mine Launcher.  There may still be numbers incorrect since the Mine Launcher accidental inclusion.  It is not unusual for numbers in this game to not quite match up between what's intended, what's published and what actually is.. .. they do their best, bless 'em..

Offline JaceBoojah

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Re: All Gun Calculated DPS
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2013, 04:24:29 pm »
Actually think all grid squares are 1000 meters x 1000 meters. That is why there are fewer squares in the Duel at Dawn map than there are in Dunes. So your graphs should be universal (at least for targets at the same altitude).

It really seems like the grids are different to me

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: All Gun Calculated DPS
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2013, 04:29:47 pm »
The maps are different sized, but the grid squares are the same size. So smaller maps will have bigger grid squares and bigger maps will have smaller grid squares.

Offline Pickle

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Re: All Gun Calculated DPS
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2013, 04:40:20 pm »
2) The unknown is the geometry of the 'ships.  Knowing the AoE radius isn't enough in its own right to determine DPS.  You need to know the relative distances/vectors between components.  And AoE is affected by the vertical and horizontal angles.

(by the way, most of your questions have been answered by Muse in existing threads in the new or old forum - at least the easy ones.  Some appear to be secret squirrel, probably because they've been hot-fixed several times - I think weapons arcs fall into this.  Plus the degree of toe-in/out of the mounts has never been confirmed that I ma aware of)

You're welcome to a copy of the spreadsheets I developed a while ago - but I haven't updated the figures for recent patches and changes to damage stats.  I got as far as DPS and DPC (far more useful the DPS) for each weapon against each target type based on vs. modifiers, but hadn't started to include ammunition modifiers.  It should be all edit-once and it will propagate through.

Offline JaceBoojah

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Re: All Gun Calculated DPS
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2013, 05:01:44 pm »
2) The unknown is the geometry of the 'ships.  Knowing the AoE radius isn't enough in its own right to determine DPS.  You need to know the relative distances/vectors between components.  And AoE is affected by the vertical and horizontal angles.

(by the way, most of your questions have been answered by Muse in existing threads in the new or old forum - at least the easy ones.  Some appear to be secret squirrel, probably because they've been hot-fixed several times - I think weapons arcs fall into this.  Plus the degree of toe-in/out of the mounts has never been confirmed that I ma aware of)

You're welcome to a copy of the spreadsheets I developed a while ago - but I haven't updated the figures for recent patches and changes to damage stats.  I got as far as DPS and DPC (far more useful the DPS) for each weapon against each target type based on vs. modifiers, but hadn't started to include ammunition modifiers.  It should be all edit-once and it will propagate through.

I will end up coming up with a easy (and inaccurate) way to factor in AoE into my calculations like 5% boost to component dps per AoE meter.

I would love to see your data. PM me with a link.

new note:
if shot with %100 accuracy, light mortar will beat light flak and almost match heavy flak at HULL DPS.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2013, 05:03:29 pm by JaceBoojah »

Offline JaceBoojah

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Re: All Gun Calculated DPS
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2013, 07:19:37 pm »
so I have to go replace the suspension on my car on my own right now.  so here is all my data so far.  I dont have the time to make the charts into jpeg form so just look at the charts in here.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: All Gun Calculated DPS
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2013, 10:02:42 pm »
Looks good so far.... you deserve a Salute!.....

new note:
if shot with %100 accuracy, light mortar will beat light flak and almost match heavy flak at HULL DPS.

I've been playing around with this.... sacrificed a bit of range, for some greased light mortar carnage, and it did extremely well (even without 100% accuracy)... then I got the-admiral on a ship, and we could kill at range again... good tip :)