Author Topic: Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)  (Read 16746 times)

Offline Charon

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Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)
« on: October 19, 2013, 12:59:23 am »
It's Charon, over at the Ducks.

So yesterday, I took a look at a video of Wolfrider playing in the sunday rumble and something looked really off. There was a series of repairs that took place in rapid succession (or at least it appeared this way) and I made this common knowledge to my brother Ducks. I should've headed from there STRAIGHT to the sandbox, but instead, I gave the go-ahead to chat up the forums about it.

Pretty immediately, you guys came together to discuss this thing and a lot of what was said got us thinking. We hit the sandbox this morning and tried our best to beat this thing to death and found that the pipewrench repair and hull buff expiration armor jump look incredibly similar, which would entirely explain the repair which was in question in the video. We even measured out pixels.

Anyway, after checking it out for a good long while, we decided that there was likely no way that the buff hull bug was what we were seeing, and I want to make this clear now.

I brought the video up, I thought it looked shady, it had a lot of us swayed, and in the end I was wrong. Sorry guys.

In the end, this isn't about whatever relationship all of you have with Squash. It's not about how he's looked in the past, and he wasn't looking for this when it came down to it. I gave him the video, the info, and he posted what I gave him. I was wrong here. I don't accept when my own team screws up on this level, and I won't sweep it under the rug when I do it. My bad, y'all.

All my best to you Wolfpackers, good luck in the Anvalan Conflict.

Offline Frogger

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Re: Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2013, 01:03:03 am »
Hey guys, here's a little more info, in case you're curious:

Link of Wolfpack v SAC Game:

12:30 - crew and ship loadout of Snuggly Fang

Crew and Loadout of Snuggly Fang:
Mad Goose - Pilot - Bumper/Claw/Kero & Spanner & Heavy
Garou - Engineer [Gatling] - Spanner/Mallet/Buff & Heavy & Spyglass
Humacius - Engineer [Main] -  Spannet/Mallet/Ext & Heavy & Spyglass
Rutger Shaw - Engineer[Mortar] - Wrench/Buff/Ext & Greased & Spyglass

Timeline of Repair Events in Question:
14:27 - small repair, likely spanner
14:30 - armor repair in question [buff bug? expiring buff? wrench?]
14:33 - mallet repair

Timeline of Snuggly Fang Weapon Discharges:
14:30 - Heavy gatling fire
14:31 - Mortar shell burst on SAC Ares


First, please compare the two attached Sandbox screenshots "Buff 01 - During" and "Buff 02 - After" to the repair event at 14:30 of the the video in question. The amount of armor gain in both instances is remarkably similar. These screenshots were taken during a testing session held by myself and Charon.

Second, consider the timelines of the repair and weapon events. The gatling was firing at almost the same time as the 14:30 Repair, clearly with heavy clip loaded in, which means that either Humacius, Garou, or the pilot Mad Goose was firing the weapon. The lattermost of the three possibilities is highly unlikely. Humacius was the main deck engineer, but had no buff hammer - there, Humacius, with his Span-Mal-Ext & Heavy would have had to be shooting the gatling, while Garou, with his Span-Mal-Buff & Heavy, would have been manning the hull. This would have meant two fire tools on the upper deck, a highly unusual configuration. Humacius and Garou would have had to exchange places at one or several moments during the match in order to have an exploitable buff hammer in position on the hull, which would have had the cost of no buff hammer on the Snuggly's gatling - again, an unusual configuration for Wolfpack.

Mortar was also firing just one second later, at 14:31, as shown by the shell bursts on the hull of Ares. This would have given either Garou (gat gungineer) or Rutger (mortar gungineer) less than two seconds to traverse the distance from hull to their guns. It makes it even less likely in the case of the latter, as the mortar was positioned in a standard configuration behind the balloon of the Snuggly.

In light of this evidence we find it almost impossible to believe that Wolfpack was using this exploit during the moments in question. I also heard Humacius' explanation of the event is identical - that the small bump in armor health of the Snuggly was the result of an expiring hull buff.


---During Buff---

---After Buff---

« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 01:11:42 am by Frogger »

Offline -Mad Maverick-

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Re: Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2013, 01:09:03 am »
thanks guys we really appreciate the correction!

 i want all of the community to know that i am totally cool with the ducks in a general sense, and i hope you all will be also

Offline Surette

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Re: Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2013, 01:24:29 am »
...Who has enough time to go through videos that carefully?

Offline -Mad Maverick-

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Re: Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2013, 01:29:24 am » people who want to learn a thing or two from the wolves :-P

Offline Salous

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Re: Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2013, 01:40:50 am »
It's Charon, over at the Ducks.

So yesterday, I took a look at a video of Wolfrider playing in the sunday rumble and something looked really off. There was a series of repairs that took place in rapid succession (or at least it appeared this way) and I made this common knowledge to my brother Ducks. I should've headed from there STRAIGHT to the sandbox, but instead, I gave the go-ahead to chat up the forums about it.

Pretty immediately, you guys came together to discuss this thing and a lot of what was said got us thinking. We hit the sandbox this morning and tried our best to beat this thing to death and found that the pipewrench repair and hull buff expiration armor jump look incredibly similar, which would entirely explain the repair which was in question in the video. We even measured out pixels.

Anyway, after checking it out for a good long while, we decided that there was likely no way that the buff hull bug was what we were seeing, and I want to make this clear now.

I brought the video up, I thought it looked shady, it had a lot of us swayed, and in the end I was wrong. Sorry guys.

In the end, this isn't about whatever relationship all of you have with Squash. It's not about how he's looked in the past, and he wasn't looking for this when it came down to it. I gave him the video, the info, and he posted what I gave him. I was wrong here. I don't accept when my own team screws up on this level, and I won't sweep it under the rug when I do it. My bad, y'all.

All my best to you Wolfpackers, good luck in the Anvalan Conflict.

Its good you did this. At the same time, its unacceptable for you to allow you members to harass other clans on these forums. It was unacceptable for Squash to do what he did, especially without speaking with Mav first or "checking it out for a good long while."

I think an apology is in order from Squash himself. I don't know how you keep your ducklings in order over there, but I know that I would handle this with a swift kick if one of my members did the same.

Offline NoWuffo

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Re: Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2013, 01:46:20 am » people who want to learn a thing or two from the wolves :-P

...and people who need to cover their butts for making such a big public display calling another group out. I do appreciate this correction. It takes a lot to admit a mistake, now let's put it all behind us. I think this community has had enough mudslinging and airing of dirty laundry for now.

Offline Garou

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Re: Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2013, 01:50:11 am »
I just want to say that I appreciate you guys making the effort to make things right on this. You clearly went the extra mile and put some real time into it, and that says a lot to me.

It is my sincere hope that we can all move past this, especially with Muse being so proactive in making sure the exploit in question was fixed. I know we in Wolfpack would like nothing more than to do so and get back to what is really important here: blowing up airships.

Offline -Mad Maverick-

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Re: Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2013, 01:50:45 am » people who want to learn a thing or two from the wolves :-P
I do appreciate this correction. It takes a lot to admit a mistake, now let's put it all behind us. I think this community has had enough mudslinging and airing of dirty laundry for now.

i agree! good job ducks!

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2013, 01:55:20 am »
I just wanted to come out and apologize personally for my previous statements on this topic.
I saw a video and reacted to to it immediately without thinking it through and I jumped to conclusions. 
I have nothing but my utmost respect for the Wolfpack.

Offline Sammy B. T.

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Re: Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2013, 02:12:35 am »
...Who has enough time to go through videos that carefully?

We're insane. Didn't you know?

Offline Morblitz

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Re: Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2013, 02:14:47 am »
...Who has enough time to go through videos that carefully?

We're insane. Didn't you know?

It makes it easy when you can... enhance.

Offline Garou

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Re: Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2013, 02:15:01 am »
I would also like to add that I assume the Rider clan is included in this as well. They flew with us in the video in question, and their ship, the Solis Ortem, was mentioned specifically. Rider is a relatively new clan to the competitive scene, having only flown their first competition a few weeks ago, and I just want to make sure they aren't brushed over in this.

Offline Sammy B. T.

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Re: Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2013, 02:18:34 am »
We made sure to say "wolfrider" in the op.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Hey guys! (Buff Bug craziness)
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2013, 04:35:15 am »