Hey guys, here's a little more info, in case you're curious:
Link of Wolfpack v SAC Game:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaUQjbRRv_U&feature=youtu.be&t=14m17sReference:12:30 - crew and ship loadout of Snuggly Fang
Crew and Loadout of Snuggly Fang:Mad Goose - Pilot - Bumper/Claw/Kero & Spanner & Heavy
Garou - Engineer [Gatling] - Spanner/Mallet/Buff & Heavy & Spyglass
Humacius - Engineer [Main] - Spannet/Mallet/Ext & Heavy & Spyglass
Rutger Shaw - Engineer[Mortar] - Wrench/Buff/Ext & Greased & Spyglass
Timeline of Repair Events in Question:14:27 - small repair, likely spanner
14:30 - armor repair in question [buff bug? expiring buff? wrench?]
14:33 - mallet repair
Timeline of Snuggly Fang Weapon Discharges:14:30 - Heavy gatling fire
14:31 - Mortar shell burst on SAC Ares
Analysis:First, please compare the two attached Sandbox screenshots "Buff 01 - During" and "Buff 02 - After" to the repair event at 14:30 of the the video in question. The amount of armor gain in both instances is remarkably similar. These screenshots were taken during a testing session held by myself and Charon.
Second, consider the timelines of the repair and weapon events. The gatling was firing at almost the same time as the 14:30 Repair, clearly with heavy clip loaded in, which means that either Humacius, Garou, or the pilot Mad Goose was firing the weapon. The lattermost of the three possibilities is highly unlikely. Humacius was the main deck engineer, but had no buff hammer - there, Humacius, with his Span-Mal-Ext & Heavy would have had to be shooting the gatling, while Garou, with his Span-Mal-Buff & Heavy, would have been manning the hull. This would have meant two fire tools on the upper deck, a highly unusual configuration. Humacius and Garou would have had to exchange places at one or several moments during the match in order to have an exploitable buff hammer in position on the hull, which would have had the cost of no buff hammer on the Snuggly's gatling - again, an unusual configuration for Wolfpack.
Mortar was also firing just one second later, at 14:31, as shown by the shell bursts on the hull of Ares. This would have given either Garou (gat gungineer) or Rutger (mortar gungineer) less than two seconds to traverse the distance from hull to their guns. It makes it even less likely in the case of the latter, as the mortar was positioned in a standard configuration behind the balloon of the Snuggly.
In light of this evidence we find it almost impossible to believe that Wolfpack was using this exploit during the moments in question. I also heard Humacius' explanation of the event is identical - that the small bump in armor health of the Snuggly was the result of an expiring hull buff.
---During Buff---

---After Buff---