Hwacha seems fine to me. A sweep with heavy across the Junker takes out that side's guns and sometimes the engine for me. I think people are upset that it's so hard to take out the guns of a Pyra. Hwacha with heavy clip seems underpowered, burst seems overpowered. To me, this just gives gunners more purpose.
What I want is this 14 seconds reload time to be worth it if I hit the damn ship, it's not only the Pyra, it's the Galleon as well and many other ships, Heavy clip gives you accuracy but takes away everything that actually makes this gun good and that's mass disable. Well, you can't mass disable unless your shots have some spread to them or just make a bigger explosion, the Junker is an exception to the rule simply enough of how close the components are to each other on that ship so hitting one spot will net you many disables.
I've had volleys hit the broadside of the Galleon and take out only one gun, that's horrible when I have to wait an other 14 seconds to get an other volley off, so it's not only missing that you have to be afraid of, but also having pin point accuracy while spreading the shots yourself a bit in order to get the best out of it. Isn't that a bit on the extreme side of things? I mean seriously, Heavy clip on this gun makes me wanna pull my hair.
I gotta give it to you though, the Pyramidion's guns have to be the most annoying thing ever to disable with this gun.
Anyway, my point still stands, this gun is way too unreliable to use on a Goldfish, why should I take this over an LJ or a Carronade? Because at least I know that when the LJ/Carro hits, it will do its job, the Hwacha hits and still doesn't do its job many a time.