Author Topic: The mods  (Read 32949 times)

Offline Captain Nemo

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Re: The mods
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2013, 05:39:44 pm »
why are you not letting the mods do their job??  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Offline IvanPBF

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Re: The mods
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2013, 05:56:16 pm »
@ QKO and Mr. Ace Rimmer
This was opened because we really wanted to hear back from IvanPBF and he did respond.
This goes against what we normally do and the Moderators were completely in the right for locking it.
We overrode them (and poorly communicated it to both you guys and the mods) because it seemed like the best course of action to get a conversation started.
So please direct all yelling about running afoul of procedure my way.  I commend the Mods for their quick action and dedication.

He's at PAX, but I shot him an email to make sure he's checking his PMs while he's there so he'll send over the chat log asap.
Alright I've received the chat log and I want to clear some points about this chat log.
First of all I don't think this is the WHOLE chat log but that doesn't matter.

Then we have this
IvanPBF    Crew   08/29/2013 22:35:29   i'll beat the fuck out of you
IvanPBF    Crew   08/29/2013 22:42:41   brb fucking my gf
Here I was talking with my friends (crew) so I don't think this should be included in the chat log i requested, in fact this is like breaching my privacy.

And the most important thing about the chat log:
MetaFive    Lobby   08/31/2013 23:50:42   And that's enough lewdness in global chat, everyone.

MetaFive    Lobby   08/31/2013 23:52:28   Just cut it out and there won't be an issue.   
MetaFive    Lobby   08/31/2013 23:53:46   It's a common name, but you know full well how you're using it, and it needs to stop now.   
MetaFive    Lobby   08/31/2013 23:53:49   I'm not asking again.   
MetaFive    Lobby   08/31/2013 23:54:41   Are you done?

MetaFive never gave a direct warning of a ban or a kick, therefore I didn't know i was gonna get banned.

Offline Keyvias

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Re: The mods
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2013, 06:17:32 pm »
Hey Ivan,

All text chat in Guns of Icarus is recorded.  Those were simply included for your viewing only since we were grabbing all chat that was flagged. 

I won't post the entire chat log here for your privacy and you can look at it again in your PM, but you responded to Metafive's requests to stop.
My apologies that a "I'm not asking again." From a Dev was not clear that action was going to be taken.

The kick came before the day suspension and after getting kicked you came back and continued with the same actions (and worse as included in the chat log.)  After the kick if you had not continued no other action would have been taken because the hope is you would understand that the sort of behavior you chose to keep displaying will not be tolerated.

Offline IvanPBF

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Re: The mods
« Reply #18 on: September 02, 2013, 06:25:35 pm »
Hey Ivan,

All text chat in Guns of Icarus is recorded.  Those were simply included for your viewing only since we were grabbing all chat that was flagged. 

I won't post the entire chat log here for your privacy and you can look at it again in your PM, but you responded to Metafive's requests to stop.
My apologies that a "I'm not asking again." From a Dev was not clear that action was going to be taken.

The kick came before the day suspension and after getting kicked you came back and continued with the same actions (and worse as included in the chat log.)  After the kick if you had not continued no other action would have been taken because the hope is you would understand that the sort of behavior you chose to keep displaying will not be tolerated.
Yeah I understand, since the kick was nothing unusual I didn't care but I wasn't expecting a ban and like i said there was no direct warning. Nothing like "I'm going to kick you" or "I'm going to ban you" instead I got some kind of threat. It'd help if next time the mods/admins gave a direct warning.

Offline Captain Nemo

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Re: The mods
« Reply #19 on: September 02, 2013, 06:26:08 pm »
Hey Ivan,

All text chat in Guns of Icarus is recorded.  Those were simply included for your viewing only since we were grabbing all chat that was flagged. 

I won't post the entire chat log here for your privacy and you can look at it again in your PM, but you responded to Metafive's requests to stop.
My apologies that a "I'm not asking again." From a Dev was not clear that action was going to be taken.

The kick came before the day suspension and after getting kicked you came back and continued with the same actions (and worse as included in the chat log.)  After the kick if you had not continued no other action would have been taken because the hope is you would understand that the sort of behavior you chose to keep displaying will not be tolerated.
Why not just post the chatlog? I mean he already is posting part of the chatlog.

Offline Imagine

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Re: The mods
« Reply #20 on: September 02, 2013, 07:39:19 pm »
Long story short, just because you pay for something doesn't mean you get to act like a complete dillhole without consequences. Doesn't matter if there's a warning or not.

The more you know!

Offline Keyvias

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Re: The mods
« Reply #21 on: September 02, 2013, 08:59:31 pm »
We'll definitely make sure the warnings are more direct next time to avoid any confusion.

Offline Mr. Ace Rimmer

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Re: The mods
« Reply #22 on: September 02, 2013, 09:01:14 pm »
@ QKO and Mr. Ace Rimmer
This was opened because we really wanted to hear back from IvanPBF and he did respond.
This goes against what we normally do and the Moderators were completely in the right for locking it.
We overrode them (and poorly communicated it to both you guys and the mods) because it seemed like the best course of action to get a conversation started.
So please direct all yelling about running afoul of procedure my way.  I commend the Mods for their quick action and dedication.

He's at PAX, but I shot him an email to make sure he's checking his PMs while he's there so he'll send over the chat log asap.

Fair enough :)

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: The mods
« Reply #23 on: September 02, 2013, 10:44:41 pm »
Life rule #1 don't be an A hole
Life rule #2 don't be an A hole
Life rule #3 see rules one and two

Breaking any of these life rules in your life will probably result in undesirable consequences.

Consider this experience a valuable life lesson.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: The mods
« Reply #24 on: September 03, 2013, 12:02:35 am »
Can this thread be locked again? Really things like this should be taken care of via e-mail. All that did is reveal that Ivan's behavior brought on a legitimate ban. The fact that he is fighting it in a public way has only made himself look worse. Shows he's learned nothing from this and will likely repeat it again in the future.

Offline Locutus of borg

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Re: The mods
« Reply #25 on: September 03, 2013, 12:07:52 am »
also, when you bought the game I am sure there was some sort of box you had to check about terms and conditions of use, by doing this you agreed to conform to a certain code of conduct laid out by muse. Purchasing the game gives the right to use the product if, and only if, you follow the terms of usage clearly laid out by muse. It is not their fault, although a whole other issue in itself, that you, and I would imagine 99% of all other players including myself, do not read these documents. Just as it is perfectly within a restaurant owners rights to refuse service to any customer who does not follow, say, a dress code (i.e. "no shirt no shoes no service") it is well within muse's rights to ban any player who does not follow the basic code of conduct.

Offline Locutus of borg

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Re: The mods
« Reply #26 on: September 03, 2013, 12:11:11 am »
all that being said, I agree with gilder.  This is an unpleasant and seemingly unproductive discussion, and I fear it does not reflect well on the greater GOIO community

Offline IvanPBF

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Re: The mods
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2013, 02:14:35 am »
MetaFive    Lobby   08/31/2013 23:50:42   And that's enough lewdness in global chat, everyone.

MetaFive    Lobby   08/31/2013 23:52:28   Just cut it out and there won't be an issue.   
MetaFive    Lobby   08/31/2013 23:53:46   It's a common name, but you know full well how you're using it, and it needs to stop now.   
MetaFive    Lobby   08/31/2013 23:53:49   I'm not asking again.   
MetaFive    Lobby   08/31/2013 23:54:41   Are you done?

Is everyone missing the point that i got no direct warning?
I mean it could happen to someone else i'm here to prevent that o try to.

Instead of being so biased you all should look over the fact that there was no direct warning.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 02:16:54 am by IvanPBF »

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: The mods
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2013, 02:41:07 am »
You don't need a direct warning to know not to behave like that in public.

You should feel fortunate they gave you a warning at all, whether direct or indirect, as no warning whatsoever was required based on your behavior. 

Not only were you asked to desist, you continued the behavior after being kicked from the game.  Furthermore, when rejoining the game you continued your behavior thus demonstrating the ban was totally justified, warranted and necessary.

In general one should be embodied with several personal rights and freedoms, however negatively impacting the lives of other people and impeding on their freedoms is never included in personal rights.

You will get no sympathy on this forum.  I recommend you learn from the experience and move on.

Offline Byron Cavendish

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Re: The mods
« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2013, 04:09:01 am »
You don't have the right of a warning. That's a privilege that they can extend to you. I think they have more than patient with you. You are acting immature and juvenile. Grow up and act like an adult.