Author Topic: Parkour Content  (Read 67246 times)

Offline N-Sunderland

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Parkour Content
« on: August 27, 2013, 03:40:57 pm »
Here's what I've written up for ship parkour. If there are any details you'd like me to add or parts I should edit, I'd love some feedback. I also plan on adding videos in the future, once I get more familiar with OBS.

For anyone not familiar with the naval terms, port indicates the left side of the ship and starboard indicates the right side of the ship. They do not change based on perspective. When left and right are used to indicate a direction in the following text, they're based on the player's perspective.


1. The Pyramidion is the easiest ship for a single engineer to keep a constant engine repair cycle going. This is thanks to how the main engine can be hit from underneath. Simply stand beneath it and look upwards. Doing so allows you to hit all three engines in quick succession.
2. Sometimes the incoming damage can become overwhelming for the main engineer, and one or both of the top deck gungineers will have to jump down to assist. Instead of going down the ladder, jump over the railing and land near the hull to minimize travel time.


1. When fixing the Goldfish's engines, you might find yourself constantly running up and down the staircase to bridge the gap between the main and the turnings. Fortunately, part of this process can be skipped. From the top deck, you can jump past the balloon and land in the back area where the turning engines are. With a little bit of practice, you can pull this off by jumping off the tail of the ship to save as much time as possible. It's possible to save a little bit more time by jumping onto the port engine and hopping through the gap in front to get to the stairs quicker, but this method is unreliable, and therefore not recommended.
2. Let's say you're the main engineer, and you want to be ready to deal with any situation as quickly as possible, whether it's the balloon going down, the hull taking damage, or the engines getting shot out. Before entering an engagement, the best place to stand (generally if you can't see the enemy ships) is on the roof. To get up there, you can either jump onto the balloon and then jump again to reach the top (starting out on the railing near the balloon makes it easier), or run and jump up the ropes behind the helm. Standing on the roof has two major benefits: you can quickly jump to any part of the ship, and you get a 360° field of view. As soon as you engage an enemy ship, you should jump back down to wherever you're needed (likely the hull).
3. While not strictly meant for engineering and with rather situational uses, it's important to note that there is an alternate method by which the pilot can reach the helm. To accomplish this, jump along the supports leading from the front of the ship to the top deck. This saves a little bit of time over starting at the same spot and taking the conventional route).


1. To get from the top deck to the main gun quickly, jump over the railing at the front of the ship and land next to the gun.
2. When moving between the top deck and the bottom deck, it's usually best to take the ladder in the centre of the ship.
3. You can go from the main engine to the bottom deck by simply jumping down from the platform.
4. To get from the starboard gun to the bottom deck quickly: when approaching the gun, get onto the small gray ridge on the right and mount the gun from there. When you're done firing, turn and face the rear of the ship. If you look down, you should be able to see one of the turning engines. Aim a bit to the right of that and jump down. If done right, you should land on the bottom deck near the hull.
5. If you're the main engineer but you're being tasked with firing the port side gun when not in combat (usually if it's a mine launcher or flare), then you'll want to be able to return to the hull as quickly as possible. To do this, mount the gun from the gray ridge to its left. When done firing, turn and face towards the ramp leading to the bottom deck. Jump over the gap and railing and run to the bottom deck. This saves about a second over running all the way around the railing.
6. Hitting the main engine from underneath is possible if you jump onto the rear railing on the bottom deck and immediately jump towards the engine, hitting it in mid-air (you'll need a little bit of momentum first). Not particularly useful seeing as you fall off the ship, but there may be situations in which it can help.


1. When going back and forth between the hull and balloon, it's better to jump down directly to the hull rather than using the stairs.
2. To save a bit of time when moving from the main engine to turning engines, go near the back of the engine area and look over the side. If you jump down, you can land on a turning engine.
3. The main engine can be hit from underneath by standing on the small ridge at the back of the bottom deck and jumping.
4. Let's say you're the bottom deck gungineer, but you've been called up to the main deck for repair assistance. You suddenly need to get back down to unload a clip of hwacha fire on an unarmoured enemy. Usually it'd already be too late, but to remedy this problem you can jump off the side of the ship, turn to face your gun while falling, and mount it. You will automatically fall off after dismounting, but this provides a means to quickly return to the bottom deck gun when the need suddenly arises.


1. If you stand underneath the balloon, you can look up and hit it. This is perfect for when an engineer needs to get quick balloon repairs, and it also allows the pilot to assist.
2. The hull can also be hit from underneath. To do this, you need to be standing in the sweet spot near the top of the ramp and looking upwards. The main purpose of this is to allow an engineer to switch between hull repairs and the front gun. It should be noted, however, that getting into the sweet spot takes a couple of seconds, during which a lot of armour damage could be dealt. To counter this: on the approach, jump up before reaching the ramp so you can hit the hull from in front, and then use the mallet's cooldown to position yourself in the sweet spot.
3. If you stand next to one of the top deck guns, you can see the bottom deck guns sticking out of the side of the ship. You can jump down onto these guns and fall to the bottom deck, providing a much quicker route than going to the front of the ship and going down the ramp.
4. Less of a trick and more of a simple tip: when you go from the front of the ship to the main deck, always go to the starboard side. You can use crates there to get up quicker, whereas the port side makes you take the long way around.


1. The most famous of Squid speed tricks is the engine jump. Standing at the platform where the top deck engines are located, you can jump off the side and land on one of the turning engine walkways. Repeated use of this technique allows for considerably quicker repair circuits.
2. Standing next to and facing away from the front gun, run and jump onto the rail on your left (starboard side), jump over the gap, land on the rail on the other side, and go to the starboard gun. This saves a little bit of time over walking there.
3. There is a "desparation" repair technique that can be used, occuring on the left engine walkway. You can jump onto the rail to your right, then jump over to the balloon and hit it. This gets you to the balloon quicker than walking all the way around.
4. There is a more advanced, more efficient way of doing an engine repair circuit than the one previously explained. It's a combination of two similar techniques, one on each side. For the starboard side technique, start on the main deck, facing towards the starboard engines. Run to the rail lining the starboard side of the main deck, and jump on it. Jump off, hitting the engine in mid-air. Get the turning engine, then run back to the main deck to get the port side. For this one, you'll need to get down to the port walkway, and jump at the end of the flat section, right before it ramps down. While in mid-air, look up and hit the engine from underneath (you might not see the icon, but whack it anyways. If you hear the sound of your tool, then it was a successful repair), then get the final engine. Pulling this whole thing off takes about 7 seconds from main deck to final engine, which is two seconds quicker than a classic repair route.


1. As on many other ships, the Mobula's main engine can be hit from underneath. It does, however, require a more specific position than most of those techniques, so it's advised to jump up to hit the engine (which lets you get it from a bit further away).
2. The pilot can mount the front gun from underneath by standing on the railing by the helm and jumping up to grab the gun.
3. Travel time between the two turning engines can be greatly reduced via a path along the back. Starting at one engine, jump on the small rail lining the back of the ship. Then jump onto the nearby platform. Once up there, you should see a curved strut. Get on it, and from there you can run to the other side of the ship.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 11:14:48 pm by N-Sunderland »

Offline LordFunPants

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Re: Parkour Content
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2013, 06:20:04 pm »
i really enjoy reading lists like this, especially considering i myself dont know all the place people parkour these days. interesting how the Pyramidion and Mobula have the same number of tricks listed. . .

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Parkour Content
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2013, 06:27:28 pm »
The Mobula has a couple of other minor speed tricks, but I didn't really feel that they were worth putting in. When I make my video guides I'll go into more detail about parkour on all of the ships.

Offline James T. Kirk

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Re: Parkour Content
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2013, 07:57:16 pm »
This was awesome, Sunderland!
I pretty excited to try a couple of these out.

If you'll allow a few nit-picks....

Goldfish 2: I show this one to new guys all the time. Sometimes, they have trouble hopping up onto the balloon component. Jumping onto the railing next to the balloon, and then on top of it makes the jump MUCH easier.

The next one is just for clarification: When mentioning left or right side something or other, if you could put port/starboard in parenthesis, it would make sure there is no confusion. Particularly in Junker 4 and Squid 2 and 4.

Expertly written, can't wait to see the videos.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Parkour Content
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2013, 08:05:43 pm »
Thanks :)

To be honest I was confusing myself with the left and right sides. I'll get that fixed up.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Parkour Content
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2013, 08:49:07 pm »
All right, that's been dealt with.

I had a feeling I'd have to change the balloon jump bit... I've been using the ropes ever since I found it back in beta, so I hardly ever take the balloon route.

Offline Arnox

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Re: Parkour Content
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2013, 06:10:28 am »
Good guide Sunderland ! Already oriented some players to it  ;)

Offline Kyren

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Re: Parkour Content
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2013, 06:22:10 am »
This is just perfect! I was worried what we'd do if we had long texts and explanations for it like on the other parts of the guide, but having them aligned like a list of tips will look great in the guide and keep the readers attention much longer :)

You might want to post them seperately in our forum guides section, I'll be updating the progress and the current Table of contents today evening (in CET timezone that is), some while after the EU Training.

My thanks for that excellent contribution, that'll really improve the guide! We'll see where we best add it (or if we keep it isolated in it's own section) once I've come up with the new table of contents!

Offline Gambrill

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Re: Parkour Content
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2013, 06:49:52 am »
on the galleon there is a platform behind the helm. if an engineer runs and jumps of that he can do a 900 no scope mallet repair on a gun... just sayin' :/

Offline Ataris

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Re: Parkour Content
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2013, 01:29:28 pm »
Mounting guns "from outside" seems for me more like a bug than a normal game feature (still think it should have been removed after was noticed)

I would add a tip for a mobula, when going down from the main deck to the lower deck, especally if routing to the hull/balloon, you can save some time if not using the ladder but jumping through the hole in the bracing frame instead - you can also rotate for 180 degrees while falling.

Summing up, a very good list, Sunderland!
« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 01:31:12 pm by Ataris »

Offline The Djinn

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Re: Parkour Content
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2013, 12:38:20 am »
I believe the Mobula gunner/captain trick has been patched: you might want to update the original post with this new information.

If it hasn't been patched, I've apparently lost my ability to do it.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Parkour Content
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2013, 01:15:16 am »
Nah, they patched it those jerks.  They need to put a spring pad there to give the cap the ability again.

edit - apparently there's still a way to do it from the side
« Last Edit: September 28, 2013, 01:32:25 am by Captain Smollett »

Offline Spud Nick

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Re: Parkour Content
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2013, 07:47:13 am »
Yeah if you jump on the railing by the fans you can still get to it. Repairing the hull on the squid from the helm has been fixed too.

Offline Gryphos

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Re: Parkour Content
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2013, 08:10:15 am »
Nah, they patched it those jerks.  They need to put a spring pad there to give the cap the ability again.

edit - apparently there's still a way to do it from the side

Yes, it is still possible from even underneath, though it requires exact positioning and timing. Doing it from the side is a lot easier but still unreliable. Either way, it's no longer a valid tactic for Mobula pilots to use, which makes me sad :(

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Parkour Content
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2013, 08:25:58 am »
It actually works pretty well if you use the railing. It just takes a little bit more time now.

I'll update the guide once I've gone through everything to see what was removed and what wasn't.