As I read about all these people that many of you have play with, I'm shocked that I don't see anything about one of the best pilots I have had the privilege, nay I dare say pleasure to crew for, Dragonmere. Dragonmere, or Dr. Agonmere as many of us come to know him as, is a blast to crew for. Be it repairing the hull or manning the guns on his favorite and soon to be most feared ship in the game, the -COx- Teamwork. Many a night Dr. Agonmere has flown me to victory through his sheer skills as a pilot. But for all those who believe he is a god among men I say to you no, he is not. Though he is a great pilot, 10/10 if there ever was one, his one true bane is... the rocks. If he sees it, he hits it. The true question is this... does it matter? No, it does not, he kills all those whom fly against him.
On a side note, Dr. Agonmere and I are also duck hunting partners in real life.
Here is a picture of us after a day of hunting. The duck on the right kinda looks like Squash.