I vote BdrLineAzn, and usher true followers of Bacon to do the same. Sunderland's reputation has been put into question, Shinkurex' actions and motivations have been shady at best. The shortest path to stability and order lies in electing someone who has reminded us of the tenets and holy texts we all follow by. We must trust a man who puts his faith in Bacon instead of men. I am humbled in front of BdrLineAzn's piousness, and will continue my support until this hideous incident is put past us.
DMaximus' faith is strong and admirable, and I will gladly stand side by side with DMaximus during the Eternal Sizzle against whalites, but as the Pan he would be diminished in value. Plasmarobo's dedication to the dissenter Shinkurex is dubious in my eyes, thus diverting my eyes towards other men to lead us. Surette has been largerly silent in a time that requires action. I am only a junior templar of the order, better following other men than leading them.
Vote BdrLineAzn as the Pan of Baconites and let us go back to peace and feuding with whalites, just the way we were meant to do!
((NOTE: The post was not made with the intent of hurting anybody's feelings, it was made for lols.))