I like the Idea
but how are you gonna do the whole thing over the Forum ? With dice rolling and everything.
And hows the Character creation gonna work ? Like , do you have a limited amount of "character points " or something ?
Character points and allocations will come later down the road, and will impact the core skill spread and attributes depending on how the balance of powers plays out to make the game entertaining without overpowering one specific set of skills over another.
Mental skills will likely make up the bulk of the skills section, as this is more about professional development and learned ability rather than natural talent.
I'm also proposing a system of "specializations" that can be added to a skill as a situational bonus.
Skill Firearms-3,
Specialization Rifles-1, this would have the effect of increasing a skills dice pool total in a specific area rather than making a person good at all Firearms based rolls.
The concept would have to allow that a Specialization, when customising the point spread of the game, would be cheaper to upgrade than a base skill.
I'm getting ahead of myself a bit here, I was hoping people would have more problems with the initial proposal but guess I'll push on.
ProfessionsProfession systems will be a template a player can add to their character sheet after the point spread has been laid out. The profession would be an optional addition that would allow the player to find a role for themselves in a character sheet format that allows a great amount of freedom.
Professions would come with added developement space that increases rolls in close association to that profession. For example...
Profession Doctor: +3 to
Emergency Care, +1
Dexterity, +1
Intelligence, +1
Poise (
these aren't hard numbers, just an example)
Profession Scrapper: +1
Firearms, +1
Survival, +1
Bushman, +1
Strength, +1
Constitution, +1
AwarenessTraitsThese would be a characters unique perks, something that can be taken at character creation or rarely upgraded during play. It further diversifies the characters with abilities and powers that others would not likely have.
An example of what a trait
could look like.
Gearhead: You have a knack for understanding machines, any machine, and when trying to puzzle out what is wrong with one or how it works you can take 1 automatic success rather than rolling.
Horse Whisperer: Over the years you've developed the special kind of bond with most animal life, wild or domestic. You can make an animal ken roll with wild animals to calm them or hostile domestic animals like guard dogs, or take an automatic success when dealing with friendly domestic animals.
Silver Tongue: When discovered lying you can make another roll to smooth talk your way out of trouble or danger, you also can make a second roll on failed social rolls or encounters that require diplomacy.