-A crow standing on the top of a building.
to symbolise the crows.
-A duck swimming around in a little river and when you get really close you can hear quacking.
to symbolise the ducks.
-Some dinosaur bones, with bones of 4 humans around it.
to symbolise the museosaurs.
-A tophat on the roof of a building.
to symbolise the gents.
-A dish of pasta on a salloon table.
to symbolise the pastafarians.
-A symbol of a lion on a wall.
to symbolise the dandy lions.
-A compas that has the words "east, south, west, northern"
to symbolise the northern airfleet.
-A mineshaft in the side of a mountain with a minecart filled with gems next with it.
to symbolise the dwarfs.
-Having one random NPC speaks russian.
to symbolise polaris.
-An army helmet on a NPC backpack.
to symbolise MOPP4 and all other soldiers taht are currently fighting.
someone else will come with something for the flying dutchmen i guess