The default control scheme for the helm is clumsy. It takes a moment to get used to, i like W & A for up and down, A & D for left and right, but i always found the R & F keys for throttle to be awkward. Aside from the fact that the E key is in between and can get you to fall off the helm (and fall off the ship). I think everyone fumbles a little bit with moving the ship with just their left hand using the default set up. When you are on the helm, the only thing you use your mouse for is looking around (or scrolling to use helm tools but the number keys are better for that). So because of this, many pilots have changed their controls, and i think the most common change is throttle on left and right mouse click. It makes sense, since throttle is not a key you hold, but change quickly. So i propose to make this the new default, if not, maybe a few people can use this post to change their controls for the better.