Author Topic: option for premade huds and aiming sights  (Read 6723 times)

Offline Coldcurse

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option for premade huds and aiming sights
« on: January 06, 2014, 10:23:53 am »
read this before everything else:
My plan is not to give the option to have fully custumisable huds that everybody can make with paint or photoshop due to cheating.
I want to try and give muse a little idea of how to make this boring grey aiming circle more fun by just adding a little color or a different shape for more player personalization.
all shapes have to be simple shapes that are simatrical, like triangles, cogs, squares or a circle based on dots.
this way there still is a bit more personalizarion while it wont be possible to upload your own special made hud that could be used for cheating.

now read the rest.
I thought it would be nice if you had the option to change the color or looks of your aiming circle.
also i thought of instead of having a circle that you could possibly choose for a triangle or a square or myabe a cog, or no aiming help at all like old times.

being able to change your aiming circle will give the players a possitive feeling as they could not only changeing their character looks but also their ingame aiming circle for more personalisation.
all those aiming circles can be easily made by the muse art team because they can use the boring grey circle as template, you just have to give it a different color.
for changeing the shape from a circle to triangle i would suggest useing one of the corners of the triangle as the indicator of the amount of bullets left in the gun.
as you would be shooting with the triangle shape, the triangle will turn 120 degrees when the gun runs out of bullets.

little thing to show you how i was thinking about this.

full clip:
original position.

empty clip:
turned 120 degrees to the right.

also the colors are tottally dependable what the muse team preffers and thinks are neutral and ok to use.
the way to put this in the game could be through the Icarus store in-game, or through the options.

if someone could make an actual drawing based on the standard boring circle of greyness, and give it a different color or shape that is neutral.
please send these pictures/drawings to muse or post them here.

This will notonly help to get more player personilasation, but also helps all the colorblind players that might be struggling with seeing the aiming circle.
maybe a fun thing for muse is to change keyvias's aiming circle into a pink heart on valentines day.

Offline GeoRmr

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Re: option for premade huds and aiming sights
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2014, 11:24:24 am »
Shooting at white squares on a white background with a white crosshair and white projectile tracers showing white hit-markers ~ the lumberjack

This doesn't just affect colour-blind players

Offline Dresdom

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Re: option for premade huds and aiming sights
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2014, 02:21:06 pm »
Yep, white is ok, but too much white can be confusing.