Hello, I'm Opal. I'm relatively new to this community, but an idea occurred to me which I have not yet seen posed on the forums, so I thought this might be a chance for me to break out and be useful in some small way, to this game and community I've quickly come to love.
From the match chatter to the forums, it seems many, many of us are eagerly anticipating the coming release of Adventure Mode! This will bring a new depth and context to this already interesting and unique game, something which I'm practically rolling on the gun-deck for. Unfortunately, Adventure Mode can only be seen way out on the horizon, a promising and intriguing speck oh-so-far-out. Skirmish Mode, as well, is already here and already excellent... So, while we all wait pulling our hair patiently for the expansion, I figured why not experiment and maybe bring some of the Adventure into the current game?
This is mostly just meant to be a brainstorm for how to do this, but I was thinking of running a number of events, (maybe weekly, or once every two weeks, depending on time, human resources, interest, and so forth) to bring some unique adventures, scenarios, and maybe a bit of optional roleplaying into Skirmish Mode.
I may not be the most qualified to try and organize such an event but I'd be willing to try! Of course, if anybody else would want to help or take over we could talk about that too. <3
Some ideas, likely to be mixed and matched:
- Faction Conflicts: Both teams have limited access to ships and weapons, to emulate fighting for the different factions. Of course, faction ships and/or weapons (if planned) are not in Skirmish, but it wouldn't be difficult to assign some through reason, just for the fun of it.
- Objective Matches: Objective types not currently in the game... Lot of discussing need-be-done on this one!
-Could include some type of escort missions (probably in 3v3) with limited ship/crew load outs to make things interesting.
-Maybe also something involving fighting over a particular resource, sorties requiring one time to visit key locations on a map while the other team competes to do the same or tries to stop them.
There's a lot of room for imagination on this one!
- Actual Roleplaying Events?: Judging by the stories and Burning Skies S(b)a(l)loon in the roleplay section, there are a fair number of creative souls with stories to tell about their avatars, characters, ships, and the world... So what about bringing some of that potential into the game with roleplaying matches? With or without actually being in character in-game (would be up to you guys!), running matches between your very own ships and characters, settling disputes and developing them through actual-matchery.
Well, unless you guys already do this!
Could also be run separate/as a branch off of the 'main events', depending on who would/wouldn't be interested.
Other ideas, of course, are invited! This is just me blurting out something that came to mind that I thought might be fun for some folks to kick around on, sometime.
I hope it wasn't presumptuous of me to post this up out of the blue, little newblood'at I beeeee. (And also that my ideas weren't too silllllly, though tell me if they were. <3)
What do you guys think?