Since match maker thinks I am equal to a brand new player... I have been having a lot of games with new players, which is ok I don't mind.. But I have noticed that a lot of them do not understand how CP or CK works, and it might help if in the lobby there was some text box that explained how the current map type works.. Maybe in place of where you have the "Levels or meaningless" text currently..
So like for CP it could say "Try to hold the point in the center of the map while you fend off enemies".. or like CK you could say "Move from point to point, trying to capture as many points as you can. Active point always go in alphabetical order." and.. well everyone knows what death match is.. Some think every match is death match.. Which is the problem..
I am unsure if this is in the tutorials, because.. I haven't touched those in well over a year... but if it is, they aren't doing a good job. An having this text may not completely solve the problem.. but.. It can't hurt.. At lest people might be more aware of the match type and how it works..