This is all me personally, not me as a CA.
The problem with inhousing is for one the reasoning behind it: "I can't trust regular pub players" and secondly(and more importantly): new players with no connections to the players that are inhousing cannot get in.
There are no passwords to most MM matches. Anyone can join. I like to play with my clanmates most of the time. Why? Because we have a system. We know each other.
Frago knows the hull and engineering better than I do. I can focus on positioning entirely, and which rocks I want to hug out of the vast array! DMax has got my guns, and I know he'll be shouting at me if he can't hit. I play with my clan because they are awesome and they are my friends. I play against other clans because they are awesome and they are my friends. I play against/with/around newbies because I want new friends. Sometimes I don't have patience and I want to play with people who already know. Sometimes I don't mind teaching new players. I'm inconsistent. I'm human.
I don't mind having newbies for pugs when they listen. Some of the best people I played with were newbies. I never would have met them if there was a gate. I'm not going to start being "well, better stop playing with my clan" just because someone implements a gate. Gates are silly. In my opinion this would have nothing but a negative effect on the game. The system works fine, and there are ways to combat actual trolling and destructive behavior. I suggest you adapt your approach to this game accordingly. For me it helps to think of everyone who you find mildly irksome as someone who secretly deeply desires your help and approval. It's narcissistic and it doesn't work for everyone, but it makes me in my little world better able to deal with other humans, especially on the internet where you have to relax pretty much every definition and rule there is, at least for a bit.
The proper solution to your problem is to manually sift players into your friends list. Yes it's a lot of work and require much patience. Yes, it takes a long time. But it is the proper way to do it, and anything worth doing is
worth doing well. Gating is not a solution. It's point blank telling people they are second class because of their inexperience.
I don't think this thread is really being constructive anymore. We can continue making the same arguments for and against until infinity and nothing will move.