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Messages - Pickle

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Behemoths of WWI
« on: February 24, 2013, 06:23:08 am »
So back a long time before Gabriel and the Icarus came into existance, there were massive airships, that dwarfed what is in GoI now. This may go along with my other idea of warship 1v1, but You don't need to pay attention to it. Just consider it, and think about it. Back to the past mode, or something similar. I know that you aren't the best on money, but if you put it on kickstarter, i'll back it, and others will to. After all, how couldn't they, after such a game like this one?

OK... the reason the WW1 airships are larger than those in GOI is because the developers have taken artistic liberties with the physics of LTA flight.  If you compare the gondola size to the size of the balloon you'd see that with real-world physics the GOI airships would be larger than the largest WW1 airship - the Galleon in particular.

WW1 airships carried a few tonnes of bombs for raiding cities, but were generally lightly armed for self-defence with machine guns.  Everything on an airship is about weight reduction.

GOI takes huge liberties to maintain the aesthetic, but there's a method to it that keeps the action fast and, for the most part, tha battles mobile and moving across the map.  Not slugfests at long range.

Gameplay / Re: State of the Community
« on: February 24, 2013, 06:08:55 am »
Mics are no good when the crew doesn't listen.  And not listening isn't always due to a language barrier.

Gameplay / Re: Balance Concerns & Questions 1.1.4
« on: February 24, 2013, 06:02:37 am »
I raised build times because with about 15 hours on Engineer I've never noticed a difference between Light and Medium weapons when it comes to rebuilding a broken gun (I think there is a slight repair difference).

Gameplay / Re: State of the Community
« on: February 23, 2013, 07:42:08 pm »
It's more than just language, there's a cultural barrier as well.

Quote of the day from a thinkly accented crew member, "We Russian.  Russian like violence.  Go battle"

All very well, but we were on a pure sniping Junker and would get slaughtered in CQB.

General Discussion / Re: Achievements - what's your game?
« on: February 23, 2013, 02:30:02 pm »
Buff 50 balloons is still there, fix XX items with Mallet is still there for Gunner (and Pilot, I think), and there may be one for a Gunner to extinguish fires (my memory is struggling to remember what may have changed since the update).  The spotting achievements are proving a real pain - in particular the >750m range one, because the spotting system is just not that good and a clear view of the opponent refuses to spot.  That's a common problem reported on crew chat.

I don't think the Engineer achievements have enough multiclassing - this may sound like an odd comment, but an Engineer is regarded as a secondary gunner about 40% of the time.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: New chat channel - global
« on: February 23, 2013, 12:10:10 pm »
Part of the problem is we're short a channel..

Match  <--- this is the missing one

With a Match channel we wouldn't get the pre-match green room discussions in Global, the "GG" comments wouldn't be in Global, everything should be a lot quieter and tidier.

Gameplay / Re: State of the Community
« on: February 23, 2013, 12:04:03 pm »
I'll copy across my replies from the original thread..

Good players tend to cluster around each other, and that's not just the technically good but the good to play with as well.

You play a game with X, you get on well, you look to join X when you see them playing, and you realise that X plays with Y and Z on a regular basis and they're pretty good too. So you add Y and Z to your friends list and you look to join them when you see them about. Soon there's an alphabet of players that get to know each other, and before you know it everyone else thinks it's a clique.

I think the twin topics of midgame joiners and quick match joiners have to be raised here. Established players cluster in part because they want to end the game with the same crew they started with - or if they lose a player they want a predictable AI replacament. Predictable in that they know the AI won't land them with a duplicate Pilot, or three Gunners, or three Buffing Engineers. They don't want to find themselves half way through the game and saddled with three crew members they didn't start with, they don't know, who refuse to communicate and only want to man a gun or run around polishing the brass.

Midgame joiners are a big problem at the moment, and I don't have a workable solution that doesn't introduce other problems by encouraging elitism.

General Discussion / Re: Achievements - what's your game?
« on: February 23, 2013, 11:59:44 am »
There isn't very much else to base the system on.
That's not entirely true. I fix/rebuild hundreds of things on a daily basis with no reward other than the fact that my ship may or may not be destroyed in the next few seconds. I know it would revert to a leveling system that's used to DEATH, but I'd prefer a system in which you level based on what you fix or shoot instead of having people whore achievements for a reward.
Playing the way you want to will get you to pretty much L3 in each role, above that you will have to go out of your way to demonstrate specific skills.  If you don't want to do it, you don't have to.  I's prefer a 3:3:3 crew member in any role to a 1:1:6 gunner (who I imagine as screaming for his gun to be fixed/extinguished whilst not helping the rest of the crew to fix the hull and balloon whilst the ship bounces across the ground - been there, got the tee shirt, he ain't coming back on my crew).

You don't have to achievement farm as such, but I think nothing of asking a captain or team mates if they wouldn't mind if I buffed, or if I could use a particular weapon/ammo in order to tick something off the list once in a while.  I'll happily let a crew member do this when I'm captaining, but it's courtesy they ask so the crew doesn't turn out to be entirely made up of engineers queuing to buff the balloon.

I've even found some unusual crew/ship/weapon combinations that work well through this route (who'd have thought replacing the second gunner with a buffing engineer could be so effective on a hwacha-flak Galleon?).

Gameplay / Re: Balance Concerns & Questions 1.1.4
« on: February 23, 2013, 09:41:36 am »
The hwacha is still vulnerable to counter-hwacha fire directed at taking it out, and the Mercury is a valuable counter-battery sniper and should be used to de-fang any Hwacha Goldfish before it can approach.  The spread if the hwacha could be further increased to reduce the chances of total devastation - as it is, a lot of the medium-range power comes from using heavy clip to reduce the spread and pack a focussed punch against the target, heavy clip is almost essential with the hwacha.

As it stands, light and medium weapons require the same effort to repair.  If light weapons required only 60-70% the effort to repair compared to medium weapons this might tip the balance back to a more neutral position.

Q&A / Re: The Tip Jar, a collection of community tips
« on: February 23, 2013, 09:28:44 am »
Never get onboard a 'ship -

- when the Captain isn't a Pilot

- if there's more than one Pilot

- if it looks like there isn't going to be an engineer and you don't plan on playing one

- as a buffing Engineer/Gunner/Pilot without checking with the Captain that that's ok

- when the 'ship has the default name

- when the match start countdown timer has already started

- without sanity checking the weapons loadout

- mid-game without checking the match roster to be sure that you're role will not unbalance the crew

General Discussion / Achievements - what's your game?
« on: February 23, 2013, 06:46:55 am »
What's your game as far as achievements is concerned?

Personally, I'm trying to maintain a balance in skills across all three disciplines and keep all levels within one or two points of each other.  I'm hoping this balanced approach will keep me mindful of the other two roles I'm not playing in a match and how we all work together as a crew.

I find myself very wary of prospective team mates on a pick-up game that have raced one role far ahead of the others, Gunners at 1:6:1, Engineers at 2:1:6 or Pilots at 6:3:1.  I can't quite trust they'll have the overall crew priorities at the front of their minds if they haven't played all the roles at least as far as L3 - by which point you have to have demonstrated all the core skills.

I said it on the old forum and I'll say it again, the advantage of achievement based levelling for assessing prospective crew mates is that it's like a UK driving license - if they've got one, you know they've learnt to reverse park properly at least once.

The Docks / Re: Cap'n in Need of a Crew
« on: February 23, 2013, 05:30:23 am »
If you see me about on the game, give me a shout and we'll see what we can do.

Q&A / Re: The Tip Jar, a collection of community tips
« on: February 23, 2013, 05:27:40 am »
Don't use Quick Join, ever.

Website and Forum Issues / Re: New forum!
« on: February 22, 2013, 02:39:55 pm »
Thank you..

Website and Forum Issues / Re: New forum!
« on: February 22, 2013, 01:19:58 pm »
Quick question, If I may.. what's the message edit policy?  If we want to create a thread as a Guide do we have a limited or unlimited perriod to edit our posts?

I ask, because if I want to create a damage animation thread (for example), do I need to go back to the game and fill in the blanks in the collection before I start, or can I make a start and go back and add in the missing pieces a week, two weeks or a month later?

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