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Messages - Pickle

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Gameplay / Re: Gameplay idea - British Bullsquids
« on: February 25, 2013, 04:26:27 am »
If it was an official game, it would need the bump and tag events to be captured and the reallocation of ships between the Runners and Taggers between runs (you run one way, then back the other).

I think a few honesty games are required first, just to see if it's fun enough to be worthwhile.

Gameplay / Re: Junker Fight Club
« on: February 25, 2013, 04:23:36 am »
Whirlwind/Artemis can chew up a Galleon if you can drop onto it's stern and take out the stern gun - at least that was working before the last update, I haven't tried it since.

Tar Barrel is something I haven't tried since it was improved, although I did get caught in one last week and it was effective in annoying me and shutting down my engines as I chased my target through Canyon.  Probably not as useful for the long-range support Junker.  Drogue Chute is rapidly becoming a fixture for my Junkers, Impact Bumpers because if things ever do get close the strength of the Junker hull is worth using against your opponent (hopefully weakened by my guns as they approached), and that leaves me just one other tool for improved maneovering.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Customization: EXPANDED
« on: February 25, 2013, 04:10:39 am »
I vaguely remember a Muse teamster saying that more customization was inbound, just not exactly when, or exactly what.  I want to say flags, but it could have been balloon designs.
I love the idea of tweaking engines oe balloons themselves for different speeds and drag.  I could imagine a squid with super quick engines with crap for HP and a helium filled balloon that catches fire super easy.
Or a very armored engine that turns slower but is less susceptible to fire or destruction, same with the balloon, less maneuvering for an increase in overall HP or damage resistance.
I'd also want to go all in and even tweak the hulls, but I wouldn't want to present a situation where I could min max the crap out of a specific build that becomes an instant win.

Helium doesn't burn.. ..

I think varying the specs of ships would create a balance headache.  Better that customisation of PvP ships is kept to cosmetic changes.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Larger Crew Size
« on: February 24, 2013, 06:02:13 pm »
Four is plenty.. it seems like too few whan you start, but once you get the hang of things you see that having four crew keeps it interesting and challenging.  If you had five or six there would be no urgency to teamwork, and DM battles would reach a stalemate with noone able to muster enough firepower to get through the repair capability.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Customization: EXPANDED
« on: February 24, 2013, 12:32:54 pm »
I'd love more customisation.. dammit, I'd *pay* to be able to register my ship names so that noone else can use them, and I'd pay to be able to change the appearance of the ship.  But I'd not pay a lot for it.

Gameplay / Re: Gameplay idea - British Bullsquids
« on: February 24, 2013, 12:30:37 pm »
Moonshine for the engines and for the Captains!

Gameplay / Gameplay idea - British Bullsquids
« on: February 24, 2013, 12:21:50 pm »
Much as I'd love this to be a JFC game, I think it's better suited to Squids.

British Bullsquids on Canyon.  Four or Six Squids race from one end of Canyon to the other, whilst two Bulldog Squids try to "bump" them (ram) or "tag" them (harpoon).  Anyone bumped or tagged joins the Bulldogs.  Last Squid running is the winner.

Flareguns and one harpoon (front mount) only.

It's theoretically possible to play the smaller version (six Squids total) without any changes to the game if spectators agree to referee, and players agree to trust the spectators.

It would be nice to have the option of other skins.

And it would be great to be able to change timezone, because I can't get my head around whichever one the forum is using by default.

Gameplay / Re: Junker Fight Club
« on: February 24, 2013, 12:12:02 pm »
I'll try that, the all sniper side.  But I'd like to have a couple of faster ships on the team that I can trust to play the holding role - either a couple of Goldfish or a Goldfish and a Squid.  If you've got two Merc on one side, what are you putting on the other side for close range effectiveness? - I'll guess a Whirlwind on the upper mount (got to work with the Engineer's Charged round ammo), but a carronade or Banshee on the lower? - I'm really liking the new fire damage from the Banshee.

I've tended to use Lesmok by default for long-range, but I think that's probably a habit I got into when absolutely every ship had a flamethrower - but I'm not trying to hit the enemy ship, I don't count hits in this role unless it takes out a weapon or engine.  I'll give Charged a try next time.   I'm not averse to hopping off the helm and having a pop with the upper-rear Mercury on a Junker.

Q&A / Re: Questions about Piloting
« on: February 24, 2013, 12:03:42 pm »
Click on it in the tool bar (or use the corresponsing 2, 3 or 4 key) and press W to go up.  Remember to turn it off again (press 1).

Gameplay / Re: Junker Fight Club
« on: February 24, 2013, 11:27:28 am »
I initially saw the Junker only in the medium tank role..

F - Mercury for sniping in the long-range phase

LL - Whirlwind for armour destruction
LR - Whirlwind, or Carronade for baloon destruction

UL - Artemis for component/hull destruction
UR - Artemis

But I've been watching other people's set-ups and crewing a lot on the KGS Mars and KGS Mars II, and Captain Phoenix has opened my eyes to the long-range support platform role..

F - Artemis or Banshee or Carronade (it doesn't really matter, it's rarely going to be used)

LL - Light flak or Artemis
LR - Light flak or Artemis

UL - Mercury for long-range sniping
UR - Mercury

With Mercuries you can sit at long range, sniping with Lesmok and picking off enemy guns and engines.  The Mercury is perfectly suited to the Engineer's gunnery position because you only need Lesmok for this role.  The Gunner can use the lower Flak or Artemis effectively by switching between long-range and closer range ammunition types.  I've considered going all-Mercury on one side, but that's a very weak build if any enemy ship manages to close on that side before you can rotate.

Park yourself a couple of map squares away with a good view of all approaches and wait for the enemy to come to you.  Have your more nimble team mates patrolling in front and they can maintain arms length between the support Junker and the enemy, and you can provide sniper support taking out enemy the Hwachas and Heavy Flaks.

Q&A / Re: Questions about the GUNNER
« on: February 24, 2013, 11:03:48 am »
Not forgetting the special circumstances ammunition..

Lesmok - very useful for increasing the range of the flamethrower

Incendiary - because ot reduces the projectile velocity it reduces the arming range for the Lumberjack and the Heavy Flak, the arming time remains comstant, but the distance travelled by the prokectile in that time is reduced.  There's an equivilant range reduction for any wespon using this.

Knowing when to switch ammunition is a trick to learn.  You can switch during a regular reload without penalty, but switching with a loaded or part-loaded clip will force a reload.  Most weapons will benefit from two ammunition types, one for use at longer range and one for use at closer range.  For example, with the gatling it's common to load with Heavy at long range and switch to Burst as the enemy closes (some Gunners will prefer Greased, Charged or Incendiary - I prefer Burst).

Long range ammunition choices tend to be Heavy Clip, Lesmok or Lochnagar.

Close range ammunition choices tend to be Burst, Charged, Incendiary or Greased.

Heatsink is a special purpose ammuntion when facing an enemy with a flamethrower that you suspect may get close enough to use it.

Choosing one long range, one close range and heatsink is a reasonable default ammunition load for a Gunner.  But check the ship you're on to adapt your load to suit the ship, it's weapons and your opponents.

Gameplay / Re: Junker Fight Club
« on: February 24, 2013, 10:02:34 am »
Having established the rules.. this is the thread for discussion about the Junker.  Love it or hate it, got a great idea how to use it, or just got a question..

Who knows, maybe we can even run an unofficial Junker Fight Club ladder.. ..

Gameplay / Junker Fight Club
« on: February 24, 2013, 10:01:16 am »
Welcome to Junker Fight Club.

The first rule of Junker Fight Club is: you do not talk about Junker Fight Club.

The second rule of Junker Fight Club is: you DO NOT talk about Junker Fight Club!

Third rule of Junker Fight Club: someone yells "Surrender!", plays dead, taps out, the fight is over.

Fourth rule: only six Junkers to a fight.

Fifth rule: one fight at a time, captains.

Sixth rule: No shirts, no shoes.

Seventh rule: fights will go on as long as they have to.

And the eighth and final rule: if this is your first time at Junker Fight Club, you have to fight.

General Discussion / Re: Achievements - what's your game?
« on: February 24, 2013, 08:07:32 am »
Playing the way you want to will get you to pretty much L3 in each role, above that you will have to go out of your way to demonstrate specific skills.  If you don't want to do it, you don't have to.  I's prefer a 3:3:3 crew member in any role to a 1:1:6 gunner (who I imagine as screaming for his gun to be fixed/extinguished whilst not helping the rest of the crew to fix the hull and balloon whilst the ship bounces across the ground - been there, got the tee shirt, he ain't coming back on my crew).

I think you're taking the wrong tack. The community this game has is, for the most part, very welcoming and willing to learn. If a player is good at one thing, but doesn't act as a team player, don't write him off as a bad egg--teach him to be better! Common sense isn't common sense if someone doesn't get it. This isn't DOTA 2 here. Let's not make things toxic just because you couldn't immediately get someone to do what you wanted.

Crews in this game aren't a democracy, but they're not a dictatorship, either. Nobody wants to play with a captain that demands you ask "How high?" When he barks "Jump!" Our job as game veterans is to educate other players, to be the "community managers" in each match, each ship. If they don't listen to your advice, then yes, you're justified. But to just say "You're an ass" and refuse to play with someone, BEFORE you've taken the time to try and make them a better player? That's obnoxious.

The problem crews are those that don't listen.  I take it you only ever play with an established crew never to have come across this problem.  When your gunner sits on the fprward gun on a Junker and you ask him to drop to the lower deck for a bradside pass - and he ignores you, and even starts to complain about how he can no longer shoot anything?

I'm patient, I'll even start "new player" games to give some newbies a grounding to make up for the poor tutorial support and have been doing so on-and-off for a couple of months.  But there's a limit to patience when the other player doesn't want to play as a crew/team.

I don't want even want a  kick option, everyone gets the benefit of the doubt - but I have very low expectations of players with unbalanced levels.  Captains need to gun to understand fire arcs, depression and elevation restrictions, Gunners need to understand engineering priorities, and Engineers need to know a little of everything and have a situational awareness to know what to do and when.

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