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Messages - Ruairi

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Gameplay / Re: Squid Love
« on: February 21, 2014, 12:00:44 pm »
but keeping things repaired is pretty easy.

When out of combat sure! But under fire?! That's an entirely different scenario... Considering that the slightest error on the squid pilots behalf and the armor can be stripped in seconds, engines can go down or be crippled in the blink of an eye... not to mention somewhat often fatal lag spikes resulting in nasty crashes... xD

Put simply I believe the squid becomes quite difficult to repair effectively when things don't exactly go to plan...

Gameplay / Re: Squid Love
« on: February 21, 2014, 11:30:41 am »
Parkour certainly works, but in the off chance you catch a Hwacha volley or a few burst Artemis to the engines... good luck! Cos you'll certainly need it... Especially when against experienced players!

Gameplay / Re: Squid Love
« on: February 21, 2014, 11:23:01 am »
In my personal opinion after flying both disable and kill squids, the most frustrating issue is the ability for engineers to effectively keep the engines in good condition. (Especially when you are attempting to use the bifecta) As a result of this the moment one engine becomes significantly damaged or disabled the ability for the squid to continue the engagement in considerably reduced, in addition to this its ability to effectively escape is also hampered...

If the squid was to receive any adjustment I would recommend either making the lower engines in particular more accessible for repairs or increasing the health of the engines as a simple but small alteration. (The later option may have repercussions with rebuild time however... xD) Or in a more extreme adjustment perhaps even a slight increase in acceleration or manoeuvrability...

P.s. Gun arcs shouldn't be tampered with as one of the strengths of the squid is the alternate bifecta.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Detach drums from music!
« on: February 17, 2014, 12:46:39 pm »
In my opinion, I find that the drums have a negative effect on gameplay as they are activated by proximity. This is a problem because it causes ambushes/feats of stealth to be less effective.

E.g. A sniper who has been successfully snuck up on, should not be rewarded with the knowledge of knowing an enemy ship is close by via the sounding of the drums.

Instead of drums activating on just proximity, I believe a second prerequisite should be included. This being the actual beginning of the engagement between the two ships involved. If however this second prerequisite cannot be implemented due to other complications, I would suggest that an option be included in perhaps the lobby creation to able/disable the battle drums.

*If in the unlikely scenario that finding enemy ships on some maps becomes somewhat time consuming perhaps new tools could be designed to have a proximity device implemented or other system...*

Gameplay / Re: Artemis
« on: January 11, 2014, 01:22:42 pm »
The funny thing about all this is that whether it be an Artemis Junker or Sniper Mobula, or Sniper spire albeit less common, etc. the power of the Artemis is brought to bear quite severely on whoever opposes these builds. Either through slow painful deaths or overwhelming firepower usually very unforgiving.

Now although these builds can be beaten, it will often require the use of similar builds or attempting to exploit the weaknesses of the guns. (As mentioned previously) The later option isn't always possible, especially when the Artemis totting builds are crewed by experienced users and piloted well with the use of good team coordination. The bottom line is it will be an uphill battle most of the time (or sniper fest if both teams employ similar strategies), especially when the map layout is somewhat unforgiving. (Almost sounds competitive :P )

As said before and re-highlighting what I've said previously something has to give. I'd prefer seeing a slight vertical angle adjustment over tampering with damage output. (A slight reduction to the area of effect of Artemis shots would also be nice so some ships which have more clustered components aren't so severely punished, but I'm not getting my hopes up....)

Gameplay / Re: Artemis
« on: December 23, 2013, 01:08:08 pm »
Um... I don't think the Junker has much lacking in terms over what range it chooses to engage with... (Unless it is ambushed/caught off guard) Besides by the time the Junker has run out of room to back pedal, I'm sure the gat/mortar side will of come swinging around or some other suitable counter which will more or less result in the other ships demise... xD ( P.s. I know you'll probably have some kind of exception to this, but I'd rather not nit pick)

However let's not get off topic, the Artemis certainly could use some light tuning. And I reckon the simplest form would be to reduce it's downward vertical arc, allowing certain weapons to effectively fire upwards... (Assuming the Junker or any ship using the Artemis in quantity is smart enough to operate where the Artemis is capable of hitting on its upward arc)

P.s.s. The other alternative as others have suggested would be the tuning of other weapons gun arcs, although this would require a much greater amount of effort and testing...

Gameplay / Re: Artemis
« on: December 23, 2013, 01:50:28 am »
Let's be honest here Sammy, no skilled Junker pilot who knows enough to get a trifecta Artemis set up and to try and stay as high as reasonably possible is going to be silly enough to just let you move in underneath them.... He/She is going to keep their Junker guns in line and on target, which means you're in for an uphill battle if you aren't counter sniping... xD

Gameplay / Re: Artemis
« on: December 22, 2013, 11:56:33 am »
From examining the other light weapon gun arcs and comparing them to the Artemis. As said by others before, I reckon by decreasing the vertical arcs of the Artemis it would balance the gun, as flying under/above trifecta Junkers (+ other builds which use similar tactics) would become viable, as the captains would have to monitor the ship altitude closely to effectively engage.

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