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Messages - Ruairi

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Gameplay / Re: Poor Squid
« on: October 23, 2014, 02:38:32 pm »
Basically put, name something the squid can do that another ship can't do better that will contribute positively to winning? :S

Bait enemies quickly to distract them and allow your ally to ambush kill them while providing support.

Sneak up on an enemies blind side - stay in the blind side - and lock them down.

Block points in CP by zerg rushing.

Baiting is a gamble and doesn't always necessarily work. (Besides isn't there an old rule, don't chase the squid? :P )
Blind sides somewhat negated by phoenix claw, and teamwork. (Formation flying kills squids)

Blocking points the squid can do very well... Shame its a minority game type. :/

Gameplay / Re: Poor Squid
« on: October 23, 2014, 01:09:34 pm »
The problem the squid faces is it's very easily countered and over powered. If it can't disable you by the time you get your gun arcs on it, then it's in trouble. The other problem is that it's skill requirement is very high for the entire crew not just the pilot. Even if you use hit and run tactics, the chances of your ally also making it out are fairly slim. Basically put, name something the squid can do that another ship can't do better that will contribute positively to winning? :S

Q&A / Re: Fire extinguisher vs. chem spray
« on: October 22, 2014, 04:14:29 pm »
In my opinion, it's wisest to gauge what guns the enemy is bringing. If they have flamers, banshees, or even hades especially in decent numbers then it will be wisest to take chemspray. However if the enemy doesn't have any fire based weapons extinguishers should be adequate. Another tip is to look at the enemy teams gunners to see what ammo they're bringing, mainly looking out for incendiary in this scenario.

Q&A / Re: Quintuple Mine Launchers?
« on: October 18, 2014, 06:51:20 am »
It depends on the ship you are flying to determine how exactly mines are best used. In terms of their applications it's up to your imagination once you understand the basic fundamentals of ammunition types... ;) Keeping in mind on some ships it's more unusual to see mines, unless they are being used to stop A.I. from mounting the wrong guns. As for the damage the mines cause, it will hurt both friendlies and enemies alike.

General Discussion / Re: Thoughts on Game Design [Discussion Thread]
« on: September 30, 2014, 05:39:21 am »
Having just watched the video, the 2:30 mark really does seem eerily familiar. :P Having said that, in terms of the "noob tube" I really believe this concept is circumstantial in GoI, border lining on non existent. You could classify the manticore goldfish or even the metamidion as the "noob tube" but the problem with this is that the more experienced players (if we are following the "FOOS" example) will be more skilled than the newer players in executing these "High power for low skill" strategies. Hence it becomes who can "noob tube" better at that instant in time.

It only gets worse that in GoI there are two options when the experienced players peak in these "FOOS" examples. a: leave the game, b: experiment with the higher skill requirement ships, that often punish you more heavily for slight mistakes or put you in some undesirable situations for a inconsistent reward.

Thus when combined with the aspect of counter play (If you do A, I'll do B, and if I do B you'll do C...) few ships are optimal/ somewhat viable in every situation that you come across and will require higher levels of effort and skill to attain positive results when stepping away from "FOOS". This becomes evident when also considering map implications along with ship pros/cons.

Higher skilled ships:
Spire, Pros: Firepower with good turning speed, vertical movement, versatile. Cons: Likely to crash into terrain due to height, vulnerable points, fragile, slow, repair ability.
Mobula, Pros: Firepower and horizontal spacing, vertical movement, versatile. Cons: Poor turning, fragile, slow, repair ability, balloon.
Galleon, Pros: Firepower, Tank, versatile, top speed, ramming potential. Cons: Size, poor turning, vulnerable balloon, acceleration.
Squid, Pros: Speed, turning, ability to deploy tar as a weapon, vertical movement, small size, potential ability to tank... Cons: Hard to maintain engines, low armor, poor firepower, can be ignored.

"FOOS" ships:
Pyramidion, Pros: Versatility, speed, easy to repair, ramming potential and combined firepower, smallish frame. Cons: I would say turning but um... phoenix claw hence *cricket churp* :P
Goldfish, Pros: Versatility, speed, ramming potential. Cons: Component spread, low armour, long tail (when it gets caught... >.<")

Other: (Higher skill than "FOOS" ships, but seen more regularly than other higher skilled ships)
Junker, Pros: Firepower, turning, lightweight tank, thin frame, versatile. Cons: Vulnerable balloon, slow, ability to escape

On the off chance however that the experienced players manage to successfully use one of these higher skill ships, the newer players will be slaughtered at an even higher rate... However the newer players will be unable to replicate these strategies they are having used against them with the same success rate due to the high skill requirement.

In terms of competitive we are yet to see the "FOOS" or "meta" change for some time... With only some of the competitive teams branching out into higher skill ships under the spotlight. (Not including Sunday skirmishes)

Hence I don't believe the atmosphere of GoI is conducive to retaining new players as the skill requirement is slanted heavily in favour of experience. There is no small fish eats bigger fish until the circumstantial skill plateau has been met...

In order to attempt to retain more players you really would need an in game extensive knowledge base. Something that is easily accessed and not hidden, something new players can see the moment they hit the main menu. We're probably talking in depth articles on tactics, gun combos, ships, map layouts. Etc. Just so some experience can be gained without necessarily playing. (Those who seek to learn shouldn't have to pay in blood)

The Gallery / Re: Sparklerfish's character and other drawings!
« on: August 15, 2014, 01:48:44 am »
Looks great Sparks, looking forward to seeing what you do next! :D

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Seperating Drums from Music.
« on: July 30, 2014, 01:18:10 pm »
The music does get repetitive that's for sure... And in regards to the drums in general, I'm completely against the current trigger. If anything they should only sound when shots are fired/spots occur as others have mentioned above. Not to mention it doesn't make any sense for there to be drums playing at all without an actual engagement occurring.

I understand the drums are supposed to insinuate a "beat to quarters" concept, however the current delivery could be improved...

As for the problems that could occur where teams circle the map looking for each other for long durations of time, perhaps there could be an option for pilots to trigger the drums playing from their own ship? (The reason for this could be perhaps a very slight buff of some type, that could provide the slightest of bonuses for a short duration of time, however is nullified upon combat commencing or something) *I understand this may be slightly off topic but it could create an interesting element...*

In the mean time however, it would be nice if the drums were separated from the music.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Display friendly ships option?
« on: July 21, 2014, 02:27:32 am »
I'm all for confusion... :P hehe... So going against the flow of things, if something like this were to be implemented I'd still have white boxes/writing for everything spotted. You should know the name of your ally ship and it is also a quick 2 second confirmation.  :/

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Cosmetics Wishlist
« on: July 16, 2014, 11:05:41 am »
A clockwork theme would be very cool... Cogs, gauges (like the war room pilot outfit), miscellaneous contraptions, and clocks lying around the ship. :P Maybe decorate some areas with wooden reinforcements/outlines, with brass/gold decorations or something... (Think Fable 2 master clockwork weapons but applied to a ship perhaps?)

A little late to the party, but the rubber banding you are interested in is still prevalent in "Raid on the Refinery." It occurred the moment combat between ships began and lasted sometime after combat had ceased. It was bad enough that one team surrendered and we boycotted that map... We didn't notice it on any of the other maps.

Note: Flamers were in use, approximately 1 per ship. This may of had something to do with the rubber banding or "slow mo..." 

Gameplay / Re: Fire Extinguisher - your opinion?
« on: May 25, 2014, 03:03:28 am »
Depends on what I'm flying and how, but generally speaking bringing an extinguisher aboard is considered a crime punishable by death... Considering the fact that extinguisher provides no immunity to fire, and is often only a quick relief if a high stack occurs that needs dousing...

Gameplay / Re: Squid Love
« on: May 10, 2014, 11:32:03 am »
That's true it does come down how well you can support your ally although who/what you are flying against also has an impact. Especially considering the new changes to tar and the flamer which is something the squid uses to high effect, but also a very good counter due to the high stacks and difficult engineering demands. Bottom line is, I wonder with these new changes how will this effect the squid in future competitive play? :/

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Cosmetics Wishlist
« on: May 03, 2014, 04:28:24 am »
Cursed theme:
Worn out flags with holes in them hanging loosely from the ship, dark armour with blackened brass linings, small candle lanterns, skulls on spikes aligning the sides of the ship, along with possibly some treasure.

Eldritch theme: The ship appears ghostly... almost as if the ship no longer be real but an apparition.

Figure heads:
Skeletons of various types e.g. one holding a chalice, or another with a thorn crown and arms crossed.
Siren: an alluring woman, with one hand over her heart and the other reaching outwards. Her face a menacing grin...
Banshee: A woman in a torn dress strapped to the bow, chains encircling her. Her face screaming in the wind...

Pirate flags/symbols e.g. Jolly Roger

Ye best start believing in ghost stories... ;)

Gameplay / Re: 1.3.6 Hotfix Flamethrower
« on: May 01, 2014, 08:48:21 am »
Haha I like the flamethrower... But some ships once they get hit, their structure makes it too hard to remove the high number of flame counters... Everything just burns...

But also Janeway, none of the ships we hit with that flamer survived... :P

Gameplay / Re: 1.3.6 Hotfix Flamethrower
« on: May 01, 2014, 08:28:04 am »
Still overpowered, too much disable power... xD

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