Worry not, I meant no harm to your egos. This is a criticism of the CA system in general. And before they all start piling in here and listing out their own accomplishments, I don't care about what any individual CA has or has not done. As a whole, many neglect their duty to teach and assist new players, choosing instead to stick with their own groups. This isn't something new.
If instead our overwhelming amount of CAs chose to go out and help players as intended, it would mitigate a lot of the 'issues' when dealing with lower leveled players.
But for those CAs who do think this post is directed at them, then it probably is. If they're feeling the need to justify their actions and trumpet their accomplishments, they're pretty insecure about doing their role. If you don't think it's directed at you, then keep on keeping on, we need more of you.
For badges instead, that doesn't solve the discrimination against new players, as they don't really have a lot of badges. And a lot of players who have the 45/45/45 have plenty of badges, because they want to be the top in every way. Any way that allows players to showcase their experience or skill allows for elitism and also for discrimination against newer players. Even if you got rid of the entire system, players would still find a way. Even if it's just "Everyone knows my name because I'm amazing." and "I've never heard of you before, you're probably awful."
I can vouch for this. Seen many CAs who only fly with their friends, before most recent patch some would fly pyras and rolfstomp random crew ships all day.
I don't see how removing levels would solve any problems. Population is still low, fresh players will still get matched with experienced players. Frustration will still happen.
It would make boasting and bragging more difficult, but then again, that was never a big issue. The so called elitists won't stop feeling 'elite' just because some stats suddenly got removed from the game.
The closest you get to elitism in this game are people who think they are in a different level of skill simply because they play 'competitive' (which is nothing more than a normal game except for the fact that every player knows their roles and basic screw ups don't happen).