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Topics - vyew

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General Discussion / Newbie Loadouts Suggestions
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:14:29 am »
Now that Muse has officially disabled flamethrowers in newbie matches, we can now stop speculating and try (again) and suggest improved loadouts.

No flamethrowers (duh)

No Hades
my reasoning for this is a) Muse seems really adverse to put Hades as a main gun (see Pyra B) and b) Hades use requires some ammo usage and most newbies just use default ammo

No Flares
Flares are just confusing for newbies, they don't visually appear to do any damage when you hit an enemy, they make green disco lights in clouds (remember that newbies tend to randomly shoot weapons when there are no enemies, so they might not link green disco lights with revealing enemies)

No Harpoon
Hard and confusing to use, confusing to play against (why is my ship not turning, I hit them in the balloon but there is no rope?)

A Loadouts are close range, B Loadouts are mid range or alternative close range, C Loadouts are long range
This is to clear up weird inconsistencies like Goldfish B being a lumberfish but Goldfish C being a hwachafish (I think)

Only Pyramidion, Goldfish and Junker

Pyramidion A needs to be as easy and simple to use as possible (automatically used if you don't click on anything in the lobby)

All ships need to be usable with no ammo and no pilot tools, or silly ammo choices (burst in Gatling, inciendary in Mercury)

Don't make a ship that is super dominant on Battle on the Dunes and Northern Fjords (only 2 maps usable in newbie matches)

I've also posted in the steam forums to see if we can get some genuine newbie opinions but in the mean time, let's get started!

(The reason I put this in GD instead of somewhere else is because last time in Dev App forums muse didn't take the feedback ;))

Pyramidion A:
Front Gatling+mortar, left side banshee+Carronade. Currently the Pyra A has Hades+Mercury on the left, which just ends up confusing newbie crews because newbie pilots tend to just use whichever side is closest to the enemy. With this loadout, both the front and left sides are effective in closer range and have obvious feedback (explosions, balloon getting popped) when it's working. It also teaches the difference between Carronades and other guns.

Pyra B:
Honestly I don't know what do here without using Hades. Perhaps front Carronade+Banshee, left Mercury+Artemis for a generic disabling ship with a sniper side (teaches about having different ranges on different guns). Maybe front Mercury+Flak, left Gatling+Mortar for a jury rigged mid range ship.

Pyra C:
Mercury+Artemis front, left Gatling+mortar.

Goldfish A:
Hwachafish, Gatling right, Banshee left. The Gatling should make sense because the first match was most likely played on Pyra A, so Gatling=broken armor and explosive=kill should be figured out.

Goldfish B:
Heavy Carronade front, banshee right and left. This is like the Carro+Banshee but a bigger version, if Pyra B ends up being Carronade+Banshee front this will make sense.

Goldfish C:
Lumberfish, Carronade right, Artemis left. It worked pretty well when I played in a newbie match recently, though granted I was the gunner. This should teach minimum range pretty well (lumberjack rounds explode when armed but make an unsatisfying thump sound if not armed). Newbie pilots also seem pretty good at running away really fast, so the value of staying at range can also be learned from this ship.

Junker A:
Artemis front, Gatling+Mortar sides but PLEASE PUT THE GATLINGS ON THE BOTTOM DECK AND THE MORTAR ON THE TOP DECK PLEASE. I cannot see any reason not to do this. Even if the whole crew is running around the ship without set positions and firing any gun they feel like using, there will always be more people on the upper deck than the lower deck. The chance of a satisfying assist or kill on an enemy ship that has had its armor stripped by a teammate is much better than the chance of shooting some gatling rounds at an enemy who will just repair it.

Junker B:
Left side Carronade+Banshee (Carronade on the lower deck), right side Gatling+mortar, front banshee. Currently Junker B has a double Carronade left side, which is secretly OP in newbie games for whoever managed to figure it out. 1 Carronade makes it less frustrating to play against.

Junker C:
Mercury+Artemis left side (Mercury on lower deck), right Gatling+mortar, front Artemis. Nothing special here.


Feel free to check the timings yourself, as I didn't do any of those fancy on-frame timer things :P For spam-clicking I use an autoclicking macro.

As far as I can tell, the problem stems from the left click holding hit speed being slightly slower than spam clicking, especially once the rebuild is 1/3 complete. Frogger (thanks Frogger) has informed me that overall, left click holding rebuild speeds are on average 10% slower than spam clicking speeds.

Feedback and Suggestions / 1.3.7 Novice Loadouts
« on: July 30, 2014, 07:37:33 am »
It looks like this is still an ongoing process...

Pyra A:
Front Gat/Flak
Side Hades/Mercury

Well if you wanna hold on to the Gat/Flak that much, *shrugs.* Even so, please change the side Hades/Mercury into either a close range combo (Gat/Mortar, Carronade/Banshee), or a long range combo (Mercury/Artemis). If the aim was to make the side of this ship a mid or long range armor-piercing support side, then use double Hades or double Mercury. Having both at the same time is quite redundant.

Pyra B:
Front Gat/Mortar
Side Carronade/Banshee

This is OK! Although why this loadout is now the Pyra B, not the Pyra A, and therefore breaking the previous convention of having the A loadouts be the closest ranged loadouts, I don't know.

Pyra C:
Front Mercury/Flak
Side Artemis/Flamethrower

Why this does not have Mercury/Artemis on the front, despite being the "long-ranged" (really this is more like medium range because of the light flak, and therefore overlaps with Pyra B) Pyra loadout, I am not sure. Hell, why has the Mercury/Artemis combo been banished entirely from the Junker loadouts as well? I guess sniping is now impossible in newbie matches, save for the Lumberfish in Goldfish B.

Goldfish A
Front Heavy Carronade
Right Side Gatling
Left Side Light Carronade

I see the redundant light carronade is still there on the left side, and the right side is still the Gatling, instead of the much better fitting explosive Banshee. As mentioned by Wundsalz multiple times before, this loadout lacks explosive damage on the side guns.

Goldfish B
Front Lumberjack
Right Side Mortar
Left Side Light Carronade


Goldfish C
Front Hwacha
Right Side Flamethrower
Left Side Gatling

OK, although I thought flamethrowers were discouraged from being used in newbie matches? I'd argue that having the flamethrower on the right side of a Goldfish (due to its ease of access by engineers) makes it a main weapon as opposed to a backup or support weapon.

Junker A
Front Artemis
Left Side Mercury/Flak, with the Mercury on the top deck
Right Side Gatling/Flak, with the Flak on the top deck

Please please please put the Explosive guns on the top deck and the armor Piercing guns on the bottom deck!!!!!! Also, both a Gat/Flak AND a Merc/Flak on the same ship, kill me now  >:( What happened to the Mercury/Artemis? Are sniping guns really that bad for novice matches?

Junker B
Front Artemis
Both sides Gat/Mortar, with the Gatlings on the TOP DECK


This is fine, though I would recommend the Gatling to be on the bottom deck instead of the Mortar. Could use a Flare on the front, but using Flares at all is up to you.

- On junkers, place the hull strippers on the lower deck and explosive weapons on the upper deck! Reasoning (as stated by many players in verious forum threads): There is more stuff to repair on the junkers upper deck than on the lower deck, which results in the upper deck crew to be distracted from shooting by repair-duties more often than the crew on the lower deck. hull strippers need to be operated continously - most explosive weapons don't. Hence whoever is on the lower deck has got more time to shoot and as hull strippers need to be shot more frequently they should be placed on the lower deck.


Also: The gatling gun is a hull stripper and should be placed on the lower deck.

Junker B:
Hull strippers (like gat, merc or hades) should be placed on the lower deck. Always. Do so please!


Junker C:
Hull strippers (like gat, merc or hades) should be placed on the lower deck. Always. Do so please!

Junker A:

Gat/mortar sides, with the gatlings on the top deck and the mortar on the lower deck.
Gatling at the front.

(Recommend mortars to be swapped to the top with gatlings on the bottom. Otherwise it's probably fine)


Junker C:

(Recommend explosive guns be on the top deck and the gatlings on the lower deck.)

Recommendations for having Piercing guns on the bottom deck and Explosive guns on the top deck have been made since June 21 and repeated throughout the next couple of weeks, with further repetition and emphasis in the 1.3.7 Dev App novice loadouts discussion thread. To any Muse staff reading this, please explain/justify why the novice loadouts continue to/should have Explosive guns on the lower deck.

Now back on topic:

Junker C
Front Gatling
Left Side Carronade/Flamer, with the Carronade on the top deck
Right Side Gatling/Banshee, with on the lower deck.


So I take it that:

No Hades as a main gun
No Hades/Flak as main gun combos
No Mercury/Artemis, or otherwise any kind of sniping combo
No utility guns

Are these restrictions final?

EDIT: Well, at least they work. Good work on pushing these out before the you know what time Muse!


Existing combinations:
Piercing/Shatter (Gatling, Mercury)
Piercing/Impact (Mine Launcher)

Shatter/Flechette (Lumberjack)

Flechette/Shatter (Carronades)
Flechette/Piercing (Harpoon)

Explosive/Explosive (Mortar, Banshee, Flaks)
Explosive/Shatter (Artemis, Hwacha)

Fire/Piercing (Hades)
Fire/Fire (Flamethrower, Flare)

Unused combinations:






Plenty of new room for new ideas, go! Or perhaps there can be more life squeezed out of the few that are already used. Here are my favorites:

Piercing/Piercing. Dedicated piercing gun, maybe like a semi-automatic rifle or revolver. Has actual penetration of ships (because it doesn't have Shatter, I don't think it would be OP like the Mercury with penetration apparently was). Maybe in both light and heavy versions

Flechette/Flechette. Gun that has 1 accurate shot (perhaps needing to be lobbed like a frag grenade) that instakills a balloon, but needs a long reload. Like Lochnagar Lumberjack, but as a light gun and doesn't require actual Lochnagar.

Impact/Impact. Shoots a very heavy projectile that knocks back ships, in addition to a small amount of disabling power (less than the current Mine Launcher). Heavy gun.

Fire/Explosive. Missile launcher that shoots 3 missiles at once. Direct fire damage allows decent damage on the balloon or 9 fire stacks (3 per missile) on components if aimed accurately (heavy clip removes the spread of the 3 missiles.) The explosive part seals the deal.

Shatter/Fire. A projectile weapon that needs very high accuracy to destroy any component in 1 shot, but near misses drop some fire stacks instead. Could be a projectile of molten metal, that "melts" components and splashes the molten metal everywhere.

Flechette/Fire. Focused sunlight laser beam!

I think it's quite unfortunate that a significant number of the unused combinations could easily result in "1 gun that does it all" and thus turn out to be overpowered.

Guides / Engineering Tricks and Hardcore Parkour (Video)
« on: May 14, 2014, 10:40:20 am »

(how do I embed :()

Have I missed any tricks that can consistently be executed even with at least 200ms of ping? Also, how do I fix this grainy-ness?  :(

Tricks I have intentionally not included:

Galleon: main engine jump to turning engines-Rubber band galore AND teleporting into thin air

Spire: top right gun to edge of railing to hull-Bungee cord stuck to feet

Tricks I have unintentionally not included:

Mobula: Something about going from the helm to a lower gun? Even so I'm not sure that's useful for engis.

I'll throw this into a Steam Guide as soon as I'm certain nothing has been missed.

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