« on: January 18, 2017, 09:14:13 am »
I've been witnessing a lot of captains/crew mates insist that Burst ammunition is in fact the ONLY ammunition type that ought to be used in the Manticore Heavy Hwatcha. While I typically agree, especially at medium/close combat, I have to say that I completely disagree with this assertion, and that it holds the Manticore back from its full potential.
If I am running Engineer and expect to man a Hwatcha, I will ALWAYS take Burst. However, when playing as a Gunner and can afford the ammo slot, I will typically run Burst/Heavy Clip. It's amazing how many middle-high level players have straight-up scoffed at this notion, insisting that if you're not shooting Burst, get off the gun, get off the ship, log off, uninstall.
Why is this the case? Heavy Clip shots maintain their grouping for a considerable distance when volleyed from a reasonably stable platform, which has been invaluable for standing ground against middle-long range vessels, approaching brawlers, and special circumstances. Yes, you don't get as many rounds, and you don't get the AoE boost, but a crack shot will be pulling Engineers and Gunners off their jobs, and will possibly spook the Captain for the Burst volley that'll come if they get any closer. Especially at range, this warning shot is basically "free money" considering the reload time of the weapon. Why there are Captains that prefer one volley over two, I will truly never understand.
Am I just on the wrong end of a Captain issuing a blanket recommendation? What's going on here?