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Topics - Echoez

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General Discussion / Heavy frame rate drop spikes.
« on: November 09, 2016, 07:25:04 pm »
First off congrats on the Alliance beta you guys, it's been a while since I've been back here trying GoI again!

Now to the point, I've been experiencing some ridiculously heavy frame rate drops, especially on the new maps and ships. Trying to get off and on the helm, weapons etc, trying to climb a ladder would litteraly make the game freeze for a moment and completely tank the frame rate (especially on a ship like the Corsair). Clouds etc would also cause some significant drop in frames.

I run on an i5-6500 and a GTX970 with 8GB of DDR4 RAM, so I'm quite baffled I get these drops, considering I'm able to run much more demanding stuff without issues on a constant 60FPS.

Gameplay / Heavy duty weaponry
« on: July 23, 2014, 03:00:40 am »
So, I don't even remember how long ago was the Hades introduced and to be quite honest, I haven't been playing much myself other than the Sky League lately, so please judge me not.

I remember the introduction of the hades as something pretty cool, the meta shifted, new and interesting loadouts popped out and overall, there was something fresh to play with. I also remember my disapointment that said weapon wasn't a heavy one.

How long has it been since a new Heavy gun was introduced? What was the last one? Lumberjack? That was before I even started playing if I remember correctly. I've been away for like what, over 6 months, I come back for SKy League, absolutely nothing has changed and I do remember asking Muse specificaly in one of their streams last summer when can we at least expect a new heavy gun, I got an answer of like 3-4 months. I've been gone for half a year and there's still nothing :P

So, I'm gonna ask again in a way, when can we finally expect a new heavy gun? What are your guys' thoughts on it and what would you expect to see?

Personaly I'm sad there's no flame artillery yet in the form of a mid range gasoline flamer or anti air auto-cannons, I want my Pom-Poms Muse, when am I getting them? :3

(PS: if a mod could move this to general discussion please cause I just noticed I put it in the wrong forum section.. work's internet is kinda slow, sorry!)

Gameplay / Goldfish 1.3.3
« on: October 31, 2013, 03:08:08 am »
I know it's still early but still, here it is.

I predict a massive increase in long range disables like Artemises and even light carronades (till the Gatling gets fixed at least), both weapons very amazing at disabling heavy guns and relatively easy to shoot. It's been a pain dealing with both as a Goldfish pilot in the past, but I've managed my fair share of games without having my gun taken out every 10 seconds.

So, with the abundance of burst damage, fire and disabling power present and the last powerful gun this ship had going for it nerfed beyond what it was like in 1.2 (or 1.3.1 for those that weren't here in 1.2) and this ship is fundamentaly flawed by design with only one gun pointing at one direction and harsh bifecta angles with limited gun selection for them, I personaly at least thought that it needed that main gun to be AT least good enough to be used by itself, now well, there just ain't such a gun for me.

Question is, what do you people think of this ship now?

By the way, this is a thought presentation thread, if you disagree with someone take it to PMs, don't post it here.

Feedback and Suggestions / Heavy Carronade appearance
« on: October 11, 2013, 12:45:18 pm »

This is more of a request than a suggestion, but quite honestly I couldn't help but look at the gun's slot picture and then take a look at the real gun and notice that they look nothing alike color-wise.

To the art team: Paint it silver in game too! This looks so cool, but the gun in game does it no justice in terms of looks.

Gameplay / The Spire.
« on: October 07, 2013, 08:29:38 pm »
So aside from all the carronade crazyness on this forum, I'd like to bring this ship to public attention since it hasn't been discussed after the new patch.

This is not necessarily a 'Spire is broken' thread, even if in my honest opinion I still think it is.

I'm just trying to understand what is the point of it, I mean, I freaking love the looks of it, probably the sole reason I even play the darn thing, but what else about it?

- It's got a massive balloon target
- The hull is also a massive target, big vertical profile means arc'ed guns will have a much easier time landing shots
- Armor is still below average
- I honestly don't feel that 100 extra permahull was a decent 'buff', all it means is that it takes one more Mortar shot to finish you (from the 16 they have, hurr)
- It's still horribly slow which disallows it to easily manuver out of danger's way
- Rams still pretty much one-shot it
- Can't brawl cause it's too weak, can't snipe cause it's so easily outsniped due to its fragile nature, also can't starfe
- 4 decks, components are very spread out

When I look at the Spire, all I see is a beautiful ship riddled with weaknesses and very few saving graces.

All in all, the Spire is an even bigger Goldfish, that trades everything good about the Goldfish (faster armor rebuild, massive permahull health pool, agility and speed, etc etc) except the front gun for a little boost to firepower on the front and slightly faster turn acceleration.

My question is, is it realy worth it outside of the fun factor of just running the ship because I like how it looks?

Feedback and Suggestions / Pom-Poms.
« on: September 29, 2013, 01:40:04 pm »
Well, quad pom poms if anything.

This is probably a silly suggestion, not sure if I should post it here or the Pit, so I'll leave that up to the mods, but this is probably one of the most iconic anti-air guns, it's just been bugging me there's nothing similar to them in GoIO :P

Gameplay / Echidna, Light Flak Discussion.
« on: August 15, 2013, 01:07:00 pm »
50% drops it to 8 ammo, which aren't enough to cause both armor and hull pressure at once, but is still enough to kill a Pyra within a clip if you land all rounds.

That's still a replacement for light flak, which is the very issue we want to fix.

I think that the light flak itself should be looked at, since there's clearly an issue there.

That's from the Lesmok 1.3.1 thread and it's also me freely creating an other weapon discussion thread.

So, how to fix? Does it need fixing?

What do we want the Light Flak to do that the Mortar won't be able to accomplish?

Gameplay / Typhon, Heavy Flak Discussion.
« on: August 13, 2013, 11:36:03 am »
Well, I just read through the 1.3.1 Lesmok thread and the Heavy Flak has been brought up a lot, so here is this thread to discuss it.

So, now that 1.3 Lesmok is gone, is the Heavy Flak so seriously hampened that it's not that usable, or is the actual gun broken and needs to be looked at over Lesmok after all?

And to add my input, I do think it is the gun. Opinions anyone?~



Fire away~

Gameplay / Some interesting math about the Mercury Field Gun.
« on: July 26, 2013, 11:28:10 am »
  Yes this is me again and this is an other thread about the Mercury. I did some research, not sure how many have done the same but I reached a single conclusion which was the exact different from the one I had before.

  Some people might remember how I wanted to take the piercing damage of the Mercury and give it to the Artemis, letting the Mercury only do shatter damage. Well, I have to admit, I was gravely wrong to think so, not only would that probably break both guns, but it would mess up a lot of things while solving very few.

 So here is the interesting part. The Mercury, at least for me, is considered broken cause of its ability to do some severe long range and mid range disabling, pierce armor with more than above average results at range and also chip away at your permanent hull at an impressive rate.

The Current Mercury will do:

172.5 Armor damage per shot and 45 Perma Hull damage per shot with the default ammo and no buffs.

It will also instantly disable any component you shoot at and with some positioning and right ammo choices, might even knock out multiple parts.

The funny thing is, that 30 out of that 45 points of damage on the hull come from the ridiculous ammount of shatter damage it deals (Merc Shatter damage * Hull modifier = 30 ), instant component disables are no fun either.

Its Piercing damage, despite high, does a pitiful 15 points of damage per shot on the perma hull, making it negligible.

Now if you take out the ridiculous Shatter and only leave the Piercing you get something like this:

112.5 Armor damage and 15 Perma Hull damage per shot. (Could be tweaked to be a bit more to compesate for the Shatter loss)

A specialized gun that softens up armor from a disance, can not kill on its own and allows more charging opportunities for ships like the Goldfish and more positioning places for a ship like the Spire. Cause now their guns can actually soak up the damage it does.

With that said, an Artemis with Lesmok is an amazing disabler that will be utilized more for the longer range disables, it gets 3 shots with that ammo type all of which have a wide explosion radius.

Don't ask why. My internet was down for 3 days and while I was trying to get it back up and running ,including walking long distances, waiting on the phone for 45 mins and getting screamed at by random post office ladies, the only thing I could think of was GoIO maths, so I did some more of them.

Still not sure everyone will agree with this, oh yeah, Zill and Smollett, you are both invited to post btw, I need my devil's advocates, what do you think of this? :P

(Also Sunderland will probably hate me for this..)

Feedback and Suggestions / Heavy Flamethrower idea of sorts, I guess.
« on: July 17, 2013, 03:42:46 pm »
So I know the subject of a heavy flamethrower has been brought up many times. Though has been massively ignored due to how fire used to work and how easy it was to extinguish, I've also been wondering how such a gun would work? would it just be a bigger flamer and what would be the difference?..

So I thought that if that was to be implemented it should be a liquid based flamethrower, that actually has some range, firing fiery projectiles in an arc towards enemy ships, that do fire damage and explode on contact, causing fire to spread around. It should have 2 barrels of course for the coolness factor.

Or maybe it could be a incediary grenade launcher? Not sure.

Gameplay / "Artemis - Mercury" Role swap.
« on: July 14, 2013, 10:48:57 am »
This is a suggestion I e-mailed to muse briefly before 1.3 launched, I haven't received a reply yet, though I am infortmed they looked at it, but I can see how the team is busy and can't personaly reply to everyone. Anyway, I decided I should share it here as well to see how the community reacts to it as well.

I am not gonna post the whole e-mail, just a brief summary. So let's start with the changes.

Change Log:


Mercury Field Gun: Penetration through the whole ship now included, Piercing damage is now 10 (from 75), Reload time increased to 7 seconds (from 6), Magazine size reduced to 1 (from 2)

Artemis Light Rocket Launcher: Explosive damage swapped out for Piercing, Now deals 35 piercing damage per shot, Shatter damage reduced to 85 (from 120), Range Increased to 1500 meters.

What we accomplish with the changes:
-Shortening the long range game
-The Mercury doesn't accomplish 2 roles at once anymore and can't be spammed across the maps for easy armor piercing.
-Penetration can work as it was intended
-Retain both a long range disabler and a long range armor piercer
-The shorter version of the long game should greatly help ships choose their engage distance
-By making the Mercury's piercing weak and not a Jack-of-all-trades, we'll finally see a variety of light weapons for used for long range instead of just 2 mercuries.

The Artemis has a stock of 4 rockets, these, as you noticed with my changes, now deal less overall damage than 2 Mercury shots, that's to compesate a bit for ammo types that give it extra shots, hence giving it more armour piercing power than the current Mercury, but, it doesn't do so at a ridiculous range. It still keeps some disabling power, but can't take out Heavy guns as reliably as the Mercury. Turning into a component bruiser and armor piercer.

The Mercury on the other hand loses all of its armour stripping capability, being the extremely long range gun that it is, I believe it restricts a lot of movement from the enemy team with few to absolutely no drawbacks for the defending team, but now it is a very powerful disabler, able to penetrate through whole ships and knock out multiple components. It's clip was reduced to 1 shot per reload as to prevent the weapon from being an absolute bane to Galleons and along with the longer reload, it only rewards an accurate gunner that goes for components.

Why these changes though? Well, the Artemis is underused, only ever utilized in Junker/Spire trifectas most of the time and can only disable and probably provide a little bit of a kick to your finishing power, yet is not that effective at either.

The Mercury is both a very efficient armour breaker (at a very long range might I add?) and component disabler, making people favor it over the artemis immidiently unless the gun slot doesn't allow it to overlap arcs with an other gun and is very detrimental to many more loadouts and playstyles that could occur if it wasn't for the Mercury's immense power at range.

Well, that's it, hit or miss, I shared my thoughts, you are free to agree or disagree or blast them to the ground and never look back, but whatever it might be, remember, have fun and fly safe :P

Gunnery for dummies  v1.3.2


  Welcome again dear reader, thank you for visiting this page, you are doing your fellow crewmen and captain a great favor by putting some effort in actually learning the game, your presense here validates that and I'm glad to have you around.

  This is the second time I write this guide on weaponry as the last one is out of date due to the latest update of Guns of Icarus Online, its purpose, same as before, is to teach the very basics of how to use your guns, ammo types and what the various symbols for damage types stand for, so let's begin with the damage types briefly.

  Each gun has two types of damage, first is the direct damage the projectile/bullet itself deals, the secondary type is an Area of Effect explosion that all guns have, some have very wide radiuses, others have almost no explosion radius.


Symbol explanation:

: This symbolizes Piercing damage, a damage type very effective against enemy ship armor. Armour is the repairable part of a ship's health, you need to take it down before attacking their 'real' health that can not be repaired. Guns with this kind of damage are very good at destroying armour.


: Flechette is represented by this symbol, this damage type is extremely effective against enemy balloons, making short work of them. If you take out an a ship's balloon, it will start making a rapid descent towards the ground and of course, impacting the ground will cause the ship to take damage.


: This stands for Explosive damage, which is very effective against the enemy ship's hull. The hull is ship's 'real' health as said before, if this goes down, the ship will explode in a majestic display of screws and scrap metal. Weapons with this kind of damage are very good finishers, but are usually not effective against enemy armour, so make sure you wait for the armour to go down before taking your shots, you will know the armour went down when you see a black cloud appear on the enemy ship and black metalic parts falling down.


: Shatter damage is very effective against a ship's components, like their engines and guns, this damage type gets an 100% bonus against these components, making guns with that damage type very effective disablers. Aim for the guns and engines to cause some havoc!


: This should be pretty obvious, it symbolizes Fire damage which is pretty effective against enemy balloons by itself, though the main use of guns with fire is to ignite the enemy ship's components, putting fire stacks on them that will cause extra damage over time, anything with fire stacks on it is cursed to go down unless extinguished. Guns will also be disabled if 8 or more stacks of fire are applied to them from flames. Use with caution.



  Just a short note about something that many people seem to misunderstand, if you want to use a certain ammo type you need to EQUIP it first, that means you have to reload your gun with the appropriate ammo type you want, you can see the ammo types you are carrying at the bottom of your screen when you are manning a gun and you can switch to them by either pressing 1, 2, 3 or 4 on your keyboard or switching through them with the mouse wheel, the ammo you are loading will be highlighted.

  You can switch ammo types during any time of a reload, only the ammo type you have selected when the reload ends will be loaded in, ALSO make sure you are ON the gun when the reload ends, else the gun will be reset to normal ammo.




Enter! Light weaponry.

  The guide will focus on the light guns of Guns of Icarus Online, I will be giving a brief explanation of how the gun handles and what ammo types to bring, as well as when is the appropriate time to use them.



The Whirlwind, Light Gatling Gun.

Primary Damage:

Secondary Damage:


The Whirlwind is a high fire rate, low damage gun, mimicing the old school machine-gun weaponry from your standard FPS game, it fires a stream of bullets in a wide cone, don't be allianated by its low damage stats though, it is a beast and can keep the pressure on the enemy's armour like nothing else from closer ranges. It is also a very good component disabler, so if you need a gun or engine down, just aim for it.

Also as side note, cause I see people do it, don't burst fire the gatling gun, it will not improve your accuracy.


Preferred ammo as an Engineer:

Heavy clip is still the most preferred round for this gun when used from medium ranges as it completely nullifies its wide spread, all your bullets will be hitting dead on your crosshairs. Of course this comes at the price of a reduced magazine size, so making your shots count is important. Switch to normal rounds for when you are close to the enemy, your spread won't matter much there so you might as well make usage of a larger magazine.


Preferred ammo as a Gunner:

As a Gunner, you will need Heavy clip for when you are closing distance, Greased rounds will make your DPS sky-rocket when you are close as it increases your fire rate and magazine size at the cost of some range and damage, but only use it when very close otherwise the Whirlwind's wide spread will make you miss most of your shots.



The Mercury Field Gun.

Primary Damage:

Secondary Damage:


The Mercury is a slow firing sniper cannon, its high damage makes it an ideal long range armour destroyer as well as a very good disabling weapon, as one shot from it will instantly destroy any single gun or engine. The gun fires a fast moving projectile that has a slight drop that you need to compesate for at longer ranges.


Preferred ammo as an Engineer:

If you know you will be firing only a Mercury as an engineer, it's always good to bring Charged rounds for the added damage, the clip reduction on it will not take away from your magazine so you only have to worry about the slightly reduced firing rate.


Preferred ammo as a Gunner: or

As a gunner, the Mercury will usually be a secondary weapon on most ships, so if you know you might need to fire one, bring Charged rounds in your loadout as well as other rounds you will use for other guns. You might also consider Lesmok rounds if you will be using the Mercury mainly for disabling enemy components as it makes the rounds fly faster and have reduced drop, making it easier to snipe enemy guns and engines (keep in mind you will only have one shot with Lesmok loaded though).



The Echidna, Light Flak Cannon.

Primary Damage:

Secondary Damage:


The Echidna is an all explosive gun, fires highly explosive rounds in a small cone with a slight drop, pretty accurate at range, careful though cause it has an arming time of 300 meters, meaning that it will not apply its secondary AoE damage if the enemy is any closer than that.

Being an explosive focused gun, this is a very good finisher, so save your shots for after the enemy's armour goes down, else you will end up just scratching them a bit.


Preferred ammo as an Engineer:

As an Engineer, you will want to get Greased rounds for when the enemies get close as the reduction in projectile speed they provide actually lower your aming time, so you will be able to net full damage shots a bit closer than usual and it also grants you some extra shots, use normal ammo for longer ranges so the projectiles aren't as slow.


Preferred ammo as a Gunner:

As a Gunner, if you will be firing the Echidna, make sure you bring Burst Rounds for medium range volleys as well as Greased Rounds for the close range volleys, Burst will give you  extra shots, enabling you to kill larger ships within one clip, Greased will help you when they get too close for the arming time by cutting it a bit shorter.




The Scylla, Double-Barreled Mortar.

Secondary Damage:


The Scylla, just like the Echidna, is an all explosive weapon, it deals a bit less damage per round but has a much larger clip and no random spread, its projectiles have a massive downward arc though, restricting it to mostly close range engagements, but this weapon will drop any ship that gets hit by a whole clip directly to their naked hull. Due to its larger magazine size, it can start firing slightly before the armour goes down to assist in breaking it and then continue to destroy the hull.


Preferred ammo as an Engineer: or

You should either bring Greased rounds for the close range engagements or Lesmok rounds if you want to be hitting targets that are further away and generaly be more accurate, beware of the smaller magazine though.

Preferred ammo as a Gunner:

As a Gunner you will want to bring both Lesmok and Greased so you can easily adjust your engagement range and DPS. Third ammo choice is up to debate with your captain.




The Barking Dog, Light Carronade.

Primary Damage:

Secondary Damage:


The Barking Dog, is the light shotgun of this game, it deals a large ammount of both Flechette and Shatter damage, making it an effective balloon popper and component disabler, keep in mind that this gun has a very restricted range and gun arc, you should immidiently notice how this gun can't turn downwards much. Blast away at close range and pop those balloons!


Preferred ammo as an Engineer:

If you will be firing a Barking Dog as an engineer, it's usually being used as a secondary gun, so bringing Heavy Clip to snipe an eneny's balloon and then get back to repairs is a very good choice. If the carronade on your ship is being used as an offensive weapon and as an engineer you are instructed to fire it bring Heavy Clip as well, it's the most effective by itself.


Preferred ammo as a Gunner:

As a Gunner, bring Heavy clip for the longer distance shots, it will completely nullify the Barking Dog's wide cone and focus all your pellets into a ray of destruction, use it for pin point accurate shots, very efficient at taking out enemy engines and guns, when you get close in, switch to Greased rounds for maximun DPS.




The Banshee, Light Rocket Carousel.

Primary Damage:

Secondary Damage:


Don't be fooled by the low explosive damage stats on this gun, the Banshee is feared for its high ignition chances per shot. Yes, every rocket from this gun has a very high change of putting fire stacks on enemy ship components, they also have a very wide explosion radius, so every round will probably be hitting more than one components, spreading fires from range! The will rockets fly in a small cone with a slight drop, it doesn't have much random spread but is still not that accurate.

Now with the 1.3.2 update, the explosive damage of this gun is actually something to worry about as it can chip away at the enemy's hull very efficiently, alas, not as effectively as a Mortar or a Flak.


Preferred ammo as an Engineer:

The rockets are relatively fast, so using this over any range is fine, usually you will be firing it from mid to close range, so you shouldn't have problems with landing strikes, using Greased rounds will increase your magazine size and fire rate, helping you to rapidly spread fires across the enemy ship.


Preferred ammo as a Gunner:

This gun is mostly used as a secondary, so bringing specific ammo just for that as a Gunner shouldn't be a thing, but if you absolutely need to fire it, just bring Greased rounds as well. If your captain has a certain strategy in his head, you should be asking him about what ammo types he wants you to bring.




The Artemis, Light Rocket Launcher.

Primary Damage:

Secondary Damage:


The Artemis is a long range rocket launcher, its primary use is disabling enemy ship components because of its wide explosion radius of shatter damage and helping with the final killing blow on the enemy ship with its exlosive damage. The rockets don't have any spread and have a slight drop you want to account for. Make sure you aim for enemy ship components with this one as much as you can.


Preferred ammo as an Engineer: or

You want to either bring Lesmok rounds for the faster projectile and accuracy, or Burst rounds if you are looking to disable mulitple components, although, the wider explosion radius and extra shot Burst rounds provide is usually more beneficial than using Lesmok, seeing as how that will actually reduce your magazine size by 1, the wider explosion also means you don't need to be as accurate as you still have chances of the exlosion actually damaging the nearby component, BUT Lesmok will make this gun much longer ranged, enabling you to land shots that you wouldn't be able to land with Burst.


Preferred ammo as a Gunner: or

Same reasons as above. This is mostly a secondary weapon as well, if you realy need to shoot it, just bring either Burst or Lesmok.

***This guide is outdated as of version 1.3. A new version will be posted.***

  I decided I should jump in and provide something of my own, something as simple as weapon mechanics and ammo selection since this is probably the first guide I have ever written.

  Do keep in mind, dear reader, that I myself ain't a proffessional, but what am I trying to do here is give you a general idea of how to use your guns and what ammo to bring or use for various circumstances.
  So let's begin!


We will begin with light weapons, a weapon type found on all ships.

The Whirlwind, Light Gatling.

  The Whirlwind is a very simple weapon, people that are familiar with FPS games will probably have very little problem aiming and shooting it. It basically works like your standard machine gun, firing a stream of bullets in cone towards your crosshair. It deals Piercing damage, meaning it is very effective against enemy ship Armor, so aim for the hull with it. It also deals Shatter damage, very effective against ship components like engines, weapons, etc..

  Note that burst firing this gun won't increase your accuracy, so keep the trigger down. Your ship's momentum and turning will affect where your bullets end up landing, so you will want to compensate for that if your pilot is turning while you are firing.

Preferred ammo types:
Heavy clip is what you will want on this gun most of the time, it makes its cone of fire very tight and effectively increases its DPS over range.
Greased rounds will make this into a close range DPS machine, even greater than it already is, only use it if you are a gunner though and can afford to bring a second ammo type and only when you are close to the enemy ship.

The Mercury Field Gun.

  Again, just like the Whirlwind, the Mercury is a simple weapon on how it works and many FPS players will already be familiar with how it works. It's just like your average sniper rifle with bullet drop. It fires a large round that deals a heavy amount of both Piercing and Shatter damage and it can snipe out the enemy's ship components from a spectacular range if you can aim it well enough. It is also very effective at taking out enemy hull armor from range. Close range, it loses out DPS to the Whirlwind.

Preferred ammo types:
Charged rounds will add to this monster's burst damage by a lot, so use that most of the time, don't worry, the decreased clip size downside won't affect its magazine.
Lesmok rounds will give your projectile more speed and lift, so you have to compensate for less at range, take this if you don't feel confident with your aiming.

The Barking Dog, Light Carronade.

  The Barking Dog and carronades in general are the shotguns of Guns of Icarus, they fire sharp shards in a large cone in front of them in close range. It deals a large amount of Flechette damage, very effective against balloons and if kept onto an enemy, will also take out their hull armor if they do not manage to escape your crosshairs eventually. Always keep firing on the balloon unless you really need to disable their guns, since the Barking dog also deals a fair amount of Shatter damage! Aim for the enemy's gun and take it out in one or two shots, also works on engines.

Taking out an enemy's balloon, will, very naturally, lead the enemy ship to submit to gravity and slowly fall towards the ground. Hitting the ground will cause ships to take damage continuously, take advantage of that.

Preffered ammo types:
Heavy clip will reduce the massive cone of spread of the Barking dog, making focusing fire on a component even from its max range very easy.
Greased rounds can turn this into a DPS machine from close range with the increased attack speed, the enemy is bound not to keep up with the continuous stream of damage as easily.

The Echidna, Light Flak cannon.

  The Echidna is a medium to short range explosive weapon, it delivers small explosive rounds that go mostly in a straight line with a slight drop and can bring the pain on the enemy ship's main hull, causing massive irrepearable damage. Make sure the enemy's armor is down before firing this gun as it is very ineffective against hull armor, so keep an eye on the damage report at the top left of your screen. The weapon has a very random firing pattern with a large spread, so be mindful of that. 4 shots of this weapon will bring most light ships down, heavier ships might require 5 or more.

Pair this with a Whirlwind or a Mercury to take down armor and it will be an excellent finisher.

Preferred ammo types:
Heavy clip will really help you with this gun's weird spread, making it greatly more accurate, but keep in mind, this time the downside of these rounds apply, so you are doing this at the cost of some of your projectile's speed and lift, so make sure you compensate for that and lead your targets a bit more.
Burst rounds are very good if you want to spread some of this gun's damage around the ship as they make its explosions bigger, at the cost of a slightly lower firing rate. Only take this as a secondary type of ammo as a gunner.

The Scylla, Double barreled mortar.

  The Scylla is weapon that delivers explosive damage just like the Echidna, with the difference that it bears a much larger magazine size. Where the Echidna would need to reload, giving your enemy enough time to repair their armor, this baby can keep firing for a longer period, possibly bringing the enemy ship down before their armor can go up. Though, aiming the mortar can be very difficult for inexperienced gunners as its projectiles have a massive downward arc, you will have to lead and aim above your enemy in order to score hits with it from longer ranges, but if you are close in, it becomes a bit easier. The rounds are fired in a tight pattern with no random spread. Keep in mind that with their arc, mortar projectiles are far easier to hit with if you are lower than your enemy. Due to its larger clip, the Scylla can be used as a harassment weapon as well.

Preferred ammo types:
Lesmok rounds will make the projectiles faster and reduce their downward arc by a bit, making it the ideal choice if you are looking to hit anything from longer ranges.
Burst rounds are very good if you intend to harass the enemy ship with your Scylla, spreading its damage around the ship's various components.
Greased rounds are very good if you are up in their face, helping you unload your clip much faster causing severe mayhem. Keep in mind that they will make your projectiles slower, so only use it as a secondary ammo type as a gunner.

The Artemis, Light rocket launcher.

  The Artemis is a disabling weapon for the most part, dealing direct explosive damage, but an AoE explosion of shatter damage, it can be very effective at taking out enemy components from afar. It fires fast rockets that travel straight in a slight downward arc with no random spread. It also has a very wide turning radius so take advantage of that. Despite its disabling nature, it still deals a fair amount of explosive damage, making it a very effective supportive finisher from range.

Preferred ammo types:
Lesmok rounds can work well with this, making it easier to aim since it makes the projectile travel faster and reduces its arc by a bit.
Burst rounds can be very effective on the Artemis, since they increase its shatter damage explosion radius, enabling it to damage multiple components at once!

The Banshee, Light rocket carousel.

  The sound the Banshee's rockets make should make the enemy fear, as its small, fast-travelling rockets can quickly light multiple ship components on fire.
  The rockets themselves only deal a very small amount of explosive damage, keeping it from being a primary damage dealer, this weapon's true use is the fire ignition chances that its rockets have on hit, so don't be afraid to aim for the balloon with these because of their explosive damage, you still get to light things on fire. Spread fires on an enemy ship with this and you'll have their engineers running around with their extinguishers trying to put them out or running the risk of losing components to fire.

Preferred ammo types:
Lesmok rounds, as explained before, will help your aiming by making the rockets faster and reducing their drop. Use them if you don't feel confident.
Incendiary rounds will add to your ignition chances, enabling you to put multiple stacks of fire on a single component much faster, make sure you compensate for the reduced projectiles speed though and they will also reduce from you magazine's total ammo.
Burst rounds will make your explosions wider, giving you more chances to light multiple components on fire and increasing your magazine size at the cost of some firing rate.

The Beacon Flare gun.

  The Beacon fires flares straight forward with a very slight arc and random spread comparable to that of the light flak. The flares themselves only deal a miniscule amount of fire damage, but if fired in a cloud/sandstorm, they will light them up with a bright green light, revealing any ships inside. There is also an other trick, if you manage to hit an enemy component directly with a flare, it will instantly put 15 stacks of fire on it, causing some severe damage of over time if not tended to quickly. Also note that the projectile is fairly slow and will still go through the enemy ship even if it hits.

Preferred ammo types:
Heatsink clip will give you one more flare in your magazine while decreasing the projectile's speed by a bit. Only bring this specifically for the flare gun if you know you won't be firing anything else, so mostly just use normal ammo.

  That will wrap up the light weapons guide. I decided to not to include the Flamethrower or Harpoon as they aren't used much and if they are, the captains probably have a certain strategy in their head that they will be explaining so the person will know what to do. This guide only covers the general light weapons that a beginner might see and it's written in a simple enough way for them to understand what each thing pretty much does.

Thank you for reading, I will be adding Heavy weaponry next Sunday.

Cheers to all and fly safe sailors!

Feedback and Suggestions / Invite button.
« on: June 08, 2013, 09:24:30 pm »
I don't know if this has been suggested before, probably has, but it would realy be nice if we could have an 'Invite' button in the game just like the 'Join game' one but with this one invite people from our stalk-.. I mean friends' list to our game. It's not something absolutely necessary, but it would be nice to have none-the-less.


Feedback and Suggestions / Objective based game modes.
« on: May 21, 2013, 09:37:45 am »
Okay so far the game's only objective game mode is a King of the Hill one with some variations of it.

I'm not a long time player, but I'd like to give some feedback regarding my personal experience with them at least.

DM is fine I guess, pretty classic. KotH on the other hand felt a bit weird and clunky to me.

1) Why do we have to be under the balloon for the capture timer to start? that's a realy allianating feature compared to other games where being close was enough. Unless I'm crazy and didn't notice it and it's not like that after all.

2) Anyone else thinks it's realy hard to make a comeback on that game mode? At least on the static one, capturing the point is realy awkward and as long as an enemy is close, you are a sitting duck for them to destroy easily, let alone you can't get capture time on it as long as they are close.

3) Personaly, I believe it would be better to make the point a defence objective, so once captured the other team has to destroy it while the team that owns it needs to defend it. Makes capturing it a bit less akward and makes the mode more engaging than just sitting there and capping points.

4) Progressive Attack/Defence game mode anyone?

5) An other thing I had in mind was a 'Single Flag Capture' game mode of sorts, you have a rescourse balloon in the middle of the map, somewhere high. Both teams will have a 'Base' to which they will have to return that balloon to score a point

6) Onslaught-like game mode from UT2004? I could see that work in this game at least somehow.

All in all, I just don't find the objective based game modes appealing enough as is and constant DM is bound to get boring eventually even if blowing up ships is hell fun. Being new I don't realy know what's the development process here nor what the devs are capable off yet so don't jump on me please > ~<

I mean no offence to anyone, just posting some thoughs c:


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