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Messages - Nanako

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Newbie Questions re: balance
« on: May 16, 2013, 05:29:59 pm »
ok, well, more questions now ^^

given the apparent need of timing the flak strikes... how am i actually supposed to know whether or not the target ship has armor left? i don't see any healthbars.

Also, doesn't this armor mechanic pretty much make all single mount ships (and the galleon which has no pierce weaponry, really) pretty worthless? i can see now why the pyramidion is so popular. I don't see how any ship can compete in that system if it isn't able to point two guns at the enemy simultaneously.

Piercing weapons, like the Gatling, are exceptional at destroying armor
weapons "like the gatling" ? from looking through the weapon page on the wiki, it seems like there only ARE two piercing weapons in the game, the second one being a longrange sniper rifle which doesn't seem appropriate :| does that mean it's stupid to ever build a ship without gatling guns? i feel like this limits tactical variety

Muzzle speed is how fast the bullet is traveling once it leaves the gun. Faster speeds means that the bullet will fly farther and get there faster. Slower speeds means that it'll fly slower(and, if it is a weapon affected by gravity, the arc will be steeper) and it will get there slower.

How is this different from Projectile Speed ?

Gameplay / Re: Ammo won't stay!
« on: May 16, 2013, 03:30:25 pm »
this bug is why i don't enjoy playing on a galleon :( since the enemy tends to flank it so often, i usually end up having to dash back and forth between the four heavy guns below deck, as an enemy goes around the ship from one side to the other.

I want to load a special ammo into each gun (usually heavy, or charged) so that i have that ammo ready. Becuase it's completely NOT adequate to take control of a hwacha and then spend the next 8 seconds loading your new ammo in while the enemy drifts across your aim, and out of your firing arc.

letting us preload guns would give the gunner something extra to do, that's always a good thing!

General Discussion / Newbie Questions re: balance
« on: May 16, 2013, 03:12:46 pm »
Hi everyone.  ^_^
I've been playng this game a fair bit over the past week, mostly as a gunner. I'm noticing some things which are starting to confuse, and wondering if any members of the community can shed light on things.

The first thing i'm a bit confused about is health. from my experience, it seems like the damage:health ratio of combat is way out of whack, towards the defensive side.  some ships just will not die, even when crippled and apparently helpless. it seems like coordinating with another ship on your team is the only way to deal enough burst damage to actually kill many ships. 1vs1 fights always seem to turn into endless stalemates. i've seen situations where our pilot just followed behind an enemy as i repeatedly unloaded the echidna into it's rear, hitting ~90% of my shots, for over 10 minutes on end. and it wouldn't go down

When on the recieving end of fire, i'm noticing that it's extremely easy and fast to repair ship armor from nothing to full with just a single engineer. this is even true of big tanky ships like the galleon. The majority of deaths of ships i'm on seem to be from a lapse in the engineer's attention.

The other main thing i wanted to ask about is weapon balance. As far as i can tell, the armor-stripping and hull-damaging combo of gatling and flak gun is way overpowered. That and the hwacha. I'm basing this not only on experiences of using them, but on observations that everyone else is using them too. I often look at all the ship configs in a lobby before a game, and it's rare to see a ship that doesn't have at least 1 gatling, 1 flak, and a hwacha if it's got a heavy slot.

i've tried every other weapon in the game to some degree, but most of them didn't seem particularly useful. The artemis, banshee, and heavy flak all just seemed like inferior versions of the echidna, i couldn't find any worthwhile reason to use them. Flamethrower is too niche, and i don't get the point of destroying the balloon with carronades. I tried it, but the enemy doesn't explode in a glorious blaze upon crashing into the ground. they seem to just sort of shuffle along taking minor damage until someone whacks the balloon a bit.

i guess i don't really see the point in having so many weapons, when so few of them are really used. D:

Oh and lastly, with the gunner's special rounds, what is the effect of the property called "Muzzle Speed" ? I don't understand it.

There's a few things i thought it might have been, but each of those already has it's own property name:
Projectile speed
Firing rate
Rotation speed

could it be the reload time? i find it curious that property is absent. I don't quite understand the lesmok rounds because the muzzle speed is their main high value.

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