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Messages - Sasha H. Gorky

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If you didnt need pilot tools, and your pilot could just get off the helm to do other stuff, then you are playing against inexperienced opponents, I can't count the number of times having 3 pilot tools to chose from has saved my ships life.
Also there are times when you need a gunner, mostly when you are dealing with heavy guns.
Also, I doubt you could make 2 gunners 1 eng, 1 pilot viable without greatly reducing the ability to kill or disable to the point where one person could sort of keep up, and then matches would be almost never ending.

That's true, and every ship (except galleon) have only one heavy gun or even don't have any.
Nobody wants to make this game very unfriendly but new players are used to other games where they can do whatever they want. So they won't follow captain's orders.
I've played many many games where I even begged players to do what I want them to do (and what they should do because of their role).
I had situation once when I asked nicely lvl 1 engineer to get off the gun to start repairs, he said "F*ck you" and left the game.

This game is really team based nobody can disagree, but this is Captains' role to decide who they need on their ship. Allowing one (probably unexperienced) player to force captain into different gameplay isn't good idea. Because I believe that playing with two/three gunners is different than playing with two/three engineers. Of course you can say that experienced captain should adapt to every situation but there are plenty of unexperienced captains who can't or experienced captains who don't want.

This game really needs very big flashing signs everywhere: "There is no I in team" etc.

>>if you don't want to read my poorly written text, THIS is important part of the post<<

My second solution is to make "change role to engineer/gunner" button for captain, he should be able to use it on every crewmate only once (to avoid changing roles all the time). When he will click on it, crewmate will receive BIG popup window with information like "Your captain wants to change your role to Gunner/Engineer" and available options would be "Aye, Aye Captain" and "I'd rather be thrown out of the deck (abandon match)"

I suggest to allow captains to restrict classes on their ships in Ship Customization, so that only specific ammount of crewmates with gunner/engineer/pilot role can join their ship. If someone enters your crew with other role it will automatically change their role to the needed one.
Captains are asking people to change their roles anyway but it will prevent joining more than one(/two) gunners(/engineers/pilots) during the match.

General Discussion / Re: I get the impression I have a strange crew
« on: May 12, 2013, 04:46:13 am »
It takes more time to coordinate while non-pilot is a captain I believe.
Because when a team captain wants to focus on the specific ship you have to tell your pilot which target he should focus and then your pilot have to tell the crew which side he will take to shoot (on junkers, galleons, squids for example). If pilot is the captain, he only needs to coordinate the crew.
If your team wants to focus on one enemy ship then someone from your crew have to tell you that (in most cases pilot, because there is no time for engineer to look around in tough fights) so you can inform other captains about that. So again if a pilot was a captain he can easly look around, make decision, inform other captains and coordinate the crew.
When I am playing engineer I sometimes really have no time to stay in one place for longer than 1 second (except when I rebuild things, but then I still can't look around battlefield) I don't imagine repairing, listening to other crewmembers, listening captains, talking back to them and giving orders at the same time.

Anyway it's all about preference, but you should have in mind that every second counts in this game.
Correct me if any of my statements are wronger than my grammar.

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