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Messages - Sugar Honey

Pages: [1] 2
Feedback and Suggestions / Re: New ship death animations
« on: July 16, 2013, 12:46:59 am »
What if your ship went super saiyan....
Just saiyan....

Gameplay / Re: Spire Builds
« on: June 25, 2013, 06:49:09 pm »
I popped a Flak, Sniper combo on my Spire and although it's only a dual-weapon loadout, we bested a junker and a goldie. Our friend who was in a pyra got two of the kills from his gat flak, but at two points it was us one on one with the junker and then again with the fish. Even at close range (which I quickly escaped) we managed to sink the enemy and repair our ship whilst holding the other enemy at bay with the starboard flak and keeping them in our scopes with the portside flare. We effectively went 5-0, convinced the enemy to take Spires next match and turned it on them with our pyra. XD

The Docks / Re: Current Available Clans
« on: June 22, 2013, 12:44:56 am »
To TBC, sorry.

The Docks / Re: Current Available Clans
« on: June 22, 2013, 12:36:29 am »
Update!!! - Two new members :)

Gameplay / Re: Spire Builds
« on: June 21, 2013, 10:00:33 pm »
I like that very much, Echo X)

Gameplay / Re: Spire Builds
« on: June 21, 2013, 03:16:02 pm »
Sorry guys, the drugs they gave me for my surgery are messing with my head... so all guns are pretty much the same for the next few days.... idgaf.

Gameplay / Re: Spire Builds
« on: June 21, 2013, 03:12:13 pm »
Yes, I meant to say Lesmok. :I

Gameplay / Re: Spire Builds
« on: June 21, 2013, 12:37:56 pm »
Double gat? Ermm..... Okay, lol. Think if you're running gats that you should us a hwacha because of range issues, but I suppose a lochnagar or heavy clip should extend the range of the gatling if I'm correct.

Gameplay / Re: Spire Builds
« on: June 21, 2013, 02:17:19 am »
Okay, I found my optimal Spire build right now... or whatever you want to call it, but I'm running a medium-range sniper/brawl combo build with hwacha and merc on the stern guns. Left and right respectively are flare and light flak.

It works... BUT...

I haven't gone solo and I'm a bit wary. We disable the living hell out of anything that comes at us including pyramidions and goldies, and so far I have a couple deaths out of the three or four matches I flew it in, so amazing success.

Community Events / Re: US Training Day Disscussion
« on: June 20, 2013, 09:39:38 pm »
I'd love to help. Sign me up.

Community Events / Re: Captain's signup
« on: June 20, 2013, 09:38:07 pm »
Put me down to be a US coach.

The Docks / Re: That British Clan is recruiting!
« on: June 20, 2013, 04:53:35 am »
Thank you for the update, Nate.
And remember kiddos, when in doubt, TBC is always open to new members!

Gameplay / Re: Spire Builds
« on: June 19, 2013, 05:21:23 pm »
Personally, and while these are builds I seek to try in the future, I have had tremendous success with a spire on Desert Scrap. I sit on the point and when some bugger comes rolling around the cylindrical walls we pepper them with gatling fire, a hwacha, rotate on the reload to hit them with a top-right carousel or flak, and finally I have a flare or flame-thrower on the bottom for tormenting the crews that didn't bring extinguishers.

I love the turn speed it has and often found myself jumping off the helm to mount a gun, usually resulting in our definite capture of the point and game... however...

I was a fairly low level when I began my experimentation with different ships and, around this time, the gat/flak combo became the go-to guns for any low-level pilot to utilize for a quick and painless severance of the Spire. It was a great method, mind you, but I feel kind of scared going back to the spire without fighting in Scrap and without a teammate to help guide me along.
Regardless of all this, I think I'm going to summon my special crew and try out a brawl and sniper build to see which ones I like better... perhaps get some more flight time with this ship and find out if it ends up working or not. I like being versatile, and I hate seeing my Spire sitting useless and alone as I scroll past it to a more favorable ship.

If you guys find anything that is grade-a, please post here, I would love to know. If not I'll surely comes across you in game when the Spire makes its comeback and dominates everyone in its gritty reboot sequel or something.

Gameplay / Re: Spire Builds
« on: June 19, 2013, 12:06:46 pm »

Gameplay / Spire Builds
« on: June 19, 2013, 12:04:25 pm »
Let me just say upfront, this is NOT a thread to bash the Spire (I hate it myself ironically), I'm simply bringing up the topic of possibly effective Spire builds that I could take into battle in the future because I'm the type of guy who flies heinous ships because he's bored.

First things first: Let's cross-reference some stats, shall we?

The Spire's documented Health and Armor(respectively) are as shown: 650 and 500
Considering this, I'm going to show approx. how much ammo is expended to disable the Spire given certain gun combos based on the damage matrices under the Gameplay section of the site. Please correct me if I haven't done my math correct. Assume all conditions are perfect.

Gat/Flak Pyra - 43.33 rounds/4.8 rounds

This combination coupled with a ram is only a few seconds of playtime for the Spire before certain doom, and yes we've all seen components raining down on us as we completely obliterate it this way, don't lie.

Merc/Merc Pyra - 2.8 combined rounds, y'know... because there's two of them.

Either sitting abroad, disabling everything on the Spire with each hit (and hilariously each miss), or gaining the perfect interval with which to ram with something akin to an insta-kill, this combination is deadly. The only salvation is a supportive teammate or a counter sniper to disable the Pyra's mercs... what are the odds of that?

Carronade/X/X From some god-awful balloon-popping goldy - 1.9 rounds to keep the Spire on it's knees.

This is self-explanatory. Once the Spire is down there's no recovery from a balloon-popper. Uninterrupted it will keep driving that poor, defenseless hull into the dust until it becomes dust itself.

Oh goodness me, what time is it here? 9:00 in the morning and you haven't slept you say? That means I leave what I put down for you to pick up... until I'm back of course. Have fun! And I swear to god if anybody gets on here just to bash the Spire...
find you.
Keep one eye open

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