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Messages - Aptitudeland

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Sound Design of Icarus
« on: February 08, 2016, 07:36:56 am »
If you guys know any of the developers of this game, put me in touch ! I know sound design and implementation and am willing to work for free on this project!

That SOUNDS great... hahahahaha!

...get it?

Email and offer them your services. Hopefully they accept! :)

Great ! Thanks !

I should first prepare an integration models for engines/ships and maybe some environment integration too. Otherwise they won't take me (unknown stranger) seriously. Because it would actually still require some undefined working time for them. (hopefully not so much)

Maybe i'll show you guys first in order to get some support ! Could be nice too have some guys backing.


Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Sound Design of Icarus
« on: February 07, 2016, 04:49:31 pm »
Hi  guys,

I recently bought the game, and I love it !
I am a sound technician/ sound designer for some years now and, like you, I suffer from poor sound design and moreover poor implementation in many indy games.

For exemple, what shocked me is how ships engines audio is triggeredt in the game : sample is trigger as soon as you turn or press forward, while the engines should accelerate progressively and decelerate the same way when you stop using them. There are some easy way to do it.
There is so much that could be done, in a way that sound should be more of a game play element. As you said  there should be a way to go stealth and try to hear the other ships engines coming.

ANYWAY as i know a lot about audio implementation  I WOULD ACTUALLY  LOVE TO HELP  !

If you guys know any of the developers of this game, put me in touch ! I know sound design and implementation and am willing to work for free on this project!


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