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Messages - -Blue-

Pages: [1]
Community Events / Re: Guns of Icarus - League
« on: February 28, 2015, 07:57:40 pm »
Just saw this perhaps too late, or we would have played :( maybe next time...

Gameplay / Re: Brawler Galleon discussion
« on: February 24, 2015, 02:52:06 pm »
I have a Galleon with Heavy Flak, Hwacha and Lesmok Gatling one side and on the other two Heavy Carronades. Btw, The only back gun viable for Galleons is a harpoon or some loch mines or whatever people use in these things on Galleons.

I always wanted to make a Heavy Carronade/Heavy Flak one work, but I never really bothered to put effort into it.

The Flack, Hwatcha, and lesmock gat is what I consider to be the current meta when it comes to brawling galleons. very op if you have good gunners.

Centurions are signing up with me and pig as contacts. :D

This is Blue signing up the Centurions for this SCS, I've already talked to you, thank you for the consideration.

We will do our best to sign up on time next week.

Contact is Me " -Blue- " or " SapphireSage"

The Lounge / Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:18:45 pm »
Greetings Comrades in arms! I Just got my email accepting me into Ambasadorship. My name is -Blue- from the SPQR clan, and I'm a avid GoIO player. Out of game my name is Dominic, I am a Musical Dance Theatre Major getting a double major in Computer Science. \o/

I plan to rule the skies with an Iron FIST!! I mean er uh, help the community in every way I can. Cheers folks, and I hope to meet you all someday.

I, Blue, before the presence of the Holy Whale of the skies, do hereby declare my unwavering faith, fealty and service to the community of Icarus.

I pledge to follow the orders of all Muse staff appointed over me, and field all the questions, great and small, difficult or annoying, addressed to me be they by the person, or the mob.

I will keep myself mentally sane, reasonably sober, and regularly available as is necessitated by the Community Ambassador agreements and forms to which I have pledged my unconditional adherence. 

So say we all.

Blessings on you all.


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