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Messages - SnaG

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Suggestion: Crew disabling gun
« on: May 17, 2016, 09:25:52 am »
I do like the idea, but it brings up some issues in terms of play-counterplay, in that unlike every other offensive mechanic, engineers would be powerless to mitigate its effects. I'm not saying it would be OP or anything, just that without meaningful counterplay this mechanic would not be fun to play against. In (for example) CS:GO, this counterplay exists in that with proper placement you can avoid likely places where people will flash, as well as being able to turn away/ hide around corners. Since in guns you can do none of these things I'm not sure this would work. Perhaps being able to turn away from the impact - but I'm not too sure as to how easily that could be achieved, given that no current mechanics use player angle (as far as I know). Another possibility is to give engineers some sort of tool that removes/ prevents the effect, however I'm at a loss as to what could achieve it, without being ridiculous and/or overcomplicated. If it had counterplay, I'd love it though.

Feedback and Suggestions / Quick question about links in chat
« on: May 16, 2016, 09:40:11 am »
Just wondering why we are unable to post links in GoIO chat. Is there a technical issue preventing this, or is it just not a feature to prevent spam etc? In which case could it be feasible to provide this ability to CAs, mods, teachers etc. as it would be extremely useful for redirecting players to threads on the various forums and to the #global in discord for teaching purposes. I can't imagine I've been the first one to bring this up, just thought I would bump this idea again seeing as we're pushing the use of discord as a potential way players can get awnsers easily, which, without a way of linking it will be quite underused.

Gameplay / Re: Tips- Fish Vs Spires King of Hill
« on: June 03, 2015, 07:50:37 pm »
Emphasis on timing and speed regarding what I said earlier. Often they'll see you too late and hydrogen will only hinder them since their balloon will be partially damaged already, reducing their manoeuvrability and increasing your control. From what I've seen, killing spires with a blenderfish is always about speed, getting in their face and control.

(IMO) There are a few advantages of going from high -> mid (chute vent) rather than low -> mid (hydrogen), especially on this map:
 - You'll likely be approaching at altitude already, in order to navigate around obstacles. In my experience it's just quicker and more effective to maintain your momentum this way. It gives them less time and you a quicker close with the target spire. 

 - To approach from below, you must pass slightly into their firing arcs in order to pop their balloon. Approaching from above will allow you to break their balloon without crossing into their firing arcs. In my experience with spires you can rarely count on staying outside their firing arcs if you are say, behind them - especially post stamina.

 - In my opinion chute vent is a far more versatile tool than hydrogen in this context. If they engage hydrogen and you begin to be in danger of crossing their arcs a tap of chute vent will allow you to reposition and re-engage. Since chute vent causes less damage to the balloon than hydrogen, you retain more capacity for vertical movement / another burn.

 - Goomba stomps.

I just have my doubts over the use of hydrogen whilst using a brawling goldfish against spires. It just feels too defensive on such an aggressive map where dps is at a premium.

Gameplay / Re: Tips- Fish Vs Spires King of Hill
« on: June 03, 2015, 08:20:34 am »
So this is how I tend to deal with spires, especially on maps like this with large amounts of cloud/ cover, (at least the theory of it). It's a specific tactic I like to use, so it wont help in all circumstances, however it synergies with this map quite well.

First up you'll need kerosene, phoenix claw and chute vent (opposite of hydro) and a goldfish equipped with a heavy carronade. You need to make sure you're approaching the enemy from a position of cover, so that they spot you as late as possible. You also need to make sure you're never going into a 2v1. If the ally of the spire you're focusing on can lay disabling fire on you, your victim will be able to escape, reposition and annihilate you. So pick your targets wisely - isolated ships or a ship already engaged by your ally will make the easiest targets.

So here's the tactic:

1: You need to be approaching from above. Due to all the buildings, you'll likely have gained altitude to avoid most of the obstructions. Ships in the centre will tend to stay at lower altitudes due to the lack of cover and multiple directions you can approach from. Another thing to remember is that you cant just fly to the centre, have a good look around, then expect  to be able to choose a target; you need to decide your target en route and keep your momentum from your engine burn into the centre of the map going into this manoeuvre. Make sure to be bringing up the mini-map with M to check the position of the ships. If they're spotted this will be a lot easier.
So you've found your enemy, their alone, and it's time to go in for the attack. As you move towards the spire, you need to be burning kerosene (staying above them and out of their arcs) and, if they've seen you, use your stamina as a speed boost on top of the kero and a mini hydrogen to maintain yourself above their arcs (as can be seen on the diagram -_-).

2/3: So now you're just above the spire, poised for the next stage. Activate chute vent (only for a moment, it will continue on its own for a few seconds after use) and make sure you're pressing s to descend more quickly. As can be seen on the diagram, the balloon extends at the front of the goldfish further than the hull, allowing you to use it as a kind of hook - as you hit the top of the spire, have your gunner ready on the heavy carronade, so he can shoot out their balloon. Once their balloon is broken the spire will be hopefully be in big trouble (you may well get a hull break as well) and their cap will try to outmanoeuvre you, and get his gun arcs on your ship. Just bear attention to your altitude - don't use any more chute vent - and stick to his balloon, having your gunner repeatedly destroy their balloon. Spires die especially quickly on the floor, so don't try to ram unless you have to (or until you gain some more experience with ramming), it's always better to keep your position over ramming, unless you need to get the kill off quickly and help your ally.

After pulling off the first kill, you'll have to brawl with the second spire. Hopefully you'll still have an ally by this point. Even for experienced players, a 2v1 isn't easy and you should pull off the second kill quickly. If you manage this, expect the first spire to be rushing back in to help its ally. They'll likely approach from the South-West (quickest route), so make sure you're pointing that way. In my experience it's far easier playing on the defensive on this map  so you should be alright from then on in. Never overly extend when defending, make sure to keep guarding that capture point!

This technique can help you pull off a very quick first kill, especially if they're already at lowish altitude - which is especially important for  KoTH as you need to kill both of them in quick succession, before the one you've just killed is back to help its ally. Remember from the first kill to the second, you probably have only about 40s till they respawn and get to the centre again so be wary of that.

General Discussion / Re: I played with X
« on: March 24, 2015, 03:35:29 am »
Couple of days ago i met a gunner named "stonemansomething". Forgot to add him in friendlist, he was so awesome! Hope someone knows him too and tells me his full nickname
stonemansconstant is the name you're looking for I think, great player

The Lounge / Re: Show us your...desktop!
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:37:13 pm »
Well here's mine :D, don't know why I like it so much but I do. My folders are shameful.

btw anything you think you can see in the bottom right of the screens is a figment of your imagination.....

The Lounge / Re: Signs You've Been Playing Too Much GoIO
« on: March 08, 2015, 04:25:53 pm »
80) When your index finger twitches every time you talk to someone IRL.

The Pit / Re: Clans that didn't quite make it
« on: February 27, 2015, 12:21:44 pm »
The Nephophobia Society - refused to play on:
canyon ambush, paritan rumble, labyrinth, refinery, raiders, northern fjords, dunes, water hazard.
- kotfh and red s were occasionally playable with some evasive piloting. Point B was out of bounds.
- they stop playing after desert scrap.

The jihadists didn't do too well either.. :/

The Lounge / Re: The Bragging Thread
« on: February 24, 2015, 06:16:48 pm »
I just managed to break the hull armour of a test dummy using a Minotaur!
*mild ramming required*

Gameplay / Re: Anti-Pyramidion Mathematics
« on: January 27, 2015, 04:25:38 pm »
Current pyra armor damage Goal: 1045 (This is the number you want to hit with damage to get the pyras armor down.)
Im saying that because buffed pyra armor is 845 i belive with +200 mallet repair. Not giving in the account for spanners.

Also correct me if im wrong.

As I understand pyramidion hull armour has 600hp currently.
The buff hammer provides a +30% hp buff.

Therefore buffed pyra hull armour should have 780hp.

The mallet allows an engineer to repair the hull every 9s for 250hp.

So if we assume the engineer is doing a perfect job and the hull is not suffering from any fire stacks an engineer could potentially repair 1000hp (4*250) within 40s (36s).

This would make your target dmg much higher, at 780hp +250hp per 9s of combat in order to take the pyra's hull armour down.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Clouds in Canyon are riddiculous
« on: January 02, 2015, 09:02:34 pm »
Haha, yeah I do fly around canyons holding down the 'm' key a lot of the time. I do enjoy the clouds for combat though, it is called canyon ambush for a reason :P

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Remove bridges in water hazard
« on: January 02, 2015, 08:57:01 pm »
Kinda think the bridges look quite nice on that map.. they help to break up an otherwise fairly bleak scene, which I'm guessing is why they're there (as with the buildings). As for tactical use, I've probably used them 2-3 times to place an object between me and a hwacha/ heavy flak. All in all, I'd probably be sad for about 10mins to see them go, but only if they are actually causing load issues, which seems unlikely..

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Voice Chat in Different Ears
« on: January 02, 2015, 08:42:18 pm »
Yeah, there are definitely some improvements to be had for the ig voice chat. LR sliders as well as independent volume sliders would be great, as well as markers to identify what is party chat and what is crew/ captain chat ^^. I don't think it'd be too hard to implement? I have no idea what can be done with unity on this though.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: I haven't crazy king in ages
« on: December 18, 2014, 06:39:41 am »
I do see crazy king 3v3s and 4v4s in the new system, just not more than once every day or few days; the crux of the issue being that they are often too filled with new players who either do not fully understand the concept of crazy king, or cannot sustain the effort though an often  >30min game when they start to lose, and just end up leaving. Since these matches are created by the mm, they all too often are filled with mostly new players, which is often less than fun for them, as it highlights the game as boring and drawn out. It also means that 3v3s and 4v4s are only created at times of high player population which (at 11:03am GMT) stands at 88 people.

This brings me to my issue with the mm in general: if there are 88 players online, then the matchmaker is governing over a very small pool of players, which leads me to believe that in order to fill matches effectively, the mm has little choice over which players go where, and hence the lobbies are very mixed, experience wise. So why is a lobby list inappropriate? Sure, in sale times when there are 1-2k people ig then it makes perfect sense, since the lobby list would be massive mess. But the ig population is not this. In the evenings I see maybe 200 people online - a list is still preferable by far imo. I shall explain.

The thing that made the match list system so great, was that a lobby may start with similar people as the mm generates, but it matures - the more experienced players tended to stick around, and the less-so would eventually filter out, leaving a lobby of high quality players. This meant there was usually one or two visible lobbies of very high quality players, where you could happily spend a few hours to a whole night. These lobbies would also often migrate to 3v3s and 4v4s. With the mm, the lobby is terminated after 3 matches, often just as it starts becoming mostly high-end players.

It there no way the match list can be used in tandem with the mm? I have seen explanations from the devs arguing that such things would further defeat the balance of the mm created lobbies, but experienced players do not want an unfair game, and will move around the lobby to achieve a balance - but here comes another thing. We are blocked from switching to the other team in the lobby except though spectator (which may be filled), therefore blocking us from achieving balance ourselves. Again I see how newer players may want to be on the winning side, therefore making it necessary, but for experienced long-time players? Please Muse, we do not need a baby gate. Trust the regulars to be able to manage ourselves, help the newer players.

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