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Messages - DJ Tipz N Trix

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If Rangefinder worked all the time and didn't stop working even when you can clearly see the enemy ship, it would be fine.

General Discussion / Re: What are you?
« on: February 12, 2016, 11:10:39 pm »

EDIT: DJ Superhero

First, thanks to the Game Grumps for putting this game on my radar, even if they just dick around in every game they play :P.

Second, thanks to Logic and uh, Bambiraptor for helping me pull the Bards out of obscurity into something real.

Then there's Thaedael who I learned a lot about Montreal from.  He was also the first guy who I ran a solid ship with.  In time, I also ended up playing with Synria as well, whose wit can cut anything.

All the Bards have been great, from the dedicated main members who have been a strong core to the loose cannons I recruited for their wackiness to spice things up.  Your love of music is what bonds the clan together and allows us to share something great with the rest of the Guns of Icarus world.  Special mention to Daring Do for finally caving in and joining, sactownkid for being my first MVP gunner, and the newer European section of the Bards lead by The Mann and Hypnopotamus Rex for giving us worldly appeal.

You can't forget Muse who put in a lot of work through hurricanes and kickstarter pushes to make the game.  It was an absolutely amazing experience the first time I played and completely blew me away.  After about a thousand hours, the honeymoon phase has passed, but the solid and very refreshing gameplay has been solid.

Thanks to all the new friends I made recently, like Tyton, even though I don't play quite as often anymore.

And lastly, thanks to all the fans/listeners of the Bards.  The one goal was to spread good music to the community, especially during long lobby times and breaks in action on large maps.  Those of you who appreciate the music we bring inspire us to keep doing it.

The Pit / Re: ☠
« on: October 03, 2015, 05:01:42 am »

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: A more visable combat log
« on: September 17, 2015, 10:31:53 pm »
Old combat log was fine.  The colours were bright and you could read it by looking over.  It wasn't as good as it could be, but it worked.  New combat log, with the shadow effect on the coloured text, is horrible for trying to read quickly and forces you to concentrate directly on the letters to see what's going on.  Not only that, but some messages now take up two lines.  This combat log is definitely an area for improvement now, as it has gotten markedly worse.

They are necessary for all the d/cing that happens in this game, where if we can get a pause, we should.  Unfortunately, the client is in no position to accommodate them right now and they are a much better idea in theory than in practice, where ships float, target, and sometimes even fire.  The benefits include stopping the timer while people reconnect and preventing taking advantage of that.  THe drawbacks are the downtime on stream and the difficulty of actually pausing properly.

If we are doing blind picks after timer, then anyone who wants a blind pick will request it after the timer ends and we will have ended up wasting all the timer minutes for nothing.  It ends up being the same in the end just with more wasted time.

A single, one-stage blind pick has some valid complaints as to luck and hard countering coming up just by chance.  However, the two-stage blind pick clearly gives you an option to complement your first ship, even if it is countered by the enemy's first ship, with something that will counter the enemy's ship as your second pick.

I think blind pick is pointless if one team can force it off.  The whole point of it is to prevent the lobby switching and allow a fair ground for both teams to select ships.  The random map selection affects flying split and dangerous more than any ships your opponent takes, and it has not been considered for switching.  Having the option to veto it by a team essentially means going back to lobby switching over again.  We need some sort of structured pick system and having none just doesn't seem like a good option.

The Gallery / Re: MLG Guns Of Icarus
« on: September 03, 2015, 10:35:48 pm »
I love this videooooooo *airhorn*

I read the post you linked.  I think banning is a bit much considering the limited options available, but the whole draft process really shouldn't be that difficult.


Quote from: DJ Tipz N Trix
However, one genre of game that doesn't do blind pick is the MOBA genre.
Actually, most mobas do have blind pick modes which are often the default for online play. The notable exception which does not is Dota.

Well, the quick matches are often done like this so that new players can get in the game quickly, but in most MOBAs, for competitive games (ranked modes and tournaments), a draft format is used.

I have actually been calling for a blind pick for awhile.  This is a great idea that is already commonplace across most competitive communities.  Currently, it is still just as easy to be counterpicked.  All that happens is that the teams will take turns changing their ships in the lobby until the timer runs out, and then it's whoever scrambled to get their crew ready in time gets to counterpick the other one.

However, one genre of game that doesn't do blind pick is the MOBA genre.  With many picks to take (usually 5 per team), a MOBA system can evolve on the blind pick to create a whole draft mode. Lueosi actually said "tactical drafting" in his original post, and blind picking isn't actually that much of a tactical draft.  While it does make the picking system more fair and less clunky, it does have the downside of possibly allowing you to be counterpicked without having an opportunity to do anything about it.  Instead, a typical draft system could look as follows:

We have ships 1-1 and 1-2 on the same team, and ships 2-1 and 2-2 on the same team.

Ship 1-1 picks chassis (main ship, like junker, goldfish, etc)
Ships 2-1 and 2-2 pick chassis
Ship 1-2 picks chassis
Ship 2-1 picks guns
Ships 1-1 and 1-2 pick guns
Ship 2-2 picks guns

This gives a solid structure to the picking system, allows you to respond to opponent counterpicks, and generally leads to more balance between the ship loadouts.  For example, if ships 1-1 and 1-2 counterpick ship 2-1 after their guns are set, ship 2-2 has a chance to counterpick ships 1-1 and 1-2.  Regardless, I think blind pick is a step in the right direction and much better than what we currently have, though I believe a draft could work better.

The Pit / Re: AI names or something
« on: August 29, 2015, 08:05:37 am »
Donald Trump

Gameplay / Re: A Suggestion for the Echidna Light Flak Cannon
« on: August 24, 2015, 11:24:45 am »
I think it could use about a 20% decrease in jitter, and that would be enough for its long range capabilities.  It still wouldn't do much of anything past 1000, which is fine.

The Pit / Re: ☠
« on: August 23, 2015, 06:23:55 pm »

This is a great picture, reminds me of me.

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