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Messages - CheeseAlmighty

Pages: [1] 2
Gameplay / Re: Pyramidion Side Guns
« on: October 05, 2014, 03:51:19 pm »
The Mighty Roqufort has an hades artemis front, metamidion side. It's good to finish off that pesky squids after butt-ramming them. :3

Also, gatling and artemis have overlapping arcs, so you can keep your balloon running, if those carronades want your buns. Also, it's a junker in disguise(that, if you have a banshee instead of a mortar.). Fun times. Fun times.

The Gallery / Re: The storm
« on: September 03, 2014, 02:24:33 pm »
That looks amazing as always :3

Gameplay / Re: What I think
« on: September 02, 2014, 10:06:07 am »
Look up Flight of the Icarus on Steam. Theres your offline mode....yes it is crappy.

But if you buy it you get a free hat in GoI skirmish mode ^^

And it's pretty much for the price of a hat :D Especially if it's on a sale :3

The Pit / Re: Wololo and burning man suggestions
« on: September 01, 2014, 01:03:40 pm »
Reginald, escort this man to...


Wait, it actually worked :P

Anywho, could the the engineer-snatching-harpoony-thingy make this sound when shot?

Also, if we're doing the burning man thing, I want to fly into to sunset, whistling to this tune.

The Pit / Re: Wololo and burning man suggestions
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:19:03 pm »
Reginald, escort this man to...


Q&A / Re: When turning the ship, which one is faster?
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:04:07 pm »
Well duh turning by crashing is faster than any other turning.

Instant 180 degree turns FTW. Which happens for reason, because you know, physics.

Q&A / Re: When turning the ship, which one is faster?
« on: August 31, 2014, 03:13:03 am »
(Oh look another cheese person :P)

(Cheese is love, cheese is life, hai! :P)

Well then,it's settled:You reverse the engines to keep enemy in the arc, dependent on the situation of course (since a maneuver can get you on their tail).

Hmm, should we keep discussing the raw turning rate then? I feel like we don't need to, but who doesn't love some trivia. :3  Otherwise, let's wrap the thread and lock it :3

Feedback and Suggestions / The Fortress Theme
« on: August 25, 2014, 12:44:20 pm »
Hai, even though I rarely see it, I decided to buy the fortress theme, I mean, who doesn't want to drop bombs from the bow of the pyr- wait, we can't do it? Oh well, I guess I'll wait for the day that they introduce a vertical bombing gun *hint hint* Also, carpet bomber squids FTW.

Jokes aside, when I went to check what did you put next to the main engine of the pyramidion, to my surprise(and disappointment), I saw a empty, entirely empty space. I was wondering, if it's isn't too much of a work for you guys, maybe you could put a gun tinkering bench there, a simple table with few drawers, a screwdriver, wrench, some screws, a disassembled rifle(maybe just remove the red thingies on the gun next to the helm of the pyramidion, and set it on the table like that?) Maybe put a sandbag on the side,
some ammo boxes? Such ideas, and so forth.


*ahem* Anyhow, would really appreciate it, if you would kindly make it happen. Do it would you kindly. Pls. Mus pls. Yis, pls.

Q&A / Re: When turning the ship, which one is faster?
« on: August 24, 2014, 12:16:20 pm »
Alright, got it, thanks everyone! :3

And may your gruyere be hot, and roquefort blue. <3

Q&A / When turning the ship, which one is faster?
« on: August 24, 2014, 07:33:54 am »
Hello there, I've been flying for a quite a while(not a veteran per se, but seen my share of battles), but due to something I read over here somewhere, I may be confused a bit. :3

When turning ship, my commandant senses tell me it's faster to reverse engines and then turn, rather than shutting down engines(0 throttle) and then turning. It feels like it, and makes sense in my mind as well. Regardless, did anybody measure the time needed, or does anybody have any exact numbers? Or any reliable information(I'm looking at you, seasoned captains)?

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: New gun: Siren Mine Launcher
« on: August 14, 2014, 12:49:04 pm »
Anyone that's played counter strike can tell you, you can easily locate sound with stereo headphones.

Not just that, headphones are better for locating enemies than the surround systems. More reliable at least, in terms of calibration.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: viewing ship themes
« on: August 13, 2014, 03:25:44 pm »
Get yourself a dev-app key. All items in the dev-app are free (it sketchily asks for confirmation, but doesn't actually charge your account). Then you can fly around in practice mode and try out all of the figure heads, themes, dyes, outfits, etc, until you find your perfect set-up to buy in-game.

That, I didn't know. Never tried the shop in it before, well, it's settled then. TO THE DEV APP!

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: viewing ship themes
« on: August 13, 2014, 07:31:02 am »

For example, I was thinking about buying the fortress theme, but I haven't seen it on any ship. Without way to assess if it's worth it, I didn't. Could you at least add screenshots of it(and for every theme and figure head) to the release notes, or somewhere we can easily see, until a good fix for it arrives? Pleeeease? :3

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Those Japanese Signals
« on: August 10, 2014, 02:50:46 am »


^This. Can we haz Muse, pls? :3 Also, I would like a Scot one as well. :P

General Discussion / Re: Music in Lobby
« on: July 23, 2014, 08:59:53 pm »
Ah, I finally had a match together with them, they were playing a kinda new, pop sounding song, I told them "I'm more of aaaa, country/blues kinda guy." and he actually switched into a smooth, easy listening jazz and good ol' blues tunes, and it. was. awesome. Am I easily entertained? Maybe. But still, my final decision is, they're mighty fine people, and not obnoxious at all :3 And I'm pretty sure they would've stopped playing the music if I asked them to.

Just wanted add this here... Maybe I should've edited my previous reply? Meh, it'll be fine.

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