The Lounge / Re: Introducing the new CAs!
« on: March 15, 2018, 09:18:36 pm »
Hello everyone!
I'm TerrorDance, a new CA for Guns of Icarus Online! Very excited and proud to be here, supporting the community. I've been a player since 2014, and I've seen the game change so much over the years. One thing that remains constant is the awesome and intensely loyal playerbase, which I'm excited to help maintain and grow.
I play mostly pub matches. I love to teach new players who are willing to learn. The mechanics of this game are so familiar to me that sometimes I forget how obscure and sometimes counter-intuitive they can be to a player that comes from a background of twitch-type shooters, mobas, or strategy games. There really isn't a greater thrill to me than when my crew of ragtag noobs finally gets it, the gears start meshing correctly, and we finally get toslap that 45+stacked ship in their stupid meta build face secure a kill. The kiddos seem to love it too, and I've seen a lot of returning noobs friends to whom I have had the honor of showing the ropes.
I also think it's important to promote fairness in all conflicts. The random nature of the matchmaker, the auto team switch after games in lobby, as well as the huge gap in skill-sets between players, often necessitates a call for rebalance, and I shy not away from calling for ship swaps. Ensuring that new players as well as veterans have a good, hard-fought and even close match reaffirms the fun that can be had in-game for both new and old players.
I never thought I would apply to be a CA. Over the years I have gained nothing but respect and admiration for these brave souls who man the front against the trolls and the ragers, the boozers and the griefers, the temporarily insane and the chronically inappropriate. While I, being a generally pacifistic and cooperative person by nature, don't necessarily look forward to these sorts of unavoidable confrontations, I feel much more resilient and capable than the new player who doesn't have the perspective to understand that his drunken captain screaming obscenities is the exception, not the rule. I am not afraid to be screamed at and I have the temperament to keep cool (or mostly cool) while attempting to deescalate the situation through calm rationality and understanding.
Outside of GoIo, I enjoy reading, drinking good beer/boozes, and working as much as I need to so I can afford my luxurious lifestyle.
I'm TerrorDance, a new CA for Guns of Icarus Online! Very excited and proud to be here, supporting the community. I've been a player since 2014, and I've seen the game change so much over the years. One thing that remains constant is the awesome and intensely loyal playerbase, which I'm excited to help maintain and grow.
I play mostly pub matches. I love to teach new players who are willing to learn. The mechanics of this game are so familiar to me that sometimes I forget how obscure and sometimes counter-intuitive they can be to a player that comes from a background of twitch-type shooters, mobas, or strategy games. There really isn't a greater thrill to me than when my crew of ragtag noobs finally gets it, the gears start meshing correctly, and we finally get to
I also think it's important to promote fairness in all conflicts. The random nature of the matchmaker, the auto team switch after games in lobby, as well as the huge gap in skill-sets between players, often necessitates a call for rebalance, and I shy not away from calling for ship swaps. Ensuring that new players as well as veterans have a good, hard-fought and even close match reaffirms the fun that can be had in-game for both new and old players.
I never thought I would apply to be a CA. Over the years I have gained nothing but respect and admiration for these brave souls who man the front against the trolls and the ragers, the boozers and the griefers, the temporarily insane and the chronically inappropriate. While I, being a generally pacifistic and cooperative person by nature, don't necessarily look forward to these sorts of unavoidable confrontations, I feel much more resilient and capable than the new player who doesn't have the perspective to understand that his drunken captain screaming obscenities is the exception, not the rule. I am not afraid to be screamed at and I have the temperament to keep cool (or mostly cool) while attempting to deescalate the situation through calm rationality and understanding.
Outside of GoIo, I enjoy reading, drinking good beer/boozes, and working as much as I need to so I can afford my luxurious lifestyle.
I, TerrorDance, before the presence of the Holy Whale of the skies, do hereby declare my unwavering faith, fealty and service to the community of Icarus.
I pledge to follow the orders of all Muse staff appointed over me, and field all the questions, great and small, difficult or annoying, addressed to me be they by the person, or the mob(ula).
I will keep myself mentally sane, reasonably sober and regularly available as is necessitated by the Community Ambassador agreements and forms to which I have pledged my unconditional adherence.
So say we all.