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Messages - SnipahShot

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Allow players to spectate novice matches.
« on: February 25, 2014, 02:38:08 pm »
i am going to post in both, so first of

Your right the ability to spectate should be implemented it would give you a much better time teaching your friends the game, and at a level where exploiting it is not an issue however,,, this being said it is the lobby themselves that get locked from level 4+, not just position in the match, so i am not sure how this could be implemented because when you join a lobby you join a slot on a free ship, then move to spectate or spectate if there is no slots free, so the abilty to lock postions for level 4+ to spectate would have to be implemented, then you have trainers and ca's who are higher than level 4 and are able to play in said lobbies, can you see how much work is needed for this implementation i don't think it is viable imho

You should get a message saying "You are only able to spectate the match, please pick a ship to spectate" and you are stuck with that ship for the entire match unless you leave.

Regarding the possibility of cheating, I can give an example from League of Legends. When you enter a match as a spectator there, the match you watch is actually a delayed feed of the actual match(You are behind by like 30 seconds or more, don't quite remember)

Knowledge yes, ability no. I obviously got carried away with the 2/10/2 because no level 10 will have the other roles lower than 4.  I am talking about players who are new, like me and want to get their roles up to level 4 (goals and stuff).

A player who is level 2 as pilot is same as every other level 2 pilot(Experience wise), a 2/10/2(Example) is still a noob pilot, so he won't be beating down noobs.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Allow players to spectate novice matches.
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:41:40 pm »
Dude, both threads are completely not related to each other.. Read the titles.. I came up with these suggestions because a friend of mine joined and I can't play with him.. The suggestions aren't related to this point of time either.

I know which games to play and I know how to play, I am not new to games and I am not new to forums as I have been mod for companies for years.

Just to clarify:
This suggestion has NO relevance, what so ever, to the fact that I can't PLAY novice matches or can't play with my friends.

What is up with players in this game.. Why would I want a friend of mine to start playing the first match against high levels? That is probably the worst experience possible for a new player. Imagine yourself as 1/1/1 playing against 10/10/10.

And that wasn't the point of the suggestion anyhow(Don't see any relevance to the suggestion actually).

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Allow players to spectate novice matches.
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:30:55 pm »
Just have your friend join you in non-novice matches.

Why would I want him playing against high level players? That is the whole purpose of novice matches, to let the players introduced into the game smoothly. Especially if the player haven't played a single game yet.

Feedback and Suggestions / Allow players to spectate novice matches.
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:26:39 pm »

A friend of mine just joined GoI and I wanted to play with him but I am level 4 in one of the roles so can't(Doesn't make sense since I should be able to play it on the other roles) and I wanted to spectate him and explain things as he goes through the first match but the only option is to join the match.

I support this suggestion(Didn't want to bump due to it's age):,970.msg16196.html#msg16196

As well as letting us spectate other novice matches as well.

I am kinda disappointed that I am completely blocked from novice games because I got to level 4 Engineer, only reason I did that was because I thought I will be able to continue playing novice matches for the roles I haven't passed level 4 with yet..
Got friends who just joined GoI so it kinda screws me up by not letting me play with them as well as explain some things.

General Discussion / Re: Tutorial Survey
« on: February 24, 2014, 07:31:09 pm »
    • What level are you? (Gunner/Engineer/Pilot)

    • How many matches have you played?

      65 matches.
    • Have you played the current tutorials already?

    • Were any of the tutorials too long?  Please specify.

      The tutorials weren't too long. Basically right after the tutorials I knew what I had to do and the first match just polished everything I learned.
    • What did you like most about the tutorials?

      How good it actually was, most tutorials on games actually barely teach you anything.
    • What did you find confusing about the tutorials?

      In the Engineer tutorial, you need to spot an airship, I accidentally shot it down(Yeah, I should read) but after I shot it down I expected it to respawn or something so that I could finish it(Or not explode at all) since that wasn't the point of that specific tutorial part.
    • What was your biggest misconception about how the game works when you first started playing?

      Didn't have any ideas about the game to be honest, seen the trailer and seen some YouTube videos and decided to get it.
    • What was your biggest misconception about how the game works after you finished the tutorials?

      Actually, the tutorial was so good that I actually knew what I am supposed to do.
    • Are there any important concepts that new players should know, but the Tutorials do not mention?

      I don't think the V commands are anywhere in the tutorial, and they should be.
      I also think that Q should be mentioned as well, I found out about it by accidentally clicking on Q.
    • Have you read the in-game manual?

      Actually, haven't read it but I did browse through it.
    • Did you know that the in-game manual is expanded as you unlock new Achievements?

      Didn't know that.
    • Please leave any other comments or suggestions regarding the Tutorials, educating new players, or the first time player experience.

      This is actually the question I was waiting for.
      The Progress section isn't explained anywhere and it is really confusing for new players. I had no idea what I needed to complete in order to level up, I also happened to stumble on the prize redeeming.

Feedback and Suggestions / Feedback and a suggestion from a new player.
« on: February 23, 2014, 07:12:01 pm »
Hey guys,

I started playing Guns of Icarus last week I believe, love it so far. I love it so much that I got my brother to play it(He actually plays it rather than CS:GO and Call of Duty) and a friend(Another friend is on the way but he doesn't know it yet xD).

Basically, as a new player I found the tutorial most helpful and then the first game was sharpening what the tutorial taught me. My problem comes later, it was very very hard to figure out what Progress is all about.. And I am still not sure I completely understand. Took me quite some time to understand that "Logs" are what you need to complete in order to level up and achievements are just for goals.
I suggest some kind of extra tutorial to explain all of that.

Another suggestion would be to make this game competitive. I come from playing League of Legends for a year and there are actually ranked games there that set people based on the amount of games they win/ frequency. There is also a streamed tournament for actual money that is sponsored by Coca Cola and other companies(With crowd and stuff). I don't think Guns of Icarus is there yet, but I think you guys need to take a step to the right direction because I can totally see you there.
I suggest you guys add a leaderboard for clans(I have yet to create one so I don't know what size it can be) so that clans can battle among themselves and show all the players who is the best clan.
I'd love to give clarifications if needed.


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