« on: June 17, 2013, 03:06:29 pm »
I'm one of the people currently in charge of UI design, so I read all your notes on the current UI with great interest. I have some good news! Many of your Balsamic ideas were actually stuff we considered, and so they are in the process of being implemented as we speak. You should see significant improvement in the next build.
1. The header is being redesigned to incorporate more space for buttons, as well as some other functionality.
2. News box is going to be a rotating series of messages in a box near the bottom, that when clicked opens the website. Similar to the RSS solution you described, as well as including server messages.
3. "Loadout" and "Look" are going to be combined into one character customization screen.
4. Options is going to be moved up to the header. The header contains things that must always be accessible from every screen, so I figured that it should live up there.
5. Chat is being completely redone. (For starters, it will be scalable and have tabs!)
6. The item description for the clothing is meant to have a reasonable amount of text. It just means that someone has to have to time to sit down and write all those hundreds of text snippits in the database. It will come eventually (^_^)
I do like your idea of indicating friend in match list. That's not a bad idea.