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Messages - Clementine Devitt

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Spawn system feedback 1.3.4
« on: December 11, 2013, 07:52:23 pm »
Awkm I would like to thank you for getting back to all of us so quickly.

I know it seems we are angry and yelling at cross purposes and you are handling the complaining very well all things considered when larger companies would be yelling back by now.

Just know that the reason we are angry is the real love and time we have all invested in your team's vision, many of us have been here from the very start and really want to see it do well for a long time to come.

Gameplay / Re: Spawn system feedback 1.3.4
« on: December 10, 2013, 09:11:13 pm »
I really do have to add my name to the list of dissenters.

I play an engineering class by preference and that moment of breathing time after a hard battle is especially important. Everything is on fire, the engines are toast, balloon failing and hull barely online and you are rushing about to get your poor ship back to working condition.

Now before you even have a chance to get half your systems online your enemy is behind you again. In a recent battle my captain spent almost all our time trying to get to an ally while the exact same junker spawned on our tail over and over again like a boomerang.

Its taken a lot of the skill from the game, captains can run suicidally at players, gunner just have to load up their most powerful shots and get a good burst into their already weak ally. Engineers are reduced to desperately hitting the hull and ignoring all the other components of their vessels. Not to mention ship builds have been limited, nobody can use a sniping ship and larger vessels that require maneuvering time for a good shot will last seconds.

This system really should have been tested before launch. If your devs really feel it needs to stay then please disable it from the game modes we know and add new ones, the tactics and skills the DM and CP modes require is something we have all worked hard to aquire and this isn't helping, in fact it it is limiting everything equally.

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