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Messages - TheSovietKlondikeBar

Pages: [1] 2
Feedback and Suggestions / Re: [WANTED]
« on: January 16, 2014, 12:17:27 am »
Well, the problem with having the [WANTED] emblem go after your name, you might have people (such as mwah) that have such a ridiculously long name that it won't display properly in, say, match lobbies, without adjusting the text of the name to a painfully small font.

I do agree with Sir Yosh's idea on having it so that once you examine a player's profile you can see his clan...alignment/allegiance. However, I would be surprised if this was not already implemented. (I'd go check myself, but atm I don't have access to the actual game, so I float around the forums like some spirit of the benevolent type.)

As to Coldcurse, yea that's the general gist. Everyone, disregarding past ties, will hunt you if you're [WANTED].

Website and Forum Issues / Re: Typo on website
« on: January 10, 2014, 03:54:42 pm »
Do a barrel roll :D
you shall now be known as The golden starfox.


The Golden Peppy


>.> OB-JECT-TION! I use two t's in my Objection 'cause MLG Pro.

...The PeppyGlade of Golden Barrels.

What is this even.

This man is nor pepping or golden.
His parents would agree if we called him "StarGlade"

or "Alice"
I would be quite worried if his parents agreed with ANY of these names. For both the parents in question and His Gladiness.

Don't get mad, get Glade.

The Lounge / Re: Introductions!
« on: January 08, 2014, 12:55:12 am »

Also, funny thing: I am not actually Russian. I am German American. I got the name TheSovietKlondikeBar after my friend invited me to his Steam group once upon a time, and all of our names had to have "The Soviet _". I chose this name, and then an online community on TF2 of who I have many friends from remember me by that name, so I am TheSovietKlondikeBar. And I am Legion. *shot*

Darn that was hard to read xD

I am not responsible for medical bills. *shot*

Also, Phoenix, we all love you because you like lighting things on fire...right? Right??

Q&A / Re: Galleon Load outs
« on: January 07, 2014, 01:44:34 pm »
Would give you the tip to switch one flak to a lumberjack. THat way you get a decent ability to shred armor with the collision/ shatter dmg of the lumberjack and still enough killing power with the flak.
I did try this initially, however the Lumby is harder to hit with than the Flak (even though that is already a hard gun to hit with), so I put it on for people who aren't as experienced with the long range heavy mounts, as well as another thing.

Two Flaks deal such a raw amount of damage that one clip from each of them can take out at least half of a ship's armor with just normal rounds. A Lumby is better for reducing balloon and armor, yes, but if you stay within the range of two Flaks, just by spamming shots at the hull you will cause permanent damage and even destroy a ship with one volley. And also, I don't know if this was a bug, but Heavy Flaks light fires without Incendiary.

Lumby is for players with finesse. I ain't fancy, I just got big guns and a reason to shoot at ya. :D

I also do not like balloon popping weapons and Squids. I prefer to fight "honorably". :P *shot*

Q&A / Re: Galleon Load outs
« on: January 07, 2014, 11:13:32 am »
As for my suggestion, I fly a Galleon with Gat/Hwacha/Hwacha on one side, Flak/Flak on the other, and Flamer in the back. As for pilot tools, I use Kerosene, Phoenix Claw, and either Chute Vent or Hydrogen. I ram often as a Galleon, when tactically advisable (or if I'm being crazy), and then open up with the Gat and Hwachas. Two Hwachas may be redundant, however depending on the situation, you can fire them separately for disabling power or together for a respectable amount of killing power. Especially with the Gat mixed in. For the Hwachas I suggest Heavy for long range (if you don't/can't use your Flak cannons), Burst (for disabling overkill), and Charged for that wonderful killing potential. Remember that your Gunner can preload ammos into guns. On a Galleon, USE THIS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. The Flak side can offer long range support/killing power, as the raw damage that Flaks provide can actually do respectable damage to the Hull (especially since you have two of them), and once the Hull is down GG.

Also, a funny thing to report. A Buffed Heavy Flak with a Lochnagar shot can destroy any Hull bar a Galleon. If my math is correct, it does 1132 damage to Hull Health, which is more than the second highest Hull Health (Goldfish) at 1100 and 268 lower than the Galleon at 1400. A unbuffed Heavy Flak shot with normal rounds does 462 damage to Hull Health.

The Lounge / Re: Introductions!
« on: January 07, 2014, 11:01:26 am »
Huh, so this IS a thread.

*ahem* Greetings comrades. I am TheSovietKlondikeBar. When I am not using Moonshine I am drinking it. When I am not dying I am killing. I do commit cannibalism. My favorite flavor is Dark Chocolate Klondike Bars. They are delicious. For Mother Russia.

Also, funny thing: I am not actually Russian. I am German American. I got the name TheSovietKlondikeBar after my friend invited me to his Steam group once upon a time, and all of our names had to have "The Soviet _". I chose this name, and then an online community on TF2 of who I have many friends from remember me by that name, so I am TheSovietKlondikeBar. And I am Legion. *shot*

Gameplay / Re: Junker Novice Preset Builds
« on: January 07, 2014, 10:52:16 am »
Yea, I do agree giving a support role to Novice players and expect them to use it often is a bit optimistic. However, I still do support the idea of having a build with a flare in front, since it would be good to have Novice players have a little bit of diversification with weapons. However, diversification is a slight misnomer, since some "gimmick" builds use more complicated weapons like harpoons and mine launchers, but I consider the flare to be a intermediate "weapon" that Novice players should learn the value of quickly and correctly.

I suggested a build since I do agree with The Djinn that build 1 and 3 are too similar to one another, and should have a build replace it that fulfills a role that only Junkers can accomplish, since they are playing with, well, Junkers. I do like the 3rd build more than the 1st, because you give a Junker a choice between engaging at medium range and engaging at close range while providing long range harassment (something Junkers are VERY good at, which is being able to hit a target effectively at any range with the correct loadout). I also do support the notion of replacing the Gat on the flak side with a Hades. I was originally against this idea because I thought the Hades would be one of the more complicated weapons for a Novice player to handle, however considering that the Hades has become so relevant to the meta and the fact that in truth it works pretty similar to a Mortar I would trust a Hades with a Novice player. Either that or they learn how to use it in Novice matches, so that when they come sit at the big boys table they can eat like a big boy. *shot*

So, conclusion?
-3rd build should have a Hades/Flak combo
-I want a build with a Flare, 'cause Flares are important.

Website and Forum Issues / Re: Typo on website
« on: January 07, 2014, 10:32:23 am »
Do a barrel roll :D
you shall now be known as The golden starfox.


The Golden Peppy


>.> OB-JECT-TION! I use two t's in my Objection 'cause MLG Pro.

...The PeppyGlade of Golden Barrels.

What is this even.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Map Ideas
« on: January 06, 2014, 11:29:23 pm »
What about a fortress...IN THE SKY?! With balloons holding it up? But Mobula-like balloons? OR A SPHERICAL BALLOON IN THE CENTER?!

...All deez maps.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Cave Map
« on: January 06, 2014, 11:26:59 pm »
Giant Trees!

Terraria much? *shot*

...But in all seriousness, A cave map would be awesome. Actually, lemme add some ideas to this melting pot.

Have it so that the cave occupies the center of the map, but ships can still navigate AROUND the cave (in a pretty narrow path). The path would be like a giant ravine, giving it a pretty sizeable skybox and allowing entrances to the lower part of the cave (when I mean lower part of the cave, think of the cave as a sphere; I'm talking about the lower hemisphere, so that the entrance would be diagonal and up). The cave could have multiple entrances, and the inside would look kind of similar to the canyon part of canyon ambush (screw redundancies). It would be awesome and I would love it and I would call it Squishy 'cause it is my Squishy *shot*.

Gameplay / Re: Junker Novice Preset Builds
« on: January 06, 2014, 11:19:27 pm »
I do need to ask, why not have a build for the junker that includes a flare in the front, arty and merc on one side, flamer and carronade/mortar on the other? This would be more of a support build, but having a bit of killing potential, albeit a lot smaller compared to a bunch of other builds (Note: Just about every other build). It would make players rely on supporting other airships instead of trying to go in by themselves and shoot-em-up. Not preferred but would at least give them a "forced"* mindset of ship teamwork as well as crew teamwork. Plus Junker can run support well. (Right?)

*When I mean forced, I mean that support is what the build was designed for, but running the loadout is completely a captain and crew's option.

Also my wording might have been off a bit, will edit if necessary.

I might also have no idea what I'm talking about.

Website and Forum Issues / Re: Typo on website
« on: January 06, 2014, 10:46:27 pm »
Do a barrel roll :D
you shall now be known as The golden starfox.


The Golden Peppy

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: [WANTED]
« on: January 06, 2014, 10:39:29 pm »
While I do know that this might not be an adequate response, a reason might be that because you're [WANTED], you're considered an outlaw to everyone, including your fellow clan members, thereby superseding your clantag.

Alternatively, it does advertise well. But a (W) could probably do the same thing. With the bold red names and such.

The Lounge / Re: The most glorious Quotes ever
« on: January 06, 2014, 08:35:37 pm »
"Detonate the mine field"

"It'll kill us..."

"$^#& it."


so 5 5 games are possible?!


General Discussion / Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« on: January 06, 2014, 07:37:45 pm »
Ooooo, my turn:

"Engies, get to the engines. I'm burning (Moonshine/Kerosene)."
"Engies, if the engines aren't up then I can't run away from the double Hwacha Galleon."
"Engi, please repair the Hwacha so that I can ruin someone's day."
"Engi, I know you love that front gun. But the balloon is on fire and if you don't extinguish it I will eat you."
"Engi, spanner for dead things, mallet for things crying out in pain. No, that doesn't mean you throw it at the enemy ship."
"Gunner, you will only stop shooting guns if there are no targets and no guns to shoot at/with/for/(with a burning passion)."
"Gunner, are you good with a Mercury? You're not? Well fu-*kaboom*"
"Gunner, the protocol is you shoot at the hull unless I tell you to shoot at the balloon."
"Pilot, keep in mind I'm not the best of shots. I'm the best at being shot."
"If you jump off the ship one more time I will sit on you."

...Do I win?

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