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Messages - greendra

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Community Events / Re: The Teaching Tournament!
« on: May 20, 2015, 02:12:54 pm »
Freedomna  wasn't a teacher for some reason ( I think admin panel got fussy) He should be good now.

Everyone is up to date at this point, if not let me know.
Could you add me? :D

Community Events / Re: The Teaching Tournament!
« on: May 20, 2015, 02:11:42 pm »
Might be a bit late. Could you sign me up please? Thanks!

Release Notes / Re: Release 1.4.1 Notes
« on: May 10, 2015, 01:11:08 pm »
This is a great update!

Q&A / Re: Chem loop
« on: April 14, 2015, 04:43:42 am »
Thank you all very much! This really helped me understand, but now I have to pull it off in game xD Thanks a bunch guys!

Q&A / Chem loop
« on: April 13, 2015, 06:50:04 am »

So I was recently given the role of doing a chem loop in a pyramidion, and I am a bit confused. Today I have been practising in matches with low levels, and I seem to be able to do it okay, but when I go into the harder lobbies, it is different. The hull armour goes down in 1 or two seconds, then the mortar comes in and destroys us. I have seen other people do it, so It must just be me doing something wrong. Is there a good method or a few rules to follow?


Great Job, The Teenage Wizard!!! Make moooooooooooooooooreeeee!!!

By the way, I wonder if anyone that does the o7 emoticon realizes they're giving an extremely improper left handed salute that should only be given when you've lost your right arm?
:0 That's what o7 means! Haha :D

Community Guide / Guns of Icarus Minotaur Guide
« on: April 12, 2015, 09:04:49 am »
Hello Everyone!

So I made a Minotaur Guide and Review YouTube video, explaining things like the best ammos, good tactics and also how to do things like turn the enemy ship around.

Script: (If you don't want to watch!)
Hello everyone, my name is the teenage wizard and today we are going to be looking at the Minotaur Heavy Cannon. This
weapon is a support weapon, so if you just had a ship full of Minotaurs, it wouldn't be able to destroy ships. When an
enemy gets hit by this, they will be pushed backwards, which could throwe the gunners of aim, or make the pilot crash. If
you waited for the right moment, you could even use the Minotaur to prevent a ram, by blasting them backwards and
decreasing their speed dramatically.

If you are trying to spin the enemy ship, the best thing to do is try to aim at the furthest point from its center of mass,
as this will add more spin to the ship. Also raw damage will not affect the size of the knock back or spin, so there is no
use loading Charged Rounds or to buff the Minotaur if your aim is to knock the other this back.

Because the Minotaur has Shatter damage, it can be very effective to snipe out things like Guns and engines if you load the
ammunition Heavy Clip. When the enemy is up close, you could load Charged rounds, as this gives it the most damage, but it
isn't to be used for long range, because of the bullet spread which is why we would use heavy clip to counter that at

Like I said, the Minotaur Heavy Cannon is a support gun. It can be used defensively by pushing enemies away, or but turning
their ship, or offensivly by disabling weapons and engines and pushing the enemy out of the way.
Most of the time you can find the Minotaur with the Hades and the Light Flak or the Hades and the Heavy Flak. This means
that it isn't commonly seen on Goldfishes, as it only has one front facing gun heavy gun space. This means that it is
normally equiped on Spires and Galleons.
Becuase the Minotaur has a moderate armour piercing damage, it works well if you combine it with the Hades or Gatling Gun
and then a kill weapon to finish of the ship, such as a Mortar or Banshee.
The two most commonly used ammunitions for the Minotaur are:

Heavy Clip
Reduces recoil ritter
Lower damage per section
Clip size reduced from 4 to 3 shots.

This means that if you were sniping another ship with the Minotaur, you would load Heavy Clip to to reduce the bullet
spread and to increase the accuracy.

Greased Rounds
Maximized DPS, and force applied per sec.
Clip size increased from 4 to 5 shots.

If your up close, this would be the best ammunition choice, as it has high damage and also it has a bigger clip size.
Overall the Minotaur is a good weapon to have on a ship such as the Galleon, as it is a support weapon and might not be
effective if it doesn't have another Heavy Gun on the ship. If you used the right tactic and the right ship, you could use
the Minotaur to dominate the enemy, so I would say this is a good gun to load onto ships like Galleons and Spires.

I think that that brings an end to this Minotaur guide, if you think I missed something, please leave it in the comments.
If this video helped you in anyway or you liked it please press the like button and also don't forget to subscribe for
more. I will see you on my next video, goodbye!

Thanks for reading!  ;) :)

Guides / Re: What is Guns of Icarus!?
« on: April 11, 2015, 12:26:03 pm »
"You wont want to work the engines too hard or they will break"

Yeah that is super simplified

But I'd like to point out the engines staying up depends on your engineers, not you.

I should know, I'm the biggest Kero/Claw spammer in this game.

Haha. I understand that, but if you just used Moonshine the whole game, then the engineers would have to eventually leave the engines alone and let them break, and focus on the hull or balloon.
: D

Well, yeah, BESIDES moonshine, but that's just for 1-second uses.
Aye, but the pilot will need to know that! xD

Guides / Re: What is Guns of Icarus!?
« on: April 11, 2015, 12:21:13 pm »
"You wont want to work the engines too hard or they will break"

Yeah that is super simplified

But I'd like to point out the engines staying up depends on your engineers, not you.

I should know, I'm the biggest Kero/Claw spammer in this game.
Haha. I understand that, but if you just used Moonshine the whole game, then the engineers would have to eventually leave the engines alone and let them break, and focus on the hull or balloon.
: D

Guides / Re: What is Guns of Icarus!?
« on: April 11, 2015, 11:40:40 am »
needs work.

It has the issue of captain obvious syndrome that is quite apparent in about high school-middle school level essays.
It needs personality and clarification.

Basically this is an introduction vid. It doesn't need the fluff you put on it. like details on tool slots and roles and etc. Basically obvious crap that can be plainly seen or observed or surmised.

Basic guns of icarus intro in list form.

1. Genre (team based pvp on airships thematically with a steam punk aesthetic)
2. gameplay (each player plays a certain class to fit certain roles but it is within the games philosophy that though not reccomended, players can be played interchangably in these roles)
3. game modes (matches of varying sizes, there is normal death match, crazy king and king of the hill.
4.specific mechanics (spotting system emphasing stealthy strategic manoeuvring, tool cool downs and reload times, rebuild and repairs, and fire and fire stack/overheating guns, all requiring proper communication to coordinate a functioning ship and a winning team.)
5. community (as a highly team based game, the in-game community finds itself essential to the maintaining of the niche population and acts helpfully in teaching the meta of the game. As such it is a generally friendly community that is only limited to a person's ability to communicate cordially with others)
Aye, I understand that I put lots of information that was a bit unnecessary, but I felt like they were the exiting things. I didn't want to make the game seem like a chess game, boring but tactical. Thank you very much for the feedback, I will be using it to help improve my future videos!

Guides / Re: What is Guns of Icarus!?
« on: April 10, 2015, 06:20:03 pm »
Well aren't you helpful? Salute.
Thank you very much Jack! I really appreciate it!

Community Guide / Guns of Icarus Basic Engineer Tutorial
« on: April 10, 2015, 09:22:50 am »
Hello Everyone!

So today I decided to make a Engineer Tutorial! Spent ages making it, and I hope it helps some of you!

If you don't want to watch, you can read instead!

Hello everybody, my name is theteenagewizard and welcome to my guns of icarus engineer tutorial. In this tutorial we will be covering the best 3 tools to use as a engineer, what the role of an engineer is and also how to be a good engineer, so lets get right into it. The first thing we are going to do is select the engineer class by clicking on the wrench icon, and then press the character button. You should now have a screen that looks like this a bit like this.

As I discussed in my last video, when you select a class, which ever class you selected will enable you to have 3 pieces of equipment for that. As you can see here I have 1 piloting equipment, 3 engineering equipment and 1 gunning equipment and the reason for me having 3 engineering equipment is because I selected the engineer class. If you don't understand that, click on the screen now to visit my last video, where I explain the basics of many things.

For this video, we will be focusing on the section to the left, which is where you choose your items. The standard engineer class is normally like this ( Don't worry if you don't know what any of these things are, we will be breaking them down in a minuet): So, for the piloting equipment we will have a spyglass (This is the standard thing to have if you are a gunner or engineer, as other piloting equipment will not come in handy in most games ), for the engineering equipment we would have a wrench, then mallet and also a fire extinguisher, and lastly for the gunning equipment, well in fact that is the thing that depends on your ship and your captains tactic, but for now we will go for Lesmok.

So now we are in a practice match, which is just me in the lobby and we are going to be testing out some of these items. The first thing we have here is called a spy-glass. Its use is to spot enemy ships, so that your crew mates and in fact other ships will be able to see him. It will also help if he quickly dives behind a cloud, as you will roughly know where he is, until the cloud gets too thick, and the markers will disappear. Now moving on to the important things as an engineer. The first thing we have here is a wrench, if I go ahead and start destroying my ship, you will see that some of the things on my ship such as engines and guns will stop working. To fix this we need to hit it with an engineering item. For the class that I have here, it could either be the wrench or the mallet. If we test them out here, and by the way be are trying to fill this red circle with the gray, and we can see that if I hit it with a mallet, it repairs a little but, but with the wrench, it does a much better job. This is called rebuilding and you will need to rebuild an item on your ship, such as the hull armour, balloon, guns and engines, when it gets destroyed by the enemy, which will be appending allot in battle.

The second item here is called a spanner, and its job is to fix the item. As we saw earlier, it's not very good at rebuilding things, so what is it good at. Once we have rebuilt something, you will be able to see a health bar, if the health bar is full then it is fully repaired, if it is near the left side of the bar then it has low health, and wont work properly. To fix this we could try hitting it with a spanner, but that does hardly anything to the health. But if we hit it with a mallet, we can see that it's health increases a ton, but then it does have a cool down, where you can't do anything to the gun. The spanner doesn't have a very long cooldown, so if an item only needs to be repaired a little bit, then a spanner would be a good choice.

The last item is a fire extinguisher. When an item is on fire it will have a number from 1 to 20. 20 is the worst, and will most likely destroy the item in a couple of seconds, the least is 1 which wont damage the item to much. The fire extinguisher can put out a fire with any of these numbers, but it can't prevent a fire in the first place. That is the job of a chem spray which we will get to in another tutorial.

Now moving on to how to be a good engineer. You will need to know the importance of items around your ship, so that you don't repair and engine before repairing the hull armour! Here is my list of priority: The first thing to repair on your ship would be the hull armour, then the balloon, then the main gun, then the engines, then the other guns. Most ships, will have a main gun that the gunner is on, try to keep that one always up and running. The hull armour protects your ship, and stops you from dyeing, the balloon keeps you in the air and then the engines allow you to turn, and move forward and backwards.

Another few things that will make you a better engineer are to use the right items for the right job! Use a spanner to rebuild, and a wrench to fix! If the other engineer on your ship is going to hit something after the cool-down, don't wait with him. I have seen so many times 2 engineers both waiting for the same items cool down to finish, so that they can hit it first. And the last tip I have is to make a routine. If you are the main engineer, your job will be to stay on the main deck and normally to fix the hull, balloon and engines ( Unless you are on the pyramidion, for reasons that we will get to in my pyramidon tutorial later on )

I think that that brings an end to this video, if you think I've missed something, please leave it in the comments below. Don't forget to check out my other videos in the Guns of Icarus tutorials playlist, and don't forget to like and subscribe. I will see you on my next video, goodbye.

Thanks for reading!  :) :)

Apologies for the hijack, but in regards to this, I already made my own many months ago. :P

I am not gonna lie, but it looks allot better than mine! Nice!

Guides / What is Guns of Icarus!?
« on: April 08, 2015, 09:36:06 am »
Hello Everyone!

Today I made a YouTube video to help very new players learn what Guns of Icarus Online really is! Also I know a few people on the forums who don't own the game, so this is also for you. If you don't want to watch the video, I have pasted my script below! I hope you all enjoy, I spent a couple of hours making it!  :)
Video: ( Leaving a like is really appreciated!  :)  :) ( Helps me compete with the other YouTubers when they made the videos for the Kickstarter campaign )

Guns of Icarus online is a multiplayer steam-punk game. You are on a ship with three other crew members, and in the most common game mode ( which is a full on 2 v 2 ), you aim is to destroy the enemy airships and reach 5 kills, as shown in the gameplay that you are watching.

In this game you are part of a 4 crew airship, with other real players. You will always have 4 crew members on any ship, even if you are flying as part of a fleet of 2,3 or 4 air-ships. You can choose from 3 different classes which are "Engineer", "Gunner" and "pilot. As you can probably imagine, the engineer will fix things around the ship, and occasionally hop on one of the guns when needed. The gunner will most of the time just stay on the "main gun", which would normally be the one with the most range and power, but that would be up to the gunner and the pilot to decide.
And then there is the pilot, you will need allot of skill to fly one of these ships and you'll need to take into consideration the gunner and your engineers. You don't want to work the engines to hard or they will brake, and you don't want to give your gunner no chance to shoot. One of the things that many people do in this game, is leave piloting until they are a high level at gunning or engineering, but sometimes you get the odd few who have played many piloting games before and they are able to do it, but like I said, I have only seen 1 or 2 in my time of playing.
There are currently a wide range of seven ships to choose from, and you can customise them by placing different guns in different places. The ship that I am on in this gameplay is called the squid. It has a back facing gun ( Which not many ships have ), but to counter for that there is no gun on the left side. All of the ships in this game have good points and bad points, so when in battle it all balances out and comes down to your pilots tactics and your skill.

The Guns of Icarus community is the best I have seen, If you want help, someone will take you into a private lobby and teach you, if you need to know how to do something in-game, even the enemy team will gladly tell you, which could even change the outcome of a game.

The weapons in this game are great fun to use, and if you are a good captain and you put the right guns in the right places, you will be able to forget about repair and destroy the enemy in no time. Some guns in this game are like snipers, others are like machine guns and they all have different strengths. Such as the gun I was just using, is called the gatling gun, it is great for destroying hulls, and then our front gun would be good for finishing the ship off. I am currently making tutorials for this game, so If you would like to find out more, click your screen.

This game may look confusing at first sight, but once you play a few matches, you will learn the ships layout, the best tools to use for repairing and the best ammunition to use for different guns. This game does have a create a class system, where depending on which class you are wanting to edit ( Engineer, gunner or pilot ) you will have a different layout. If I picked the Engineer class, I would be able to have 1 piloting equipment, 3 engineering equipment and 1 gunning equipment. If I picked the gunner class, I would be able to have 1 piloting equipment, 1 engineering equipment and 3 gunning equipment, same would go for the pilot, 3 piloting equipment, 1 engineering equipment and 1 gunning equipment, not that you would normally find a pilot on a gun!

If you have any questions please ask them in the comments, or if you feel like asking allot of people, head over to the forums! I think that brings this video to an end, If you think I've missed a key thing, please leave a comment down below. If you are interested in buying this game, I have a link where you can get it for only a few pounds, so if you are interested, there will be a link in the description and also an annotation on screen. Also if you are interested, don't forget to watch my tutorial series.

Wow this is amazing! I love it thank you so much for making this! o7
No problem! Glad you liked it!  :)

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