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Messages - SteamBrains

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Q&A / Re: What is this poster about?
« on: February 16, 2017, 01:47:56 pm »
It's totally Eric xD

Team: Zealous Rhapsody
In game - SteamBrains, MagicMetalMan

The Pit / Re: Airship Voyage Checklist
« on: February 10, 2017, 10:29:37 am »
608. Two echidna light flak cannons, a mobula, and mike and Ike's.

The Pit / Re: Ban the User Above You
« on: February 08, 2017, 10:09:05 am »
I ban carn AND shaded for not letting anyone else have a shot

The Pit / Re: 2meta4me
« on: February 06, 2017, 10:50:39 am »
Alto rep

The Pit / Re: Battlecries!
« on: February 03, 2017, 10:45:46 am »
I always yell "PREPARE THE FLAKS!" it's my thing on my mobula. I have 2 flaks on there so if those 2 clips go in, somethings gonna die  :P the yell is to make sure the engies are waiting for hull strip

The Pit / Re: Five Word Story
« on: January 23, 2017, 09:56:30 am »
To save the world from,

The Pit / Re: Ban the User Above You
« on: January 23, 2017, 09:54:06 am »
I ban Guagadu for assuming my Artemis

The Pit / Re: Ban the User Above You
« on: January 22, 2017, 07:41:58 pm »
I ban kestril for not preparing the flaks

Altruistic Rhapsody
oh man, we're back!
(prepare the flaks)
POC In game: SteamBrains

General Discussion / Re: Alliance art style
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:39:34 am »
^That's an axil :P but this does bring up some fun conversations. I think to understand the art style you need to understand the faction. The goi website has some decent faction summaries you should check out here (I have read through all of the lore I could find for work on a... Side project   8))  the whole thing with Angela is that they are super advanced, and since alliance is the new wave of ships the factions have come out with, it makes since that Angela has the most technologically advanced. I would stil argue that the Angela is deiseloun I and not deco, judging that diesel is during a war such as this one and there just aren't as many reference images that matched with deco for me. With corsairs and the Titan by their side, the anglean republic shall rule the skies of firnfield! As for Chaladon, I agree a bit the feathers are sometimes a bit much. Their faction is a nut job though, they will slaughter villages if their balance is not fulfilled. Crusader is wonderful, glad someone else thought it looked like a train  ;D I always have mine named "mobula train." keep your eyes peeled for the bonefish too! It's kinda a rumor right now but it's somewhere out there. Maybe implemented soon?

The Pit / Re: Ban the User Above You
« on: January 05, 2017, 08:54:12 am »
I ban huskarr for #skynet (flarenet?)

Gameplay / Re: The Mobula, Builds for the Brave
« on: January 05, 2017, 08:45:40 am »
Ooh daft loon I like the sound of that, I'll have to try my hand at it. Also of course forgot to mention Fyraxis's hades and then 4 banshee mob. Sometimes just all banshee mob xD it can be pretty devastating if used correctly

Gameplay / The Mobula, Builds for the Brave
« on: January 04, 2017, 09:43:03 pm »

I have been flying mobula for quite awhile now. I've gone around to other ships but generally gravitate back to this one. Now before you go off and say "That steambrains is a salty vet who likes nothing but mercury and artemis." thats the exact thing im attempting to avoid. You see, way back when the mobula arcs were in the dark ages (moved outwards) the it was almost mandatory to have 2 artemis on it, and unheard of  to have none. (mostly) so during that time, I brought out this beauty from the vaults. Previously flown by a clan memeber (Boaker) I decided to try my hand at it. It was the glorious, Who Needs A Map. A gleaming mobula with a Hades up top, 2 banshees wing tip, and a wonderful double flak bottom deck. All that is needed is a competent hades gunner and the rest is history. I'll admit it has not overthrown the mighty artemis cancer mobula's. And hey, if youve got a good thing, stick with it! But I present this idea. Ever since the arcs got changed back, I havent been seeing those cool close ranged mobulas, or those beautiful mid range mobulas. I realize this is due to it having nerfed mobility, but hey we need a suicide charge every once in awhile. Another one I'm working on is a Flamer up top, [insert gun here] on wing tips, and double carro on bottom. Its been pretty cruel and very fun to fly. (goomba stomping with mob <3) So. If you have a worthy mobula build, or even just a downright silly one, LETS HEAR IT!

Cheers to you all!

The Pit / Re: Ban the User Above You
« on: January 04, 2017, 11:12:56 am »
I ban Guagadu for conspiring with lysanya!

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