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Messages - Plasmarobo

Pages: 1 ... 25 26 [27] 28 29 30
Gameplay / Re: Achievement system flaw
« on: June 06, 2013, 03:26:05 pm »
Naw, the Pyr has that nice point. Just aim the giant spike at the balloon or something. Or the galleons guns.

Not easy, but not that bad.


That Linen.

The Lounge / Re: Introductions!
« on: June 06, 2013, 03:23:38 pm »

The Cantina / Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« on: June 06, 2013, 03:19:34 pm »
Plasma breezes through the door. He smiles sympathetically at Nidhogg as he acquiesces to the potent drink.

"I see I'm not the only one who finds that stuff powerful. 'ello Commander. Hello...ah."

He sort of salutes Yiski. More out of habit than anything else. He places himself next to Nidhogg at the bar.
He looks from Skyraider to Nidhogg and back.

"I don't think I know either of you. But I think I've seen you both around the past few days... been a bit chaotic I guess. Anyway, I think I must be starting to like this place. I suppose I'll have one of those too."

He indicates Nidhogg's empty drink, now in the process of being replaced. He turns to the man.

"You're not from around here are you?" he says carefully.

N is for Nope, I'm sorry, Nobody cares

The Lounge / Re: Introductions!
« on: June 06, 2013, 08:04:12 am »
Yeah, I guess I never did this. Grabbed this with Surette during the sale.
Game was good enough that I bought stuff in game (this never happens, I just wanted to support Muse).

Um. Hai.

I'm Plasmarobo, but just call me Plasma. Way easier apparently. Dunno why people have such trouble saying "Robo". My favorite bastardization is "Plasma-bro".

Anyway, I am a pilot and a captain at heart, and have recently become "not terrible". Flying is my first love, but if you need me to, I'll pick up the old hammer and spanner. Not a terrible engineer, but I care nothing for your engineering achievements, though I'll do my damnedest to keep ya alive.

But yeah. I'm a Student still, but I've designed/am designing computer parts for a major firm. A good chunk of you have probably used our products, though I'm sure you don't know it.

But yeah, if you see me in the skies, say hi!

Gameplay / Re: Where is a "Ramming guide"?
« on: June 06, 2013, 07:51:34 am »
I used to love this.
I called it a 'jackhammer'. You just repeatedly slam into the enemy over and over again. Until they die or your engines just stop.


I don't fly Pyrs as much anymore. I experienced being on the other side of this (me Junker, them Pyr). Thank god for Chute vent is all I have to say (and curse you, ground!)

I now hate myself for employing this tactic a bit.
Plus is it just me, or does moonshine not hold me as straight anymore?

Gameplay / Re: Achievement system flaw
« on: June 06, 2013, 07:48:21 am »
There is actually strategy in remaining level 1. Everyone will underestimate you. Maybe.

That said, I am far less likely to listen or even take a level 1 seriously. And I like being able to see how I stack up against other people. This might not be the best measuring stick, but it is a measuring stick nonetheless. These levels might only have the meaning we give them, but I like a badge that shows how much I've played. It sort of shows how much I care about the game, in spite of the inane things it requires me to do!

(Plus I want all those cool cool outfits!)

I'm caught in the crossroads of both really liking that there are levels ( and that they are not easy to get) and very glad that they don't actually mean anything. I would never take an extinguisher in a tourney, but if it's casual...I like to have silly or experimental games sometimes. Losing is fun!

Point being:

I want to be the very best
Like no one ever was
To complete pilot is my real quest
Eleven is my cause! (Or whatever number is highest at the time your read this.)

The Docks / Re: Northern Air Fleet is recruiting
« on: June 05, 2013, 09:19:35 pm »
Yeah, sorry about this.

Confusing Cogs stuff or something.
Mostly just ignorance!
Sorry man, and I'll still fly with you anytime!

The Cantina / Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« on: June 05, 2013, 09:06:32 pm »
Plasma gives a sad sort of smile as he looks at the urns.
He shakes it off.

"How unfortunate. Does this sort of thing happen often in here? Well..."

He glances around the room, and quickly counts the coin he has on him.

"Wonderful! Everyone have a Hellfire on me. A reminder that some lives burn hot, even after they're gone!"
He slaps the money down and drains his drink, a process the quickly forces streams of salty liquid from his eyes.
He breathes deeply in the aftermath of the drink.

"Helluva kick."

The Cantina / Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« on: June 05, 2013, 03:38:53 pm »
Plasma slides into the tavern in the wake of the messenger, just in time to see Althea pull herself off the ground. He looks at the shot-glass on the floor. Exasperated dismay plays out a little dance on his features.

"And who says Elite's can't handle their liquor. Though, I suppose, with the Commander's stuff it's more like handling a point-blank shot to the gut."

Althea gives him a withering look, and he pulls on his collar a bit, looking sheepish.
"Did it just get hotter in here or...? Right. But really. Is there any truth to the rumors that the still and workshop are one in the same?"

He pulls up one of the new bar chairs. Preening a bit, he indicates the new insignia.

"I'm celebrating though! Recent promotion! I'll have the strongest- nope. Not a chance. I'll have hellfire. That's enough. But, Admiral."

He looks at Zill, glancing at Jun'ko and Althea.

"If you get a moment, I'd like to ask you and the commander about the conflict with the guild... general stuff. Like how likely am I to return alive if I, uh, accidentally found myself near their warships?"

The Cantina / Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« on: June 05, 2013, 02:04:12 pm »
--Outside the Saloon--

Plasma eyes the messenger.
Looks harmless enough.

He turns a bit impatiently towards the man.
"Yes? Can I help you?"

He watches the nervous little guy.
Something about this doesn't seem quite right.
He casually rests his hand on the grip of his pistol, but keeps his expression even.

The Pit / Re: Burning Skies Saloon Discussion
« on: June 05, 2013, 01:53:32 pm »
I love how DnD characters assume there are just 10k gold-value diamonds lying around. Or that clerics have some easy access to them. Or that their char is more important then resurrecting the king or something.

DMax came back as his sister. Until such time as suitable diamond could be found.

But you could start an alt-universe RP where Honey the Kid got his shots of first.

The Cantina / Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« on: June 05, 2013, 01:14:20 pm »
--Administration Building B Lobby--
Plasma sighs. The Captain was, of course, making him wait. Again.
I swear the woman derives some kind of vindictive pleasure from this.

He opens the briefing folder in his hands, paging through the sheets of guild data and intelligence reports.
Schematics, maps, images, profiles, dossiers. A folder full of sighs.

The door to the right of the secretary's desk flies open suddenly. A man stops from the room, jaw set, eyes narrowed.
Plasma looks up at the secretary, eyes pleading for any kind of excuse. However this woman seems cut from the same cloth as the captain.

"Captain Verra will see you now."

Plasma swallow, lurches up and takes a few deep gulps of air before striding confidently (one must try) through the door. The room inside is immaculate. Beautiful wood paneling, an antique carved desk with a wide top, and deep navy tapestries covering the walls. Ornate weapons, sabers and pistols, are mounted on the walls, and deep bookcases hold countless volumes, maps, and scrolls. Verra herself stands by one of the large windows, looking out across the council gardens. Very few administrative buildings have a view to the council buildings.

She speaks without turning.
"Sit Ensign."

Plasma sits. It's a tense minute before she turns. A beautiful, hard face. High cheekbones, brown chin-length hair with a single streak of her signature navy blue on the right side. The only interruption of the perfect symmetry is the scar running from the base of her neck to the temple, narrowly missing the brilliantly blue eye.

She turns derisively to him.
"It has come to my attention that you've made a few interesting command decisions. One might even call them insubordinate. Now, before you protest, I realize a superior officer was involved. However that is no excuse for dereliction of duty. You were lucky this time. I've put an official reprimand on your record."

She sniffs and walks to the desk, placing both palms on it, leaning forward and subjecting Plasma to the most intense glare he has encountered.

"Moving on, you managed to make some hard choices, and you seem to have made them correctly Ensign. I've decided to trust you with a slightly heavier assignment. Along with it comes a promotion. A probationary promotion. Screw this up and I'll cut you loose. Welcome to the new pay grade, lieutenant."

Plasma gapes. Verra gazes expectantly at him as he marshals his words.

"Thank you captian! I'm sure-"

"Yes, yes. Now to your assignment. I'm assigning you to the Heiress. Close your mouth Lieutenant: it's my ship, not my bed. Better. Now, we depart for Guild space in two days. Mission parameters are close and quiet. Follow up on your brief however you see fit. Here are the mission details. You are dismissed, Lieutenant."

Plasma struggles to his feet and salutes. Verra returns the gesture dismissively and returns to the window, lost in thought.

--Later Outside the Saloon--
A bit later Plasma arrives outside the saloon, riding high on the new uniform with the Lieutenants insignia.

Closed? Flak.

He stops short as the the Fjordic man leaves.
A baronies man, and an aristocrat at that? Or maybe a pirate? Hmm.

Defeated, he turns back towards the administrative sector.
Might as well finish up that paper work...

The Lounge / Re: Silly Ideas That Would Break the Game
« on: June 05, 2013, 10:20:44 am »
Gat+Harpoon ammo.


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