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Messages - Plasmarobo

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The Cantina / Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« on: June 03, 2013, 04:40:11 pm »
Plasma examines the icon and, apparently satisfied, hands over the device.

The Cantina / Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« on: June 03, 2013, 03:51:11 pm »
Plasma stares at BdrLine.
He knows the Admiral!? What the flak is going on!?

Wordlessly he takes out his radio, which doesn't look quite standard. It has two dials too many, and the antenna follows a rather odd pattern. He flicks the dial to a different frequency and it squelches in accordance.
He offers the device to BdrLine. Then pulls back his hand.

"You... You know the admiral!? How do I know you aren't playing some sort of Con here?"

The Cantina / Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« on: June 03, 2013, 03:06:36 pm »
Plasma turns apprehensively as BdrLine aproaches.

He grips his service carbine in what he hopes is a firm, but ultimately non-threatening manner.

"Nothing to see here sir. Move along. Military business. Rest assured, you and your loved one's are safe under the watchful eye of the...Look, you look like you know your way around this sort of thing. I'm sure there is nothing wrong. Some suspicious activity by the docks. If you've got business here...well, it might have to wait. I've been ordered to wait here for a superior."

He looks BdrLine up and down, almost hopefully.

"Look, I'm an Ensign, and it's more than my jobs worth. But our hands are tied at the moment. There is a suspect ship. Checked in, and left without checking out. It's a Dandy Lion vessel, which makes it more odd. That and we've found... evidence of foul play. But I suspect...can't just leave port. You'd be gunned down...right? My lieutenant won't listen... but..."

He grimaces, and chokes bad the rest of the sentence.

"Like I said sir: Nothing to see..."

Gameplay / Re: Where is a "Ramming guide"?
« on: June 03, 2013, 01:49:49 pm »
Yeah. I always feel bad for my engines and engineers though.
I'm always a bit rough on my engines. Ramming sort of makes that so much worse.

There is a sense of perverse joy I get when I pull it off successfully.

Also, I was wrong about the balloon thing. Apparently they have the same health. Sorry Smollett.

The Cantina / Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« on: June 03, 2013, 01:18:51 pm »

Plasma sighs.
Orders are orders, but searching every ship on the docks? What can have possibly happened.
He straightened his cap as the old woman bellowed at him. The bright, clean, and yes, even shiny uniform he wore ruffled under the force of her verbal assault. Her assertions that they were "good honest folk" and the "men o' war" had "no business interferin' with common folk!" sounded all too familiar.
I swear, it's as if they get together and rehearse these things

"Ma'am, I have my orders. What if it's a dangerous criminal who's hidden on your boat now?"

The others come back off the boat.
"It's clean, let's get out of it"

Plasma nods, absently bidding the woman good day.
Then it catches his eye. Something subtle. But... it's a strange day. He stops, stoops, then straightens and checks a large book for a moment.
He goes to the  lieutenant.

"Sir, it may be nothing, but I've found something that looks an awful lot like blood. Not older than a day too. But the thing is sir... that dock's empty. Has been since this morning. But there's something funny about the log sir: They were never checked out."

The lieutenant goes ashen, and picks up his radio.

Gameplay / Re: Where is a "Ramming guide"?
« on: June 03, 2013, 10:58:27 am »
I think it's velocity x mass. So, if you're ramming down, the balloon controls your vertical speed.

That said, different balloons have different amounts of health... and I think they take a decent amount of damage from rams.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: My 25 hour experience with the game
« on: June 03, 2013, 10:41:12 am »

Spire is...I dunno. I think either way you'll find noobs trying to do CQC with it and getting creamed. It doesn't have a lot of flexibility like the squid.

 trying to do CQC with it



But yeah, spires always get way too close to me.

Website and Forum Issues / Re: Wat to bind keys for Xbox controller?
« on: June 03, 2013, 10:12:15 am »
Oh yeah! I only fly with a Xbox controller (technically a Logitech X-Input enabled controller).

I bind the "Action" triggers to the L bumper, start, select, and R bumper. The D pad does Map, Both chats, and I forget what I set the other one to. Never use it.

Other than that, one stick is look, one is up/down/left/right/forward/back. "Use" is B, Throttle is X/Y, and I think A is jump. The Right trigger is "Hit"/"Shoot".

But I switch to mouse for engineering or gunning. Superior planar response and all that.

Play around with the keybindings in "Options" and figure out what you like. By default it does a 'move through' thing with your items which is terrible.
I spent a while activating moonshine just to move to hydrogen. So glad I figured out my customizations.

A problem is crappy matches that last way too long.
In which case a 5 min cooldown could be peanuts to the actual time cost of the game.
I've had some really rough capture points. Mostly because some folks don't understand Capture Point means "Capture the Point", and felt they should ignore my polite (and then not so polite) instruction via captains chat.

I am resistant to the idea of 'hot swapping' either with classes or ships. I like consistency, tactics, and planning. It takes away from learning new strategies if you can just decide "Oh, that Squid is annoying my galleon and we can't hit it! I'mma respawn as a Squid! LULZ."

I like the system as it is now. If this is still a big problem once players figure out how the game works I think a rejoin cool-down or going the Call of Duty (GASP!) route of having achievements/kills/whathaveyou not stick until the match is complete might be okay.


The Lounge / Re: The Bragging Thread
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:30:14 am »
I think I do quite well for myself within my limited scope of foodstuffs I enjoy.

Also I'm getting better at the whole heat+food+maybesomeotherstuff equation.

Certainly better than I was two years ago, and at least able to make things that taste reasonably unlike butt.

Also DMaximus is my roommate, for those wondering.

The Lounge / Re: Shoot better!
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:14:33 am »
Honestly, sometimes I love having a new crew.
If they are willing to listen to me, it feels great when we get kills.

But on the listening thing, following the theme of cohesion, I really dislike silence.
I know some people simply don't have mics, and it's awkward to use text chat.

But get a mic. And talk to me. You don't have to be my friend but give me feedback.
I rarely gun. I often forget where the effect-cones of the weapons are. To that end, it's hard to know if they are all able to shoot effectively. Easier with some ships than others.

I also like to co-opt other people into extending my situtational awareness.
Not always easy to keep guns pointed at the target and watch the guy who thinks he's sneaking up on you. Cardinal directions are super useful!

The Lounge / Re: The Bragging Thread
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:00:47 am »
i think its cool that your a grammar nazi.

But I guess I haven't failed out of college?
Slash have a boring/secure/adult sort of job?

And I play Guns half as much as my friends?

Man, I need to get out more. Or stay in more.

OH! I managed to get my roommate to finish cooking my food cause I needed to pilot. That was a win.

The Gallery / Re: First .gif Hope you enjoy
« on: June 03, 2013, 08:57:41 am »
I don't even... what? Why is this so amazing?

Gameplay / Re: Component Targeting
« on: May 31, 2013, 10:40:11 am »
My god, that font...

Anyway, I generally just go for the kill.
If you have superior firepower and/or position, hammering their armor and getting that hull down is how you kill. However, when outmaneuvered and outgunned it sometimes becomes entirely necessary to disable. 

In a junker, having an Artemis on the front position can let you nuke the engines of ships that would otherwise fly circles around you. It also stops them from running away. I cannot tell you how many times I've lost a scuffle in a Pyr just because my engines happened to die. If you can't move, you're basically temporarily out of the game. No matter how quickly you rebuild your hull if you cannot dodge or get guns on your target, you're done.

General Discussion / Re: Disgusting
« on: May 31, 2013, 10:03:37 am »
This is actually one of the few communities I'm becoming passionate enough about to care when this sort of thing happens.

Jerry Holkins (Tycho) has the formula of Normal Person - Consequences + Audience = Total Fuckwad theory.
But especially in a game that more or less requires voice communication, it just makes me a bit sad. :(

Be sure to report people like this when you see them in game. The reports are checked and actions do get taken. Best thing you can do.
Do the CAs have the power to ban a player? I usually just block/report offenders. But I assume that system could get overloaded pretty quickly.

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