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Messages - HamsterIV

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Q&A / Re: Questions about the GUNNER
« on: March 04, 2013, 12:28:20 pm »
I've been playing for a bit, and I guess I just need more time with this, but does anyone have any tips on effectively using the Scylla?
Apart from practice and lesmok rounds I suggest flying with a captain that will drive within spitting distance of a target. The mortar may have a long max range but its effective range is about the same as a carronade.

Guides / Re: OPEN YOUR SUCK: Battlefield Communication
« on: March 04, 2013, 11:54:40 am »
This is a very nice guide, and I would like to see more new captains using this. I have my own take on several of these commands, which I will go into below:

I like using "Contact" in conjunction with the clock standard and, since we are dealing with  3D environment, I like to add high, low, or level. So a spot command for me is: "Contact 11 o' clock low."

If I don't have a spy glass (because I am captain), I follow up this with "Please Spot." Otherwise I follow up with "marked" or "can't mark" if lost in the clouds or the game is glitching.

When gunning and the ship turns out of my field of fire I call out "Lost Shot, turn left/right/go down." I like to think the prefix "Lost shot" is enough explanation as to why the captain should turn the ship in that direction, if there is a more pressing need than keeping the guns on the target they can make that decision.

One communication I do not like is when the gunner's call out the components they destroy, especially if they say it like: "balloon down", "hull down", "or gun down." Such commands should be reserved for damage to one's own ship, and can really freak out an engineer who has experienced the game glitch where a component is not reporting its current damage status. If the gunner absolutely has to brag about the part of the enemy ship they have destroyed I prefer them to use the terms:

"I broke their forward gun"
"Target armor down"
"I hope they didn't need that balloon"

The Gallery / Re: You've Been Warned!
« on: March 01, 2013, 06:58:49 pm »
There have been a bunch of mic related problems recently. I was cussing a blue streak at my crew last night. One of my gunners who was pointed in the wrong direction, and an engineer who was on a gun next to the hull as it went to red. It turned out they couldn't hear any of it.

I like using the phrase: "I will have you flogged for insubordination under fire!"

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Harpoon Idea
« on: March 01, 2013, 06:34:11 pm »
I have flown a few harpoon only matches and "tactical use" it not how I would describe it. They always boil down to a bunch of ships randomly bouncing off each other until one falls out of the sky.

In my 250 hours of game time I have been killed by a harpoon once. I was approaching the back of a galleon in a squid when he harpooned me and dragged me into his hull. I think the other pilot was as surprised by what happened as I was.

Feedback and Suggestions / Harpoon Idea
« on: March 01, 2013, 06:18:49 pm »
I had an idea to make the harpoon a little more interesting:

Use the orientation of the harpoon gun, after the line is attached, to exert limited control on the target vessel. I imagine this working somewhat like how a fishing rod works on fish. By swing it left or right you can pull the fish/ship in that direction. I know it is physically impossible but it would be cool to fling an enemy ship into the ground/near by wreckage/its own teammate. Also it would give large ships a chance to retaliate against those little ships that are always dancing outside of gun range.

If you want to make this more physically possible, after the harpoon makes contact the user has three seconds to re-aim the gun before the harpoon fires a tow rocket in the desired direction. The victim ship is pulled by the tow rocket a short distance before the tow rocket runs out of fuel and disappears.

I know this would probably be a lot of work and I have no expectation of ever seeing this in game.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Larger Crew Size
« on: March 01, 2013, 06:00:58 pm »
The FAQ is not on the older forum, it is a link from the main page. You need to click Community->Forum to get here but the FAQ is only one click away.

General Discussion / Re: Achievements - what's your game?
« on: March 01, 2013, 05:41:01 pm »
On long range sniper ships Locknigar is a good way to increase your dps. The gunner has to develop a rythem:
Shoot Charged round, Shoot Charged round, Load Locknigar, Line up shot, Shoot Locknigar, Hit gun with mallet, Load Charged round, Repeat.

Assuming the captain is not flying erratically you can put out significantly more hurt with Locknigar and charged rounds than you can with charged rounds alone. Also when the dammage is delivered in one big dose the engineer has less time to fix it.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Larger Crew Size
« on: March 01, 2013, 04:58:48 pm »
That is probably why Muse created the forums. It gives arm chair game designers a chance to express their ideas in a way that doesn't bother the development team. Imagine how many "you game is cool but it needs more boarding" emails they would get without this forum.

Gameplay / Re: Balance Concerns & Questions 1.1.4
« on: March 01, 2013, 01:23:00 pm »

You want to work for free?  Do you have programming experience?  Do you have UI experience?

Not that I am volunteering, but hypothetically if someone answered yes to those three questions would you let them run willy nilley through your source code?

Gameplay / Re: Team Tactics
« on: March 01, 2013, 12:16:17 pm »
This is less of a tactic and more of good advice:
Don't move away from you ally when taking fire from a balloon popper. In fact unless you are about to crash into them, don't move away from your teammate period. Many a time I have watched a new pilot in a Galleon get pounced by a Cannonade equipped Squid or Goldfish. Instead of asking for help swatting it off, they ran in the opposite direction from their teammate and ended dying alone. Unless there is a brilliant piloting maneuver I am not aware of, it is next to impossible to shake a good pilot's carronade ship without help. You can't retaliate because the other ship is always too high and you can't lift because you balloon is always being popped. Help from your teammate is the only way you are getting out of that situation and into a situation where you can be useful. So ask for that help and make it easier for your team mate to render that help. Trust me your team mate wants you to use those big ol' guns as much as you do.

On the flip side if you are running a ship with a Carronade as the main gun, your goal is to separate your opponents, so you can have enough time alone with one of them to hammer them into the dirt. While you do this you will be a slow moving juicy target. So having your victim's teammate show up and start beating on you is undesirable to say the least.

Gameplay / Re: Balance Concerns & Questions 1.1.4
« on: February 28, 2013, 07:02:53 pm »
- Flechette vs Armor Decreased (0.35 from 0.5) Data Entry Error in Last Update, this is the intended change.

That explains why Carronades were ridiculously effective after the patch.

I am looking forward to see how the Lumberjack and Manticore changes affect the game.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: A fix for Fire, and Flamethrowers.
« on: February 28, 2013, 01:56:49 pm »
Fire is much less powerful if you have engineers who know what they are doing. I was suffering badly from fire last night, since I got a lot of mid game gunner joins who only stayed around for one match before rage quitting. It serves mt right too, I used to run a fire squid before the last patch.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Fire ammo + Hwacha; maybe a tad op?
« on: February 28, 2013, 01:20:51 pm »

Remember, you need 8 fire charges on a gun to disable it.  Furthermore, you can counter fire quite effectively if you're smart about it.
Awkm why are you trolling your player base?

The more experienced players know there is a better ammo combo for the Hwacha, but new players like Hillbillyjoe are still learning via experimentation. You shouldn't be making fun of him for failing to pickup on the nuances of a system you designed. At least not with your official Muse account.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Planes
« on: February 28, 2013, 12:46:16 pm »
Are NPC planes still on the table for adventure mode?
Is adventure mode still on the table?
Where is this table?
If we were to put donuts on the table would this cause adventure mode to materialize sooner?

The Gallery / Re: Fan Art Thread
« on: February 28, 2013, 11:29:24 am »
I would spend more time being creative if I were not playing the game during all my free time.

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