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Messages - Tanya Phenole

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 26
Q&A / Re: Match Making (Friends and Blocked)
« on: July 02, 2014, 11:29:22 am »
I'd really love if matchmaking system could have an option of friend list members prioritize.
In current lobby system I am waiting for 2-3 matches to get place on boat with friends - just because I want to play with them, not with others.

The Docks / Re: The Black Cloaks Mercenary Team
« on: July 01, 2014, 04:05:06 am »
Well, I would sign, if Grey would be my boss

The Gallery / Re: Noobs can't into moonshine
« on: June 29, 2014, 04:04:39 pm »
Do you have deviantart profile? I'd love to order this as a poster.

I love this. And the place for your sign is cool and unexpected again

Who are those friendly members, btw? =)

The Docks / Re: The Black Cloaks Mercenary Team
« on: June 29, 2014, 12:13:39 pm »
I vote for Grey T cause british accent

Q&A / Re: Do pilot skills stay active if you get off the helm?
« on: June 29, 2014, 08:24:18 am »
Pilot tools deactivate the second you get off the helm. Soem pilots tools stay active after deactivation for a bit (e.g.: Hydrogen stays active for 3 seconds).

When you mount the helm and the tool is selected you are activating it again.
Why it remembers that you have that tool activated is beyond my understanding for it could prove rather unconvinient if you activate, say chute vent again...
Isn't it supposed to be deactivated immediately? You sure it is not staying because of ping delay?
All pilot tools which stay active after deactivation for another few seconds do so as well if the helm is left. Leaving the helm has got the same effect on the steering tools as selecting the neutral tool-slot.

Strange, I noticed that drogue shute dissapears almost immediately when I dismount to hit junker's baloon

Q&A / Re: Do pilot skills stay active if you get off the helm?
« on: June 29, 2014, 03:00:09 am »
Pilot tools deactivate the second you get off the helm. Soem pilots tools stay active after deactivation for a bit (e.g.: Hydrogen stays active for 3 seconds).

When you mount the helm and the tool is selected you are activating it again.
Why it remembers that you have that tool activated is beyond my understanding for it could prove rather unconvinient if you activate, say chute vent again...

Isn't it supposed to be deactivated immediately? You sure it is not staying because of ping delay?

Q&A / Re: Do pilot skills stay active if you get off the helm?
« on: June 28, 2014, 03:12:42 pm »
Pilot tool effect  disappears on dismount.

Добавь время по Мск что ли.

Community Events / Re: Hephaestus Challenge Tipping Thread
« on: June 28, 2014, 06:21:40 am »
Overwatch - Clamour 4:5 

Ryderz - Mad Hatters 5:2

SIR - BFS  5:2

GwTh - SAC 5:3

This will be definitely an interesting week for casters , all matches going to be so intense and brawly ^^
Upset of the week - thralls losing to sacrilege 4:5

The Docks / Re: Quack Quack, it's Duck Time
« on: June 25, 2014, 01:03:38 pm »
I thought that was something like an official Ducks embassy.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« on: June 25, 2014, 12:57:59 pm »
How about an ammo type to counter chemspray, i.e. wash it off? Some kind of water shots, perhaps? These would probably help the opposing team by removing fire stacks, though. How about some sort of chemical solvent-type shot? Either a spray or a bomb-like projectile (like a big glorified water balloon). It could vary between weapons. (Big shot on most guns, but carronades, gatlings, and flamers get a spray)

Chemical Solvent
Removes the effects of Chemspray
Does only 50% damage <-- that can change for balance
as a spray -60% ammo capacity
as a bomb Only 1 shot


1) we already have amazing thing which balances chemspray. Time.
2) "Chemical solvent" is kind of silly name from terms of chemistry... Cause lots of them are highly flammable, and huge amount are completely impossibe to set fire with.  The ones which are flammable are usually evaporise really fast to use them as a fuel for gun. 
3) in current game balance flamethrowers is a threat even for chemsprayed ship.  Pings/seconds spend on gunning/carronades which destroy spray status

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« on: June 25, 2014, 05:33:42 am »
If you really need 2 guns with special ammo, you take 2 gunners.  If you need one, take one gunner.  If your ship can run just fine without special ammo, take no gunners.  I don't think it would break the game.  I think it is something to think about.

That will ruin the initial idea of teamwork as highest priority. Class does not means that your role is strict , we have pilots, rebuilding hull and engines in critical situation, gunners as main repair force for guns and helping on rebulds as well (no engines-no arcs - no shooting). And engineers, able to do everything.

Currently, game has 10 pilot tools, 8 gunner ammo types and only 6 engineer tools. 2 of the pilot tools designed specially for engineers and gunners. Adding 2 ammo types, which will be useful  for engineers, and engineering tools useful for gunners and pilots, would help to correct the class balance.
However, this topic is dedicated to ammo types ,  not to rebalancing engineer's tools.

My suggestion:

Phosphoric shot.
+70% projectile speed
-20% rotation speed
clip size reduced to 1.

Highlights the component being shot, so the enemy ship is not shaking the spot. Also, the halo of lighted components helps pilot to watch the movement of the enemy ship in blind zones.
Puts several stacks of fire to the gun being shot from and to damaged coponent as well. The lightning effect stays for 8-10 seconds.

How to exploit:
- by gunners, who can instantly extinguish their gun by heatsink clip. This mostly related to heavy flak gunners, who don't have much use before armor breaks. (weapons, generally used by gunners, like Typhon, Lumberjack, Manticore, Hades  require only 2 ammo type for tactic advance, so probably the third slot can be taken by Phosporic clip, which gives huge advance).

- by pilots having light guns near helm, like Galleon or Spire. Unlike taking flare gun, this does not makes the gun slot itself completely useless in terms of damage. Helps the crew to do spots, helps himself to prevent enemy ship going blind zone  in brawl. Makes harder to shake spot by cloud, does not influences to shaking spot under cover.

- completely useless for engineers because, well, -1 person gunning on the ship. Very few ship build have no-shooting engineers. Also can't be used for Pyramidion's maindeck due to lowered rotation speed.

The Docks / Re: Glowwater Thralls now recruiting.
« on: June 25, 2014, 04:06:39 am »
The benefits of Thralls are also:

- best training for engineers. No jokes, guys, if you need to improve your skills, that is the best opportunity for it.

- fat chance to step away of boring usual builds. Ever wanted to fly spire in competitive? Nothing is impossible here! Victory isn't guaranteed though XD

- a clan leader which finds you on the other side of globe to inform that you have clan practice on saturday evening. All clan events arranged with week advance and that is the thing you won't find in other clan.

- smallest crew rotation ever. You will be 80% sure which people you play with next event.

- inspiring-for-battle picture of clan administration with green moustache, Shrek cult and compulsive obsession with greenlights! 

The recent competitive matches showed that having builds you are confident with is better than fully countering build. The Cake-Merry Men match showed it pretty well last week

So build switch is quite dangerous practice

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