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Messages - Phores

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Other than Airships
« on: June 19, 2013, 05:43:15 pm »
It would be cool to fire at a target that can't fire back, but on the flip side, you can't do anything to stop the guy firing on you.

An interesting idea, I was thinking more along the lines of being able to shoot back but if you killed them it would just give points to another enemy.
ie. all can shoot all but any of team A dieing gives team B points, B dieing gives C points and C dieing gives A points.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Multiple maps in Practice mode
« on: June 19, 2013, 06:48:15 am »
Here, have my salute, sir. That's good idea to show new players the maps so they can explore them freely and get to know them. Love it!

What I would like to see too would be the possibility to launch a second ship in the practice mode, so you can show beginners more stuff.

This. "Practice" should be a toggle-able mode not a map. Just disable win conditions and maybe allow swapping to other ships in the match mid-game. Would serve as an unofficial stand in for all the gametypes people want (with observer judge) and allow some actual practice. Rather than simply moving and shooting at slow moving, tiny, targets that barely fire back and have no "parts" consistent with actual ships.

Current system serves as a "learn some controls" not as a practice.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Other than Airships
« on: June 19, 2013, 06:15:11 am »
Why dont we have both?
Was what I was erring towards, though don't want to overcomplicate it.

Non DM would be a good way to do it, you could easily do a koth match with 3 teams (would have to lower/remove the conversion timer though).

Thinking about it, with a bit of scripting, could have some pretty interesting scenarios:
  • 2 Teams racing to be the first to deliver a lucrative shipment across a windy map, a 3rd of pirates trying to steal the shipments by destroying the ships before they make it (spawn the "pirates" part way through the maze/course)
  • 2 Teams trying to be the one to kill a 3rd (both with unlimtied respawns) while the 3rd has to hold out for a set time on limited lives (even 1 each). (this also works for 2 teams)
  • Triangle of hate, each team has a target team and is scored by that team dieing but not the other (who is targetting them)

Actually, thinking about it: What I'd really like to see is a map/scenario editor with something like a contest every other month for best map(s) to be entered into official circulation.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Other than Airships
« on: June 18, 2013, 08:57:41 am »
Yeah, some ships really arent possible to take down solo without some real work or BS meta reducing the game to one of a handful of builds. A 2v2v2 match would be interesting though.
 LMS would be the most viable but favours hiding a lot while kill count favours a lot of killstealing, either would have a rather interesting metagame within them.

Q&A / Re: Mass changes and balloon poping
« on: June 13, 2013, 07:39:51 pm »
Actually for the controlled rise mass is directly a factor, the lift doesnt scale with it so F=MA ==> F/M=A Less mass (smaller ship) means more responsive. In a freefall you are generally looking at a flat 9.8 m/s^2 before air resistance. Given the size factors in lighter than air, air resistance is significant so you'd probably see the falling speed end up with squid and junker being slower while the spire would be a javelin (others are awkward to say too much on considering how they were deisgned for aesthetic not physics ;) )

Also main reason for replying:
 Shinkurex have you ever tried the variant "dropping" experiment? It irks many.
 Try dropping a moon and a feather towards a bowling ball in a vaccum, my earnings for this year say your argument falls apart when you use extremely different masses ;)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Anti-ship melee weapons
« on: June 13, 2013, 07:08:30 pm »
This would be awesome so definitely semi-necroing.
The ram wouldn't have to be fixed so gunners could still use it. You could make them light or medium:

Most ammo styles could work aside from Lesmok and heavy (not too bad considering how few currently really work with flamer)
  • Ripper: the pic Sgt. Spoon linked sums it up.
  • Devils horns: Large spring driven ram with a horned devil head atop. Firing slams it forward at high speed dealing piercing and a physics push, slow reload pulls it back into place, could be double "barreled".
  • Dragons Maw: Grips the opponent when "fired", deals minor damage/sets fires on most components. Can only grip whilst firing.

  • Cat o' nine: Spinning wheel attatched to flails, funcitons much like a chain saw but each blade is on a chain of it's own to extend reach to something usable in very CQC rather than just ramming.
  • Barb flinger: a small cross between the hwatcha and the grapple, very short range with a very short lived pull but usable damage.
  • Lancer: An elongated spike with a small set of bombs on the tip.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Boiler Room in Skirmish Mode
« on: June 13, 2013, 06:44:15 pm »
For the first concern, Muse has already axed out customization, such as the one you described, from skirmish mode to reduce the amount of time needed to prepare before a match. Also, this allows for quick in-game changes that will allow you to quickly change tactics if needed. And second, trolls do not need to mess with a boiler room to mess up your ship, and if they do, report them like any other player who jumps on your ship and shoots at nothing to give your position away, or just sits in front of your face to block your view and does nothing.

But to address this troll issue, the captain of the ship should be able to have a lever by the helm to pull to lock down the boiler room if you do not trust your crew not listening to you.

First concern immediately from my perspective is how awful a justification for axing customisation that is. I'd rather have it set so you couldn't preview opponent ship setup until yours is locked for the match (if at all) or ships being formed in a separate lobby before joining as a whole into matches to speed things up. That aside however:
The system, while great, sounds convoluted and too time consuming for current 4 man ships to handle effectively in combat, simplification akin to Hamster's suggestion would be a solution. As is however it would be great for the larger ships people are asking for (bigger crews etc.) and allow for them to have limited "modes": rather than just an unstoppable carnage they could have to choose between moving around the map or shooting.

Re: Trolls, the current system to deal with them isn't amazingly efficient. Also the other methods require time from a troll to maintain rather than this allowing a "join in progress">turn all power to minumum>leave match and repeat; takes actual time to be undone (rather than the effect wearing off), can easily cost a battle/the match and can't even be looked around.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Other than Airships
« on: June 13, 2013, 06:24:23 pm »
Allow crew to equip fun but mostly ineffective "fluff" items.
Just things which make the crew seem more like people than avatars of non-stop ship-ship war or give "idle" animations and the like. Examples:
  • Flintlock pistol: Firable by the individual rather than the ship. Does, at maximum(if any), the damage of a single gat shot.
  • Grappling hook: Activate when falling from the ship to pull yourself back aboard.
  • Watering can: How else did all those potted plants survive?
  • Falconry glove: Call/Release a bird of prey. Make it hunt down a gull for added effect.
  • Cleaning bucket: Scrub the deck with use. Throw increasingly dirty water on enemy ships (just for humor).
  • Book: Crouch down and read a page, local pc can generate spam styled text. Add in an "I wish I could read" quote or like.
On the note of that point: character voices would be nice (especially for things like captain changing "priority"). "Macro voices" has been suggested elsewhere too for audio yells for those without a mic for things like "Balloon down!" or "Man starboard guns!".

Depending how far you can go with the age rating there is ofcourse:
  • Cigar/Ciggarette/Pipe: Just for look, fairly staple steampunk. Use lights/stows.
  • Moonshine: Generic game drink effect. Just make it a slight blur to it's not too much of a hinderance.
  • "Contraband": Every crew has it's vice, plays with contrast/gamma/etc. Particularly common dystopian feature.
  • Sweet memories: Briefly pull out a picture of a steampunk styled pinup.

Edit: This whole section:

Bigger ships would be awesome though smaller(3 and less crew) would be very awkward to ballance to a playable level.

Bigger ships could pull in up to 8 man crews for capitol ships/flagships used in scenario/"asymetric" matches (hey, fun doesn't always mean equal teams)

Simply big ships in the 6 man area would be more managable for skirmish

Ballance could be interesting, offsetting tremendous firepower and armor for becoming more akin to an angry terrain feature.
 Large guns having separate "turn speed" and "reload speed" hit locations could make engineering them more awkward while simple fear of being in arc makes them an area denial. Basic gun ballance can be extrapolated from current weapons by increasing projectiles/second with an increased bullet life and/or reduced bullet drop, some weapons could even be given continuous fire (fire rate slowed by damage).
 The boiler room idea could work maybe even make it never have enough power to siginificantly power everything at once: forcing the tough decisions of fight or flight for the cumbersome giants.

 As is the galleon feels to me like it's in an awkward palce, overgrown and clumsy for a 4 man ship yet too stunted to be a terror of combat that would justify a "heavy" placement.

 On an aside, large weapons that would be interesting to see on some of these bigger ships: (probably wouldn't be affected as much by special ammo though)
 Baloon mines: Think inverted sea mines, fire from a mid range cannon, reload and clip size prevents too many being around before their baloons fail. (Genuine area denial/cloud trap)
 Superheavy mortar: Only fires at distant locked enemies, fires a very high arc shell at the enemy landing several seconds later, devestating the local area. (Flush enemies out)
 Bolas: (could possibly fit this to current mid-size) Functions much like the harpoon but binds 2 other ships together.
 Ball and chain: Fire a harpoon at a ship with a heavy weight attatched, generally messing with their momentum and turning (possibly sinking)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Objective based game modes.
« on: May 22, 2013, 05:00:04 pm »
In that case why not lower the balloon? Also very much for game type variants.
Escort a ship and Defend the captain (ship not person) come to mind for current scale. Also "Blind" whilst not an "objective" would be a nice mode, make people unable to view other teams equipment until match start.

FFA would be nice and even opens up other possibilities such as:
Inverse tag: score by spending time as "it", become "it" by killing current one.
Highlander: FFA but gain a buff/full heal on each kill.

Would also love to see some bigger matches (5v5?) which could put in some "capitol" ships which could possibly take more men to crew and give you a chance to implement those large guns that were in design rather than the current small/medium.
Would open up some interesting matches with things like 1 or 2 capitols vs a fleet of regulars or match to get a slow moving capitol across a long map before enemy destroys it etc.

Game modes don't all need to be equal, just fun. A separate ladder matching system for competitive and even games is fine but some that are interesting and fun would be nice.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: I want to commend the enemy crew
« on: May 22, 2013, 04:37:37 pm »
Definitely agree, especially for a ship that puts up a good fight even after their pilot leaves rather than just dropping.

Feedback and Suggestions / Quick join/Matches by game type
« on: May 22, 2013, 04:33:36 pm »
Having only had the chance to play CotH once and looking around I'm quite disappointed to see that I cant quick match into a specific game type, only into generic (unable to pre-pick captain or crew first is another minor gripe). This bothered me more when I can only filter by map to get a specific game type.

I'm proposing either:
 TF2 style quick match, allowing either specific map pick OR just game type; In this case captain/crew toggle would also be needed.
 WoW's Dungeon finder style menu to flick on/off specific maps with a "Must/Can/Can't captain" toggle. With this option being able to join as a group/ship(s) would also be appreciated to play with friends.
The match viewer also needs filter by type adding as while currently there are only a couple of non DM maps, some people want something other than a DM without caring what map.

Feedback and Suggestions / Improved matchmaking (ship based)
« on: May 22, 2013, 02:29:41 pm »
Just noticing many matches being slow to fill as they're competing heavily against other matches and often oversubscribed on either crew or pilots.
I'm suggesting matching up in a 4-man lobby for each ship, allowing ships to fill more quickly and be ready for a game. With this setup the ship would then be entered as a whole to matchmaking against other ships and go straight into the game. It should speed up getting games by cutting down on the number of full ships sitting in otherwise empty games.

This system would also have the side effect of removing what I see as a badly thought out meta of each captain trying to be the last person to swap their ship to counter their opponents. Moving the meta to being strategically countering popular builds rather than hectic menu navigating races, which really don't feel right in the game.

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