Guns Of Icarus Online

Off-Topic => The Lounge => Topic started by: Ayetach on March 27, 2015, 07:02:00 pm

Title: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Ayetach on March 27, 2015, 07:02:00 pm
At the request of a forum user, this pole will be provided. It'll be up for 30 days for anyone to vote, enjoy! :)

EDIT: Updated spelling mistakes and added third 'other' option for other tool layouts.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: BlackenedPies on March 27, 2015, 07:09:17 pm
Typo: mallot - mallet

Chem mallet spanner, buff mallet spanner, buff wrench chem
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Replaceable on March 27, 2015, 07:10:07 pm
Maybe it's a pun. We're having a 'ballot' about mallets. 'mallot.'
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Riggatto on March 27, 2015, 07:11:02 pm
How bout "It makes no difference to me?"
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Replaceable on March 27, 2015, 07:12:11 pm
Where's the option for chem first?
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MightyKeb on March 27, 2015, 07:45:13 pm
Where's the option for chem first?

Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: DJ Logicalia on March 27, 2015, 07:59:06 pm
Where's the option for chem first?

Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Hoja Lateralus on March 27, 2015, 08:16:00 pm
Main: spanner/mallet/chem

Buffer: wrench/buffer/chem

Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Ayetach on March 27, 2015, 11:13:54 pm
Updated options :)
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Steve CZ on March 28, 2015, 04:02:21 am
Where's the option for chem first?

And how about "I walk on my hands and eat with my feet" :O Don't try to justify such abominations
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Lanliss on March 28, 2015, 05:39:30 am
It would be so funny if "other" won.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MightyKeb on March 28, 2015, 05:41:48 am
My god, it's 9-9, I need to get some popcorn and watch this all day.

That said, I can't just let this competition slip by and win itself.


propoganda race, gogo
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MagKel on March 28, 2015, 07:28:23 am
i suggest a change to the poll in order to make it more in touch with reality

1. HOLY TRINITY Spanner - Mallet - Chem
2. HERESY Mallet - Spanner - Chem
3. ABOMINATION Chem - anything else

Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Kamoba on March 28, 2015, 07:39:03 am
i suggest a change to the poll in order to make it more in touch with reality

1. HOLY TRINITY Spanner - Mallet - Chem
2. HERESY Mallet - Spanner - Chem
3. ABOMINATION Chem - anything else


All hail the Holy Trinity, and mah the righteous be victorious against the heretics and abominations.
Remember fighters of the righteous cause, through unity and virtue we shall be victorious, gather thy allies, gather thy alt forum accounts and let us crush all our enemies.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MightyKeb on March 28, 2015, 11:09:40 am
i suggest a change to the poll in order to make it more in touch with reality

1. HOLY TRINITY Spanner - Mallet - Chem
2. HERESY Mallet - Spanner - Chem
3. ABOMINATION Chem - anything else


All hail the Holy Trinity, and mah the righteous be victorious against the heretics and abominations.
Remember fighters of the righteous cause, through unity and virtue we shall be victorious, gather thy allies, gather thy alt forum accounts and let us crush all our enemies.

Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Hoja Lateralus on March 28, 2015, 12:40:27 pm

Oh, look, we're in the pit now.

But all hail HOLY TRINITY
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MagKel on March 28, 2015, 12:45:08 pm
And yet nobody mentions the extinguisher as a viable first slot

Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: sparklerfish on March 28, 2015, 03:03:47 pm

or if you're going full buff...

while we're talking about order, ammos go long range to short range.  example, for mines: lesmok/incend/loch.  duh.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MagKel on March 28, 2015, 04:02:03 pm
while we're talking about order, ammos go long range to short range.  example, for mines: lesmok/incend/loch.  duh.

oh no...
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Arturo Sanchez on March 28, 2015, 05:27:00 pm
anti fire hot keyed to slot one.

spanner then mallet.

muscle memory binded to this forever.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: ShadedExalt on March 28, 2015, 05:50:38 pm

I was unaware there was any other way to do this.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Kamoba on March 29, 2015, 08:48:08 am
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MagKel on March 29, 2015, 09:13:08 am
anti fire hot keyed to slot one.

spanner then mallet.

muscle memory binded to this forever.

I am confused, this is like the Anglican church: You do things apparently right yet somehow it is wrong.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Tanya Phenole on March 29, 2015, 09:40:23 am
Recently started using my graphic tablet as a controller for most games, instead of mouse.
My setup so far is
Default tap - spray
Two fingers tap - mallet
One figer double tap - spanner

also taps are way more quick and less tiring on febuild/buffing than clicks ! hope this will be helpful for someone who plans to use tablet too
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Indreams on March 29, 2015, 10:04:51 am
Recently started using my graphic tablet as a controller for most games, instead of mouse.
My setup so far is
Default tap - spray
Two fingers tap - mallet
One figer double tap - spanner

also taps are way more quick and less tiring on febuild/buffing than clicks ! hope this will be helpful for someone who plans to use tablet too

That's a clever way to do it  :D. Although, I can't tell whether spanner-mallet, mallet-spanner, or chem-spanner-mallet. I think you are a spray-mallet-spanner, but I can't accuse you of anything... ???

You are clever madam.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Arturo Sanchez on March 29, 2015, 10:08:40 am
anti fire hot keyed to slot one.

spanner then mallet.

muscle memory binded to this forever.

I am confused, this is like the Anglican church: You do things apparently right yet somehow it is wrong.

No one complained bout my tool use yet. I have the exact tool needed by the time I'm by that part and switch instantly when needed because muscle memory.

Press y button for default. Press RB twice for repairs. Once for rebuilds. LB for spy glass. And I memorised where to get anything else from whereever in this set up.

Pilot tools. RB twice for kero (past impact bumpers), LB for kero. (goddamn I wish they approve that 2 step pilot tool use thing-need it so bad-mainly hydro and chute so I can replace bumpers finally).

also implying an organisation that follows rules from a parable based rulebook with hundreds of inconsistencies and hypocrisies and saying anything they do is ever right and faithful to said book of paradox/faith/intent therein is funny to me.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Replaceable on March 29, 2015, 10:35:34 am
Just to clarify: chem first is truly awful. :p

Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: shaelyn on April 03, 2015, 12:59:16 pm
I can let go of the whole fire suppression first thing.  after witnessing the setup of the fire suppression tool being used in slot 2, nothing else seems so bad anymore...

oh and sparky, you have your ammo types backwards.  it's short to long.  loch, incind, lesmok.  :P

and if managing two guns, the oddball ammo type goes first, then sorted by ranges the same way.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Indreams on April 03, 2015, 01:01:13 pm
From the votes so far, Spanner Mallet wins. Spanner-Mallet all the way!
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MightyKeb on April 03, 2015, 01:18:25 pm
From the votes so far, Spanner Mallet wins. Spanner-Mallet all the way!

Hell no, I firmly believe these votes were a complete hoax. Someone cheated! Mallet Spanner obviously wins!
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Lanliss on April 03, 2015, 01:44:10 pm
Submit, submit to the might of spanner-mallet, you mallet-spanner peons. You cannot stand against us, you cannot stop us, for we repair better than you. You will submit, or you will fall.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MightyKeb on April 03, 2015, 02:46:38 pm
You see Lanliss, a very wise man, who also was a mallet-spanner advocator by the way, which isnt very hard to figure for all intellectual men prefer mallet spanner, has said: "The Hull goeth before a fall.", ultimately thy ways are countered by something as simple as a gat mortar! Mallet-spanner also comes with the added benefit of not smacking that 3 second cooldown in with the spanner by accident after the rebuild. So in both short and long term, spanner-mallet falls short.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: David Dire on April 03, 2015, 03:02:03 pm
You see Lanliss, a very wise man, who also was a mallet-spanner advocator by the way, which isnt very hard to figure for all intellectual men prefer mallet spanner, has said: "The Hull goeth before a fall.", ultimately thy ways are countered by something as simple as a gat mortar! Mallet-spanner also comes with the added benefit of not smacking that 3 second cooldown in with the spanner by accident after the rebuild. So in both short and long term, spanner-mallet falls short.

Thou speaketh truth.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: BlackenedPies on April 03, 2015, 03:10:58 pm
I think the 'other' votes are skewing the results. The question is if you put spanner or mallet in front of the other.

That way mallet chem spanner would be a vote for mallet, or my vote of chem mallet spanner.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Lanliss on April 03, 2015, 03:26:23 pm
They are not skewing the results. The question is "do you prefer mallet-spanner-insert item here, spanner-mallet-insert item here, or something else, that is neither mallet-spanner or spanner-mallet?". It is not just a question of what you prefer in first slot, but also what you want in second.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Indreams on April 04, 2015, 12:06:35 am
Actually, you know what? I ran the Stats.

Simple Random Sample of Guns of Icarus Players (assuming that forum attendance has no influence on spanner-mallet, mallet-spanner preference).
n(p) > 10.
n(1-p) > 10.
Population of GOIO players are greater than 460.

Ho: p = .33333
Ha: p > .33333
Where p is the true proportion of GOIO players who prefer spanner-mallet.


z= (P^ - P) / sqrt( P(1 - P) / n ) = .3779644.
p value of .0722.

Since p value is less than .1 (hence marginally significant), I reject the Ho. There is sufficient evidence to suggest that the true proportion of GOIO players who prefer spanner mallet is greater than .333333.

This is a little confusing (even for me who is currently learning Statistics in school), and a slightly flawed here and there, but all of it summarized to suggest that there are more players who prefer spanner-mallet than the other two choices. So, spanner-mallet!

EDIT: as more people vote, my calculation will be off. The above was calculated when there were 20 spanner-mallet, 16 mallet-spanner, and 6 others. The null hypothesis was that all three categories were preferred equally.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Queso on April 04, 2015, 01:16:14 am
Of course, the assumption that players in the lounge spending time to answer this poll already biases these results to almost complete uselessness for the purposes of extrapolating to general population. However we can probably draw some more useful conclusions about the forum population's preferences. Generally forum users are older players/veterans. I think the default loadout these days is Mallet spanner when in earlier days it was the opposite. Can anyone confirm this?
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MightyKeb on April 04, 2015, 06:38:37 am
Of course, the assumption that players in the lounge spending time to answer this poll already biases these results to almost complete uselessness for the purposes of extrapolating to general population. However we can probably draw some more useful conclusions about the forum population's preferences. Generally forum users are older players/veterans. I think the default loadout these days is Mallet spanner when in earlier days it was the opposite. Can anyone confirm this?

I believe it is, I just picked up from novice and use mallet-spanner since.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Indreams on April 04, 2015, 09:02:54 am
Of course, the assumption that players in the lounge spending time to answer this poll already biases these results to almost complete uselessness for the purposes of extrapolating to general population. However we can probably draw some more useful conclusions about the forum population's preferences. Generally forum users are older players/veterans. I think the default loadout these days is Mallet spanner when in earlier days it was the opposite. Can anyone confirm this?

And the null hypothesis is a little off too. The categories of "others" makes it a bit weird because, if we were to assume that players prefer all load outs equally, "others" would actually be several different load outs. And if we wanted to talk just strictly about spanner-mallet vs. mallet-spanner, "others" prevents that.

So, a little flawed (or maybe lot) stats. but yea.

When you create a recommended loadout, it defaults to mallet-spanner-extinguisher. When you first start playing, (I think) you get spanner-mallet-extinguisher. I think (maybe) players that joined after rec loadout began with recommended mallet-spanner, and players that joined before began with spanner-mallet.

Can anybody confirm my hypothesis?
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MightyKeb on April 04, 2015, 09:15:48 am
Of course, the assumption that players in the lounge spending time to answer this poll already biases these results to almost complete uselessness for the purposes of extrapolating to general population. However we can probably draw some more useful conclusions about the forum population's preferences. Generally forum users are older players/veterans. I think the default loadout these days is Mallet spanner when in earlier days it was the opposite. Can anyone confirm this?

And the null hypothesis is a little off too. The categories of "others" makes it a bit weird because, if we were to assume that players prefer all load outs equally, "others" would actually be several different load outs. And if we wanted to talk just strictly about spanner-mallet vs. mallet-spanner, "others" prevents that.

So, a little flawed (or maybe lot) stats. but yea.

When you create a recommended loadout, it defaults to mallet-spanner-extinguisher. When you first start playing, (I think) you get spanner-mallet-extinguisher. I think (maybe) players that joined after rec loadout began with recommended mallet-spanner, and players that joined before began with spanner-mallet.

Can anybody confirm my hypothesis?

Like I said, I recall my default engi loadout being mallet-spanner. I myself have joined little after the glorious matchmaker update and all the other overhauls behind it, so that's likely when the mallet-spanner plauge religion began to spread.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Indreams on April 04, 2015, 09:19:16 am
Wait, MightyKeb,... Are you a spanner-mallet or a mallet-spanner?
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MightyKeb on April 04, 2015, 09:41:53 am
Wait, MightyKeb,... Are you a spanner-mallet or a mallet-spanner?

Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: ShadedExalt on April 04, 2015, 09:49:20 am
Mallet-Spanner is obviously superior.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: David Dire on April 04, 2015, 10:56:42 am
Mallet-Spanner is obviously superior.

Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Kamoba on April 04, 2015, 03:20:53 pm
Mallet-Spanner is obviously superior.


Your argument is invalid, you're loosing the vote.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Indreams on April 04, 2015, 05:00:41 pm
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Koali on April 04, 2015, 06:05:58 pm
( ( Imgflip Meme Maker (
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: David Dire on April 04, 2015, 06:13:26 pm
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MagKel on April 04, 2015, 06:14:15 pm

don't forget your heatsink
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: David Dire on April 04, 2015, 06:16:18 pm

don't forget your heatsink

You mean Lochnagar
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MagKel on April 04, 2015, 06:54:04 pm

Let's pray:
For we place Spanner first,
for we rebuild and repair.
I shall Spray every twice a Mallet,
Never Pipewrench unless it's tank.
Forgive the sinners of their Mallet-Spanner
Deliver them from Extinguisher and
Banish the Range Finder.
Let us bring greased to our flamers
Be it meta or carrofish
But if we spire or gal,
Be Hades or Merc.
Holy trinity Spanner-Mallet-Chem,
Pray for us as we pray for you:
Give us strength under kerosene,
Take the spots for us because
"We are totally busy right now",
Don't let the gunners complain
If their gun is sniped again,
The Chem Cycle must not fall,
For we are the guardians,
We are the last wall from
the encroaching oblivion.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Lanliss on April 04, 2015, 07:10:53 pm

Let's pray:
For we place Spanner first,
for we rebuild and repair.
I shall Spray every twice a Mallet,
Never Pipewrench unless it's tank.
Forgive the sinners of their Mallet-Spanner
Deliver them from Extinguisher and
Banish the Range Finder.
Let us bring greased to our flamers
Be it meta or carrofish
But if we spire or gal,
Be Hades or Merc.
Holy trinity Spanner-Mallet-Chem,
Pray for us as we pray for you:
Give us strength under kerosene,
Take the spots for us because
"We are totally busy right now",
Don't let the gunners complain
If their gun is sniped again,
The Chem Cycle must not fall,
For we are the guardians,
We are the last wall from
the encroaching oblivion.

It felt to me like that changed halfway through, from a prayer to the nightwatch oath. Well done either way.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MagKel on April 05, 2015, 09:11:54 am
It felt to me like that changed halfway through, from a prayer to the nightwatch oath. Well done either way.

I blame the Easter dinner, i started before dinner, closed and posted it after.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Indreams on April 08, 2015, 11:39:21 am
Spanner-Mallet Still Winning.  8) 8) 8)

With Statistical Significance.  8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: David Dire on April 08, 2015, 12:15:28 pm
Spanner-Mallet Still Winning.  8) 8) 8)

With Statistical Significance.  8) 8) 8)

Actually Mallet-Spanner votes did decrease somehow.

I call trickery.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MightyKeb on April 08, 2015, 02:48:13 pm
Spanner-Mallet Still Winning.  8) 8) 8)

With Statistical Significance.  8) 8) 8)

Actually Mallet-Spanner votes did decrease somehow.

I call trickery.

They rebuilt the poll with their gorram' spanners, I tell you!
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Indreams on April 08, 2015, 04:41:20 pm
Spanner-Mallet Still Winning.  8) 8) 8)

With Statistical Significance.  8) 8) 8)

Actually Mallet-Spanner votes did decrease somehow.

I call trickery.

That is because an enlightened brethren renounced the heresy of mallet-spanner and turned to the light of spanner-mallet. :P
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Koali on April 08, 2015, 04:45:52 pm
Spanner. Mallet. Extinguish.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Lanliss on April 08, 2015, 04:50:29 pm
Spanner-Mallet Still Winning.  8) 8) 8)

With Statistical Significance.  8) 8) 8)

Actually Mallet-Spanner votes did decrease somehow.

I call trickery.

They rebuilt the poll with their gorram' spanners, I tell you!

That is somehow the very first time I have seen a Firefly reference in the GOIO community.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MightyKeb on April 08, 2015, 06:46:34 pm
Spanner-Mallet Still Winning.  8) 8) 8)

With Statistical Significance.  8) 8) 8)

Actually Mallet-Spanner votes did decrease somehow.

I call trickery.

They rebuilt the poll with their gorram' spanners, I tell you!

That is somehow the very first time I have seen a Firefly reference in the GOIO community.

Jokes on you, I've never seen a Firefly reference in GOI community.

Except, you know, the one I just made.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Dutch Vanya on April 08, 2015, 06:54:02 pm
Spanner-Mallet Still Winning.  8) 8) 8)

With Statistical Significance.  8) 8) 8)

Actually Mallet-Spanner votes did decrease somehow.

I call trickery.

They rebuilt the poll with their gorram' spanners, I tell you!

That is somehow the very first time I have seen a Firefly reference in the GOIO community.

Jokes on you, I've never seen a Firefly reference in GOI community.

Except, you know, the one I just made.

You guys have never seen a ship named "Serenity"? I would say it's the most repeated ship name i've seen in the game.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: David Dire on April 08, 2015, 07:40:24 pm
Spanner-Mallet Still Winning.  8) 8) 8)

With Statistical Significance.  8) 8) 8)

Actually Mallet-Spanner votes did decrease somehow.

I call trickery.

They rebuilt the poll with their gorram' spanners, I tell you!

That is somehow the very first time I have seen a Firefly reference in the GOIO community.

Jokes on you, I've never seen a Firefly reference in GOI community.

Except, you know, the one I just made.

You guys have never seen a ship named "Serenity"? I would say it's the most repeated ship name i've seen in the game.

*Has been here since late 2013*

I've never seen that ship name.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Koali on April 08, 2015, 07:41:43 pm
It's all Spanner-Mallet aboard the Impudent Grenchler!
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: DJ Logicalia on April 08, 2015, 07:42:34 pm
Spanner-Mallet Still Winning.  8) 8) 8)

With Statistical Significance.  8) 8) 8)

Actually Mallet-Spanner votes did decrease somehow.

I call trickery.

They rebuilt the poll with their gorram' spanners, I tell you!

That is somehow the very first time I have seen a Firefly reference in the GOIO community.

Jokes on you, I've never seen a Firefly reference in GOI community.

Except, you know, the one I just made.

You guys have never seen a ship named "Serenity"? I would say it's the most repeated ship name i've seen in the game.

*Has been here since late 2013*

I've never seen that ship name.
If I had a nickel for every "Serenity" I saw, I'd have, like 100 nickles. Heck, the first name of my Galleon was "Serenity"
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Lanliss on April 08, 2015, 08:34:44 pm
Spanner-Mallet Still Winning.  8) 8) 8)

With Statistical Significance.  8) 8) 8)

Actually Mallet-Spanner votes did decrease somehow.

I call trickery.

They rebuilt the poll with their gorram' spanners, I tell you!

That is somehow the very first time I have seen a Firefly reference in the GOIO community.

Jokes on you, I've never seen a Firefly reference in GOI community.

Except, you know, the one I just made.

You guys have never seen a ship named "Serenity"? I would say it's the most repeated ship name i've seen in the game.

*Has been here since late 2013*

I've never seen that ship name.
If I had a nickel for every "Serenity" I saw, I'd have, like 100 nickles. Heck, the first name of my Galleon was "Serenity"

Nope, and it always surprised me. I have never seen a Captain Mal/Tight pants, nor a Serenity. I thought maybe because it seemed so obvious that you would be considered an idiot to do it.

*stares pointedly at Logic*
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: David Dire on April 08, 2015, 09:20:06 pm
Spanner-Mallet Still Winning.  8) 8) 8)

With Statistical Significance.  8) 8) 8)

Actually Mallet-Spanner votes did decrease somehow.

I call trickery.

They rebuilt the poll with their gorram' spanners, I tell you!

That is somehow the very first time I have seen a Firefly reference in the GOIO community.

Jokes on you, I've never seen a Firefly reference in GOI community.

Except, you know, the one I just made.

You guys have never seen a ship named "Serenity"? I would say it's the most repeated ship name i've seen in the game.

*Has been here since late 2013*

I've never seen that ship name.
If I had a nickel for every "Serenity" I saw, I'd have, like 100 nickles. Heck, the first name of my Galleon was "Serenity"

Nope, and it always surprised me. I have never seen a Captain Mal/Tight pants, nor a Serenity. I thought maybe because it seemed so obvious that you would be considered an idiot to do it.

*stares pointedly at Logic*

Guys... I think... I don't think we're... we're all playing the s-s-same GoIO... (

Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Indreams on April 16, 2015, 04:48:15 pm
Voting Closing in Ten Days. Spanner Mallet still more popular.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Koali on April 16, 2015, 04:51:59 pm
Voting Closing in Ten Days. Spanner Mallet still more popular.



(Air horn.)
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MagKel on April 16, 2015, 06:42:59 pm
Put the logs, rope and pitchforks there, we are hunting Malletians in 10 days
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: ShadedExalt on April 17, 2015, 06:40:18 pm
*Drops Chute Venting Galleon on MagKel and repairs*

"We fly where we wilt. We repair what we wilt. Let the Almighty Order of Mallet then Spanner judge the righteousness of our deeds."
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Elazul on April 23, 2015, 06:24:06 pm
Whats with all this spanner mallet nonsense?  :o

I thought it was generally known that mallet spanner chemspray is the most efficient order.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MightyKeb on April 23, 2015, 06:29:49 pm
Whats with all this spanner mallet nonsense?  :o

I thought it was generally known that mallet spanner chemspray is the most efficient order.

Have your first salute for promoting the righteousness of mallet-spanner  ;)
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: ShadedExalt on April 23, 2015, 06:35:32 pm
Whats with all this spanner mallet nonsense?  :o

I thought it was generally known that mallet spanner chemspray is the most efficient order.

Have your first salute for promoting the righteousness of mallet-spanner  ;)

Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: DoubleMDownie on April 23, 2015, 06:39:56 pm
Mallet-Spanner is the only true way to play!
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MagKel on April 23, 2015, 07:17:12 pm
Seems like we are almost 50/50. A pity having to burn as heretic so many of you.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Lanliss on April 23, 2015, 07:28:09 pm
Seems like we are almost 50/50. A pity having to burn as heretic so many of you.

Almost doesn't win polls. Spanner-mallet does.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Letus on April 24, 2015, 09:15:14 am
What, no choice for Buff Hammer + Chemspray + Fire Extinguisher?

I feel like this poll is rigged...
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Lanliss on April 24, 2015, 03:07:27 pm
What, no choice for Buff Hammer + Chemspray + Fire Extinguisher?

I feel like this poll is rigged...

People like you chose other.
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: Kamoba on May 23, 2015, 01:26:48 pm
What, no choice for Buff Hammer + Chemspray + Fire Extinguisher?

I feel like this poll is rigged...

People like you chose other.

But we don't talk.about those people...
Title: Re: Which way do you prefer your engineering tools?
Post by: MightyKeb on May 24, 2015, 04:30:18 pm
What, no choice for Buff Hammer + Chemspray + Fire Extinguisher?

I feel like this poll is rigged...

People like you chose other.

But we don't talk.about those people...

Shh, Kamoba, it's okay. It's time people hear the truth about the "Others"