Guns Of Icarus Online

Off-Topic => The Pit => Topic started by: Hoja Lateralus on February 12, 2015, 05:01:07 pm

Title: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Hoja Lateralus on February 12, 2015, 05:01:07 pm
Hello there

Recently I had the "pleasure" to play the game and notice that russian clan uses communist symbol (sickle and hammer) in their clan tag. I reported the player from that clan and I would like ask you all to do the same. Communism was a regime responsible for the deaths of millions of people and it is not right to use its emblem (I think it's actually against the law in many countries).

Hope you understand
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Omniraptor on February 12, 2015, 05:24:27 pm
Says the guys with a freaking mushroom cloud on his profile picture...
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Hoja Lateralus on February 12, 2015, 05:26:21 pm
Are you serious?
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: HamsterIV on February 12, 2015, 05:37:31 pm
Every major Nation and ideology has blood on its hands. You might as well be reporting people for having an Anarchist's A, the Muslim Crescent or the Star of David. I think we draw the line at the swastika because some really nasty people are still using as a banner to do nasty things under in western culture.

Palistinans could argue the same thing about Israel, but nobody really seems to care.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: ZnC on February 12, 2015, 05:44:04 pm
Are you serious?
We're supposed to be asking you that I think...

From Wikipedia:
"Because Marxism-Leninism was used to establish a variety of regimes around the world (such as Cuba, China and North Korea) and claimed leadership of the communist movement, and the portrayal by anticommunists of such regimes being an example of communism, in mainstream usage communism has come to be incorrectly regarded as equivalent to this ideology and these regimes."
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: c-ponter on February 12, 2015, 05:58:55 pm
I agree that a game is not the place for promoting political ideals or beliefs, however I also do not see the need to persecute others for said beliefs. Obviously I do not agree with the way that many communist countries have gone about reaching those ideals (Russian Stalin being the prime example) but at the same time he did not commit nearly as many murders as he is given credit for, many of his apparent 'slaves' were a actually normal Russian citizens who volunteered to work in camps in the hope of a better Russia at the end of it all. Personally I agree with the communist ideals that all are equal and everything is divided among all, unfortunately they are just ideals and cannot happen in reality. I would almost say Stalin did succeed in that he did turn Russia from one of the most backwards countries in the world to a great superpower in roughly 10 years, an achievement which has only been recently matched ( that I am aware of, and I realize this will not be a popular statement) by Hitler. The Nazi idea in itself does not persecute Jews or any other religious or ethnic groups, Hitler simply used them as a political tool to gain power and for those not persecute d in both Russia and Germany under said leaders life generally was a huge improvement.
I guess what I mean to say is I dont think they should use political symbols for a clan tag but ar the same time I dint have anything against it, if they are abusing the perception of what communism is then report them but until that point I don't see any real reason to do so.
Of course all of what I have just said us void of there is a rule I missed about political links In clan names XD
(Disclaimer: nearly all of what I have just said is out of history textbooks from school so if you do disagree and have sources feel free to link them/state what they claim, I am always up for a discussion on this rather interesting topic)
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Queso on February 12, 2015, 06:06:25 pm
Alright, let's take a step back. Communism is an ideology that in itself is neither good nor bad. The symbol is thus neither good nor bad. Many people have used the symbol politically, much the same as other groups use the five pointed star politically. They are symbols that represent different things to different people.

The line we as a society draw with the swastika is interesting because it was so strongly tied to an ideology that almost everyone agrees was "bad". The symbol stood for Nazism, an ideology explicitly involving eugenics and murder. We don't draw the line at a hammer and sickle because it is a symbol of communism. It was conceived by workers as a symbol of the proletarian struggle against an oppressive upper class. It was a symbol to unite them. People then used communism and it's symbology to justify murder, but that's very different from saying communism is an ideology that encourages murder.

HOWEVER, there is no perfect line to be drawn in the sand. That is the nature of language and symbolism. Different words and icons have different meanings, different impacts on different people. I implore you all to respect each other's differences in this matter. However in regards to the clan in question, if they are not causing other issues, they have not as of yet violated the community standards, and are allowed to continue to play the game as is.

Feel free to continue to discuss here, but I will be keeping an especially close eye on this thread and will lock it if necessary. Please be respectful of each other's personal feelings and beliefs.

If you have any problems with the actions of myself, any player, moderator, CA, or employee, please contact
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: c-ponter on February 12, 2015, 06:18:07 pm
The symbol stood for Nazism, an ideology explicitly involving eugenics and murder.
Any chance you c ould link /give me the name of a source or 2  claiming  this? As I previously stated I am rather interested in the debate in this area and as far as I was aware the Nazi ideology itself did not permit murder/persecution, this was just a tool used by many of its famous representatives that has given the ideology a bad name. I would like to know if I was mis-lead about this but every source I can find either supports my view or more often ignores the ideology  completely in order to focus on the negative connotations surrounding Hitler and other leaders
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Schwalbe on February 12, 2015, 06:30:24 pm
The symbol stood for Nazism, an ideology explicitly involving eugenics and murder.
Any chance you c ould link /give me the name of a source or 2  claiming  this? As I previously stated I am rather interested in the debate in this area and as far as I was aware the Nazi ideology itself did not permit murder/persecution, this was just a tool used by many of its famous representatives that has given the ideology a bad name. I would like to know if I was mis-lead about this but every source I can find either supports my view or more often ignores the ideology  completely in order to focus on the negative connotations surrounding Hitler and other leaders

Wanna borrow Mein Kampf?
Actually, I and Disaster are from the country which had it's spirit destroyed by both communist and nazi regimes.
If it's just an ideology, then go ahead and say that "well, ISIS's Jihad is just an ideology, nah".

Oh, by the way. My grandfather survived one of those "volunteer" camps. Do you want me, to diminish you to broken animal the same way? Oh sure you WANT.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Hoja Lateralus on February 12, 2015, 06:36:19 pm
Using such logic the swastika was a symbol of hapiness in India and Nazis just "stole it", just as Roman Salute and other stuff. But we all know that most people use swastika regarding the Third Reich and its ideology. The same goes with hammer and sickle - which people mostly use with regards to Soviet Union and other communist regimes. If someone is bragging with the same symbol that people wore when exterminating whole peoples (ever heard of Great Hunger (Holodomor) on Ukraine? massive murder of Polish officers in Katyn? resettling thousands of Poles to Siberia? countless women raped by Red Army soldiers? 60 milion people worked to death in gulags 'only'?). Communism was "just an idea" that killed tens of milions of people.
Someone said that history is written by winners. That's why swastika is hated in the world but sickle and hammer are somehow "okay". Those symbols represent regimes similar as well in scale as in the amount of horror they brought into whole nations. They just changed in the way the wanted to created ideal society - Hitler believed that ideal society can be created genetically and Stalin believed that it should be created by "sociological" and political process.
I think the reaction to such symbols excisting in society shows something about the community. Especially such showed here on the forum. And yes, I will be reporting every communist symbol I will fall into while playing the game.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: c-ponter on February 12, 2015, 06:44:29 pm
Mein kampf is an autobiography written by Hitler in which he even states that his view is extreme, historically speaking it is so biased it cannot be used on its own to gain a balanced opinion. And I did say I do not agree with the way he went about enforcing the ideology.
At no point did I say all were volunteers, just a larger percentage than people realized.
Finally my  great grandfather also survived a WW2 Labour camp (though Japanese, not Russian or German) so plz don't try pulling  family.
I sincerely apologize if I offended you, I was simply stating facts as I believe them about two political  ideologies, in no way was I defending the monsters who used them to justify their actions and am sorry if it came across that way.
I cannot comment on current ISIS events as I know very little about them, but to the best of my knowledge they are Islamic terrorists using the Islamic religion as a cover up for the crimes they commit
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Crafeksterty on February 12, 2015, 06:49:29 pm
I cant belive people dont notice this.

The swastika that of nazis is crooked. While swastikas that of ancient times or positive uses of today arent. I havent seen any swastikas that are crooked and meant for good while crooked swastikas was always coming from the nazi flag.

Think of it in a way of reversing the christian cross as a way to showcase a polar opposite of its meaning. you know, antichrist.

In anycase, Omniraptors first comment pretty much sums up the whole topic.
As much as the negative use of swastikas does present and remind people of the second world war, communism does not and did not, it was part of the war but it wasnt in the symbol of cleansing people they dont want out of the world. Seriously there is a huge difference.

Communism mostly symbolised the work of the people rather than an ideaology as radical/extreme as the nazi. Communism as old as it is, did have bad history but that isnt solely based on its negativities and isnt meant that way either. In the times of nationalities it was important for all countries to classify allies and axis. Because nationality pride i donnu...

And again, it is ironic seeing someone with a nuclear profile pic talk about taking away negative symbols.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: HamsterIV on February 12, 2015, 06:57:16 pm
Did you just play the German card? (it is like the race card if you are black)
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Queso on February 12, 2015, 06:58:40 pm
I'd actually like to apologize for my previous post. In my previous post I was speaking both of my opinion on the subject and as a moderator, which could easily be misinterpreted. There is merit to this discussion that I don't intend to quell by imposing my opinion as the way I moderate. I will not be removing my post since it's already part of the discussion, but I will likely be avoiding further discussion or moderation of this topic, since I am too involved in it.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: c-ponter on February 12, 2015, 07:01:16 pm
Mr disaster while I agree that those events were horrific and should be treated as such, by that theory Christianity should be illegal due to the crusades, Muslims should be punished for their countless Jihads over the years, Egyptians should be persecuted for their enslavement of the Jews ect... Though none of these events are justifiable in any way shape or form in my opinion there is no point dwelling on what a symbol or ideology was used to represent by one or several prominent members, as a general rule every ideology would work in theory but none of them can in reality, there will always be people who  use and exploit religion or politics to justify their actions, but does that really mean all religion and politics should be outlawed?
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Hoja Lateralus on February 12, 2015, 07:06:08 pm
The symbol stood for Nazism, an ideology explicitly involving eugenics and murder.
Any chance you c ould link /give me the name of a source or 2  claiming  this?

It's in it's core - nazism assumes that germanic people are "master race" and is superior to all the other races and needs "space to live". This of course means that rest of the races must either die out or simply be killed (if in the way of "master" race). There were also special "troops" of aryan men who were given orders to make sex to aryan women (opinion of the soldiers or women didn't matter because, hey - greater good, eh?).

At no point did I say all were volunteers, just a larger percentage than people realized.

I'd like to see your source claiming this

I cant belive people dont notice this.

The swastika that of nazis is crooked. While swastikas that of ancient times or positive uses of today arent. I havent seen any swastikas that are crooked and meant for good while crooked swastikas was always coming from the nazi flag.

Think of it in a way of reversing the christian cross as a way to showcase a polar opposite of its meaning. you know, antichrist.

Well on a Reich flag it's crooked but was also used not-crooked. And Hitler didn't use it to oppose it, contrary. Hitler copied many other symbols for happiness or power, for example Roman Salute.

Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Patched Wizard on February 12, 2015, 07:08:33 pm
An image can transcend it's own nature and become a symbol only when we or society give it the means to do so. A symbol will only ever have as much influence and power as we allow it. Our reactions to symbols has less to do with the symbols themselves and more to do with ourselves and the areas in which we allow or deny offence.

Even the Swastika has the potential to be stripped of its power and rendered meaningless by society. The question is though: should we?

But since we've already passed the point of Godwin's Law I think we should all just move on.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: DJ Logicalia on February 12, 2015, 07:12:13 pm
Ponter, I liked you. Please don't defend the Nazis. I get wanting to play devil's advocate, but the Nazis in WWII Era did a bunch of terrible things and Nazis today are awful people. They're less genocidal now and more white supremacist,  and all terrible and need no defense. Please can we stop with this nonsense.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Squidslinger Gilder on February 12, 2015, 07:17:52 pm
Well either way its pretty obvious it doesn't work. You can't really call China a heavy communist nation anymore. Theres just still some staunch commies in charge but power is shifting. Think in our lifetime we'll see China completely change back to more traditional rule.

South America would be the next area but they are collapsing. We don't hear about it in US media but they are. Multiple countries have been ran into the ground by communist or socialist governments. Heck one of their dictators was recently on a world tour trying to get people to buy their oil or at least give them money. It is their own fault tho. They literally chased out all business and forced it all under the government. Then when the market shifts, the system can't and it collapses. Now there is talk he can't even return cause they'll kill him if he sets foot back in the nation. All power in the hands of the gov is never a good deal.

Soviet symbols and logos get a bit more lax treatment because frankly, no one cared if Stalin was butchering his own people. He was fighting Hilter, even though he was allied with Hitler first. But the fact they fought the Nazis is all that mattered in the end. Media has also portrayed communists in more of a comical fashion which lessens opinions. "In soviet russia, car drives you!"

Nazis were more in your face and are the perfect villains for mass media since they were openly committing genocide. But frankly Disaster has a valid point. The Soviets were a brutal regime. Millions were killed or oppressed. People who lived through those times or lost loved ones will be offended by soviet imagery. And they should be. I've talked with some who lived under it and fled to the US. They are good concerned people who don't want to see this nation following similar paths. Heck they love this land more than natives and they can't stand these types of symbols and feel just as strongly about them as Jews feel about swastikas.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: c-ponter on February 12, 2015, 07:21:38 pm
I cannot give a source now as I am on mobile but will post one here or pm you whichever you prefer once I have access to a computer.As for the Aaryan master race that part of Nazism is...flawed to say the least, if not downright stupid though they did not actually persecute everyone who did not fit their master race ideal, they were just kind of ignored for the most part, but I don't doubt Hitler would have 'solved that problem' as he saw it after he had won the war, if he had done so.
Though the part about women being forced to reproduce with men is not entirely true, they were strongly encouraged but not forced, though admittedly there probably were many that felt forced to do so.(I can provide a source to that as well if you like)
but for the record I would like to clarify that most of what Hitler did was not Nazi, it was his own personal belief (look to Mein Kampf, before Hitler gained control of the Nazi party they weren't nearly as extreme) and I do not agree with what he did at all.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Schwalbe on February 12, 2015, 07:21:49 pm
Did you just play the German card? (it is like the race card if you are black)

First of all - I'm not german. German nickname origins from that I like how this sounds.

I might've overreacted, aye. But it's forbidden to use symbols of swastika and hammer&sickle in many countries. And Crafeksterty, please, I have never seen anyone who used swastika in game not to say anything like "Heil Hitler" or any shit like that after that. About communism? Shut up. Odi Profanum Vulgus.
How the fucking hell you think communism wanted to take over the world, spread their bloody love for workship and brotherhood? By means of goddamn revolution. What do you think is revolution, some fucking flowers picking or discussing with tea?
Nazism might be simplified to wiping out not perfect races, but communism in the version of USSR should be then simplified to wiping out anyone else who is not a worker. Communists would kill your "highly educated" (highly educated my ass) asses for the glory of worker class.

Japaneese camps were horrible, this must to be agreed with. But you propably have not seen anybody who survived mining the ore in Ural Mountains with his bare hands only. Not, not just grabbing the ore. They had no pickaxes nor anything to mine - bare hands only. Volunteers... Oh yeah, right. What else? Brothels? Blackjack and hookers?

Somebody may play a card of brainwashed propaganda... pfffft. I always explore new knowledge by myself. I don't give a damn about martyrology, or anything connected with this twisted, perverted way of romantic thinking (by romantic I mean the period of culture) - only facts.

Facts are, that in fact Nazism in cold numbers, in psychological and economical analysis was far less harming than communism. Nazism was wiped out, communism survived and tormented people for next 50 years.

Gillder: As for the Stalin - Hitler "relationship".

Stalin's alliance with Adolf was in fact fucking the third reich up. The agreement was: 3rd Reich gives technology, in exchange for resources. Which never happened. Because it was never to happen. Stalin was planning from the very beginning to use Nazi Germany to empower his military forces, so he could conquer whole Europe and spread communism all around it. He was preparing his enormous forces for assault in september 1941, but Hitler was faster and launched his assault on USSR, destroying all the offensive forces gathered near border - that's why communists were forced to move back, they did not think about defences, only about assault, and their forces were destroyed soon after the beginning of the assault. That's the other story though.

Gilder, btw - have my salute.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Hoja Lateralus on February 12, 2015, 07:24:27 pm
Mr disaster while I agree that those events were horrific and should be treated as such, by that theory Christianity should be illegal due to the crusades, Muslims should be punished for their countless Jihads over the years, Egyptians should be persecuted for their enslavement of the Jews ect... Though none of these events are justifiable in any way shape or form in my opinion there is no point dwelling on what a symbol or ideology was used to represent by one or several prominent members, as a general rule every ideology would work in theory but none of them can in reality, there will always be people who  use and exploit religion or politics to justify their actions, but does that really mean all religion and politics should be outlawed?

I love how you compare religion if totalitarian regime, it makes my heart warm. On the other hand I have to agree that it 'is' not bad argument.

The less we, players, shove up our political and religious beliefs during the game, the better - so during a game I don't want to see neither swastika nor christian cross.

But I think time plays a huge role in this. That's why americans can joke about Titanic but not about 9/11. For my countrymen all communism-related history is very recent, Poland up untill 1989 was ruled by puppet communist government and we still have some "fallout" from those events.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: c-ponter on February 12, 2015, 07:25:03 pm
Ponter, I liked you. Please don't defend the Nazis. I get wanting to play devil's advocate, but the Nazis in WWII Era did a bunch of terrible things and Nazis today are awful people. They're less genocidal now and more white supremacist,  and all terrible and need no defense. Please can we stop with this nonsense.

as I said, I do not feel I am defending them, just haveing discussion about their beliefs.
Though I can see that I have caused some upset and apologize for this, so I will no longer comment on this as I feel many are taking it in a way I did not intend to come across as me defending the actions that these ideals have caused.
(Also its 1:30am and I am tired but do not want people to think I'm running away if I stop replying)
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Schwalbe on February 12, 2015, 07:34:18 pm
And now my turn.

I apologize.

For being hot-headed, oversensitive fuck. Which is empowered both by my knowledge and because I live in a nation that still a bit unknowingly suffer from those regimes.

Still, c-ponter. Before you start discussing beliefs etc, try checking both sides. That's why I own Mein Kampf and Manifesto of Polish United Worker Party. Less people will want your head on the silver plate.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Typhi on February 12, 2015, 07:38:57 pm
Not going to report anyone for this.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: c-ponter on February 12, 2015, 07:41:12 pm

Still, c-ponter. Before you start discussing beliefs etc, try checking both sides. That's why I own Mein Kampf and Manifesto of Polish United Worker Party. Less people will want your head on the silver plate.
I felt I had, which is why I was willing to put my opinion forward, having read Mein Kampf and many of Stalin's speeches, maybe I have written it off too much towards their personal interests and been slightly too accepting towards the political ideals  themselves.
But yes, I will tread more carefully in future, especially about issues as sensitive as this
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Richard LeMoon on February 12, 2015, 07:48:59 pm
I think the line is drawn between the swastika and the hammer/sickle is not what they stood for, but how they are perceived and used today. Anyone tattooing a swastika on their arm is seen as saying "I hate Jews." Someone tattooing a hammer/sickle on their arm is seen as saying "Russia is cool." The one is used to intentionally offend people. The other is used because it is 'cool'. A lot like the Confederate flag in the USA (though it could be argued that that is used to offend more than the hammer/sickle).
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Schwalbe on February 12, 2015, 07:51:34 pm
Well. Some people learn the hard way. It's not your fault, everyone must burn first before learning that.

I usually avoid shit like that, when in game - I block people trying to spread some belief bullcrap unless I know it's self-distant mocking or anything like that. I report people who use any regime symbols, because I believe they should not be used - they should be forgotten. And after years of being forgotten, their meaning, their connection being lost forever - then yeah, why not. But only then.

I don't mind talking with people about their beliefs, as long as they don't deny, close their eyes blindly, justify or lessen the atrocities of crazy people, covering the abittoir with them. As long as this is civilized discussion I'm okay with that. But when somebody try to impose me anything - he's a dead man.

Goddammit. Psychological tests claim that I have IQ of 180+ and I keep making a dumb bastard of myself at any bloody reason.
It's nothing good to be insane, brought up to live in insane surrounding of people not even aware how insane they are.

I'm sorry. I'm a bit down with... anything. And tired.

Richard LeMoon - interesting point of view. Look up the Gilder's and the ending of the latter butthurt post of mine, where I explain something more. That's interesting topic. But it's sad, that it's considered "cool"...
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: BlackenedPies on February 12, 2015, 08:10:42 pm
Hammer stands for workers and sickle for peasants, unified against the oppression observed in Russia.

It has since been associated with "Marxism-Leninism" which was coined by Stalin and later spread to other regimes (China, North Korea, Cuba).

Many communists argue that Marxism-Leninism is neither Marxism or Leninism, but state capitalism in the form of a dictatorship that was used to justify Stalin's ideology.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Richard LeMoon on February 12, 2015, 08:13:56 pm
I beg to differ on it being 'sad'. It ties in with what you are saying about forgetting what a symbol used to mean. If people are using something for no other reason than it is 'cool', with no ties to the political/religious/evil/whatever thing it used to stand for, then it is well on its way to becoming something else. That is progress.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Arturo Sanchez on February 12, 2015, 08:14:03 pm
*shrug they are kinda terrible at the game. Just beat them over and over until they go away or disband.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Schwalbe on February 12, 2015, 08:17:49 pm
I beg to differ on it being 'sad'. It ties in with what you are saying about forgetting what a symbol used to mean. If people are using something for no other reason than it is 'cool', with no ties to the political/religious/evil/whatever thing it used to stand for, then it is well on its way to becoming something else. That is progress.

Yeah, actually I meant something FAR more said. That it's meaning is ERASED from the face of the world forever. Then it will be right. As long as people live, as long as echoing waves of cause and effect are seen on the surface of reality... it is not forgotten yet.

*shrug they are kinda terrible at the game. Just beat them over and over until they go away or disband.

You mean, with crowbar, right?
Grim jokes aside, no matter how I generally dislike you, this time I may agree.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Sammy B. T. on February 12, 2015, 09:07:39 pm
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Crafeksterty on February 12, 2015, 09:36:07 pm
There is one thing im on Mr.disaster in on this and that is Russias recent troublemaking. With Ukraine and etc. And maybe some additions that i dont know of..
Wich is where the symbol could remind people of them, and serving the symbol to represent may mean whoever is using it with purpouse for it is on the side with Russia and the threat they pose.

But it is still not a symbol of hatred much like what the swastika became. Specialy the black white and red swastika.

What C-ponter said:
there will always be people who  use and exploit religion or politics to justify their actions, but does that really mean all religion and politics should be outlawed?

Wich is more in the philosophy of outlawing anything that has had a bad history.
For this case were looking at the communistic symbol and determining if that is bad enough of a symbol to outlaw in this game.
Imo it doesnt have enough of a symbol torwards a negative meaning, specialy if you compare it to the negative swastika.

Also, i find it scary so many have read mein kampf.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: BlackenedPies on February 13, 2015, 01:57:42 am
It's wrong to associate communism with the pseudo-communist dictatorships that arose. Marx would've been equally horrified by the regimes using the guise of communism.

If we ban the hammer and sickle then we have to ban all political and religious symbols in GoI. I wouldn't be against this but I don't think it's necessary.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: TeddyBearMafia on February 13, 2015, 02:10:59 am
ITT: Drama.

In Canadian society the image of the hammer and sickle has no real impact beyond a vague association with Communism and labour rights movements. I am, however, willing to be completely cognizant of the kinds of emotions it might inspire in those who lived under an oppressive regime that used that image as part of its propaganda.

I would have to side with Skies on this one: if we ban the hammer/sickle, we just ban all overtly political and religious symbology from Guns. I, however, really oppose the idea of a witch-hunt on this issue. I would imagine that some who would use that image would have no real conception of its history (keeping in mind that many of GoIO's players were now born after the fall of the iron curtain), and as such I feel that polite requests to desist, however tough they may be to stomach, are the right course of action.

All the other arguments in the this thread about Nazis are just tangents, guys. The original point was that a player felt uncomfortable as a result of the use of symbology with a specific historical, spacial, and ideological meaning, and we should ideally respect a request that costs us little to nothing to adhere towards.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: BlackenedPies on February 13, 2015, 03:29:02 am
It's about intent, and they're probably not using the symbol to symbolize communism. I automatically associate it with communism, but for many it is synonymous with the Marxism-Leninism regimes.

I think Muse's intention of including it was for it's association with communism, not Marxism-Leninism. I'm not sure how the GoI symbols work but maybe it could be removed. Although I do think in that case we should remove any other political and religious symbols.

I think of it kinda like the confederate flags on the backs of trucks over here. There isn't a confederate flag symbol in GoI, but if there was a clan would use it. But it's important to note the two different symbolisms of the hammer and sickle. I can't judge whether having the second association is grounds for removal.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Kamoba on February 13, 2015, 03:55:57 am
Oh boy, this subject comes up in every community, the one that no one likes discussing but makes oh so many people very emotional.

While I do understand what Scwabe says about the damage done, I also do not agree that the internet should dictate what symbols can and cannot be used...
The symbol itself did not perform the evil, it was those who abused their positions of power to turn what the symbol once stood for into something it was not meant to be.

Also, if Muse were to take action against this one clanntag, they'd have to moniter and censor every tag in the game all the time, more than they do now... Also if that's the case, Patched Wizard uses a + symbol as his tag, that reminds me too much of the crucifix, an item used to execute hundreds upon hundreds of people in its time, in a dreadfully humiliating way, as well as used as a symbol by a religion which by itself can be held responsible for the murder of millions because of individuals who abused the religion...

It's frustrating, and infuriating but internet censorship can only go, so far unfortunately..
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Skrimskraw on February 13, 2015, 04:33:22 am
Communism is not the same as stalinism lol.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Supimpa on February 13, 2015, 04:45:00 am
What, you reported someone for using the communist symbol? Please tell me this is a joke.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Patched Wizard on February 13, 2015, 05:18:50 am
Also, if Muse were to take action against this one clanntag, they'd have to moniter and censor every tag in the game all the time, more than they do now... Also if that's the case, Patched Wizard uses a + symbol as his tag, that reminds me too much of the crucifix, an item used to execute hundreds upon hundreds of people in its time, in a dreadfully humiliating way, as well as used as a symbol by a religion which by itself can be held responsible for the murder of millions because of individuals who abused the religion...


Not my band-aids! You can't take them from me! They're all I have! THEY'RE ALL I HAVE!!!!
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Gambrill on February 13, 2015, 08:40:01 am
what the F*** has happened to you all? when i used to play a while back everyone was so chilled out and friendly. And now it looks like petty arguments and point scoring. Get it together!
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Xemkobankavareniya on February 13, 2015, 09:25:48 am
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: swimfan on February 13, 2015, 10:40:08 am
i am  buddhist the swastika aka yungdrung is a religious symbol if we can use communism symbol and queso says its ok because its not bad why cant i use a yungdrung its a important symbol to my believes and it doesnt represent anything bad if its a buddhist context
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Thomas on February 13, 2015, 12:30:23 pm
Very odd how this wasn't locked on the first post. Either from an intolerance of communism or harassment of the Russian clan that happens to use ☭. Although our community standards don't seem to care as much about nationality or ethical orientations.

It is true that this symbol is considered criminal in a number of countries (wikipedia tells me they are: Georgia, Hungary, Lithuania, and Moldova), but Guns of Icarus Online doesn't seem to be on that list; so it's probably fine.

But seriously, a thread for the sole purpose of getting players to report a specific group of players feels like it's breaking a rule and that should be a little more relevant than the communist debate. At the very least Pit the thread, this should absolutely not be in the general discussions.
Title: Re: Communists in GOIO
Post by: Kestril on February 13, 2015, 01:32:07 pm

But seriously, a thread for the sole purpose of getting players to report a specific group of players feels like it's breaking a rule and that should be a little more relevant than the communist debate. At the very least Pit the thread, this should absolutely not be in the general discussions.

