Guns Of Icarus Online

Main => Gameplay => Topic started by: Thomas on January 29, 2014, 01:34:53 am

Title: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Thomas on January 29, 2014, 01:34:53 am
I've brought this up before, but I'm doing it against because it just really bugs me. xD

Personally I think the negative side effects of the chute vent and hydrogen are significantly more... well negative than other pilot tool items, especially when you compare it to the positives.

-60% vertical drag
+350% climb force
+50% chance fire ignition
75 dmg/s
Effects last for 3 seconds after deactivation

Chute Vent
-60% vertical drag
+200% descent force
65 dmg/s
Effects last for 3 seconds after deactivation

+200% thrust
-50% longitudinal drag
+1000% angular drag
30 dmg/s

+150% thrust
+300% angular drag
10 dmg/s

Phoenix Claw
-65% angular drag
+300% longitudinal drag
13 dmg/s

Balloon HP - 1200
Heavy Engine HP - 525
Light Engine HP - 300

We're going to compare the main tools for mobility. Things in green are treated as positives, while things in red are negative side effects. Things in blue can go either way (although in most cases, they're good things. Think ramming without having your ship bump off course).

The first interesting thing to note is the activation period. The balloon tools are the only ones on this list that continue to be in effect even after de-activation. (Other tools that continue are drogue chute and bumpers, which reduce engine output but don't damage components)

The next thing is that the balloon tools only act in one direction, where the remaining tools act in two directions. Kerosene/moonshine works forward and backwards; where phoenix claw works both left and right. Hydrogen only benefits the up direction, and chute vent only works in the down direction.

Finally we come to the sheer amount of damage.
Hydrogen does 6.25% of the balloon hp per second of use (for a minimum of 18.75%; or 225 total damage)
Chute vent does 5.41%, for a minimum of 16.25% (or 195 total damage)

Where kerosene is only 1.9%/3.33% (Heavy/Light), Moonshine is 5.7%/10%, and phoenix claw is 2.48%/4.33%
With each of them only lasting as long as you have it active (have a minimum damage of 10, 30, and 13 respectively)

It should be noted that as components become damage, their function is reduced. This can be seen with damaged engines, guns, and balloons. The more damage, the more performance suffers. And this isn't even bringing up the added ignition chance on the balloon for hydrogen.

Finally getting to the point, I feel that that the balloon tools should be adjusted more in line with the other tools listed here. I use these tools often, but don't enjoy being held back by the side effects. They're extremely detrimental, and don't provide all that much of an advantage. The balloon gets damaged a lot, especially if you keep it active for more than a second, and since it remains active, it becomes very difficult to get the precision you can with other tools.

Sometimes I shoot upwards to avoid damage or get into position to attack, only to find my enemy descending. I can't give chase because the helium makes it difficult to return to descending. If I activate chute vent right after, the damage piles up aggressively and the tools counteract each other. Then there are the times you start up with chute vent, but have to continue using it for 3 seconds while your balloon is being damaged, hurtling towards the ground.

Comparatively I can use moonshine or kerosene to get my ship into position/out of the line of fire, and can get it exactly right. Even if I'm about to overshoot my mark, I can just change directions using the same tool.

Ultimately, I would like to see the hydrogen and chute vent changed. Preferably removing the continued activation, and reducing the damage just a smidgen (maybe 50-55 dmg/s? ; as well as having the ignition chance removed completely, because that feels a bit like overkill. Right now they do server a role, but I really would like to see more of an up and down game in guns of icarus online; instead of reserving those tools for emergencies only.

Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Dutch Vanya on January 29, 2014, 02:39:53 am
I agree they do too much damage to the balloon, you can't really use them unless you have full balloon health, or if it's an emergency. The continued activation does make them feel less precise than the other tools, which should be changed as well.
I definitely think that more common use of these items will make for much more interesting battles. Right now you only see the most experienced captains use these items effectively. If they were less harmful to your balloon there would be a lot more possibilities for vertical movement in a fight.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Crafeksterty on January 29, 2014, 02:43:03 am
I agree with you 100%, all the way, 3 thumbs up, 10/10, 5 stars, and other point system to the max.

But i feel like things are the other way around.

Pheonix claw does not give enough punishment. (Cause i think it is OP actually, i never fly a ship xcept for the squid without it)
Kyrosine does not give enough punishment.

Moonshine in my eyes is actualy just enough or balanced to what it does.

Drogue chute does not benefitt enough
Impact bumbers dont benefitt enough

etc etc.

Less damage dealt to the baloons i agree with, but ide still focus mostly on the other tools first.

Moonshine, vent and hydro to me are the most ship changing tools.
While pheonix claw, drogue and impact dont really make your ship all that different.

You will still fall quite fast with drogue chute. Impact bumbers dont help much. A Combination of drogue and impact saves your life, but how else can you benefitt from it really?

Then there is pheonix claw that almost in default every ship uses.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Thomas on January 29, 2014, 03:10:16 am
I can certainly see it going the other way as well. Almost every pilot carries around kerosene and phoenix claw (although there are some who swap out for moonshine).

Drogue chute is interesting, as it doesn't slow your descent, but your acceleration (at least as far as I'm aware.) It makes it harder to fall, but once you're already at a decent falling speed, it's not going to help much. On the other hand, if you pop it early, it can make a big difference.

Bumpers have pretty much gone the way of the dodo. The only time I use them is when there's going to be mines, and I'm fairly certain that it doesn't affect mine damage. I just like to pretend it does. (Other times is when I'm on a galleon and I know ships are going to foolishly ram into me). For the most part, players turn to kerosene when they plan on impacting other ships or even being impacted.

Tar barrel is in a class all it's own, and I think it's pretty fine as is.

I'm just about constantly using phoenix claw or kerosene myself. I use them to turn fast, to stop turning, to accelerate suddenly, to brake, to ram, to avoid rotating wildly after being rammed, to drift around a corner, to stop drifting, etc etc. And yet my engineers do such a good job at keeping the engines going. I touch a balloon item and things get messy; especially when I try to use them one after the other, or need to rise/fall large distances rapidly. You generally can't even consider touching a balloon item in combat, while you'd be absolutely silly -not- to use an engine item in the same situation.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Wundsalz on January 29, 2014, 04:31:22 am
I think Hydro is balanced quite fine. Sure it wrecks the balloon but I think that's okay as it's an exceptional steering tool. If you can use it however it's really good for escaping an otherwise certain death or making a quick kill with a surprise attack.
Chute Vent could use a little love as it's currently quite benefitial to stay on top of your foes rather than getting below them. Making it a bit less balloon hungry might be a good step.
Regarding the Drogue Chute I think it's just fine. It's a situational pick but if I face a carronade heavy loadout I really like it.
Shine is fine.
Kersosine is fine. A minor nerf wouldn't harm though.
Regarding bumpers: I think these are underestimated quite a bit by most pilots. They do make a difference. I occasionally use them on classical ram-bait ships or on ramming ships. That beeing said bumpers are rarely a primary pick for me. A buff of the bumpers (maybe a 33% impact dmg reduction?!) might help to raise the popularity of this tool.
The phoenix claw is overpowered and a certain pick on almost every single ship I fly. I'd like to see its behaviour to be altered to be more intense but less forgiving - similar too moonshine. Even less angular drag but intense damage for the engines (~30-40dps). Currently I tend to overuse it quite a bit and occasionally observe myself to activate it in situations where it's not really needed.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Mattilald Anguisad on January 29, 2014, 04:59:24 am
For some reason wenever i use hydro or chute went even as little as 3 seconds I lose 80-100% baloon strength.

I don't think Phoenix claw should be nerfed (unless you nery literaly every other mobility tool) - last time it was nerfed only 1% of people used it, becouse Kerosine was that much better. I think either Baloon toold be made less punishing or more powerfull.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Squidslinger Gilder on January 29, 2014, 06:25:06 am
IMO, Hydro and Chute should be returned back to their original functionality. Or at the very least, the weight of the ship should not also affect the amount of dmg being done to the balloon. If you run the numbers with the original HP of the balloons you'll see that its doing too much dmg.

Also engines should get buffed all around. Engine tools tear them up far too quickly with the exception of Kerosene. Some ships don't even really benefit from the speed increase, which shouldn't be. This is due to their engines not being strong enough to handle the vessel. Weight got adjusted but the engines didn't.

Currently have 3 ships that are almost identical in speed when in the past there was a clear difference. One would always outrun the other 2, and another would always outrun the next but not be as fast as the first. You would use the engine tools to level the playing field and allow the two slower ships to be able to catch up to the fastest.

Gotta stop nerfing everything and just start buffing to balance. Try it, people might just like it instead of the game feeling like a bunch of 80yr olds playing wheel chair soccer.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Puppy Fur on January 29, 2014, 06:46:31 am
I kinda think they are fine? The main reason being if they were any more I think it'd be pretty crazy watching ships go up and down that fast all the time. Would make the game a bit silly. Right now you can use hydro then use it again after a little time has passed. Being able to use it more? Seems a little to much to me.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Cheesy Crackers on January 29, 2014, 08:18:31 am
Random question, What's the longitudinal drag exactly? Never really understood it. If I'm understanding the word properly it would be less forward/backwards drag on the ship as opposed to the angular drag?
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Skrimskraw on January 29, 2014, 08:28:49 am
i cant remember if it was the tools or the ships that was changed.

back in the day pyramidions were very mobile and could uppercut with hydrogen with absolutely no significant damage.

the damage might be too much, but it certainly saves your poor spire and mobula. high risk high reward
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: redria on January 29, 2014, 08:38:15 am
They are skill and finesse items. Only use them if you know you can use them safely or if it is a last ditch effort to get out of arcs and make repairs. Only use them as long as it takes to physically deactivate them again. Mine stays on probably about 1/4 of a second before I turn it off tops. I personally don't see much wrong with them at the moment.

I don't like that you can't go down when you have a damaged balloon, but that's a different discussion.

The way the game currently is, outside of harpoons, clicks really well in my head. It all feels very natural, and I think the game is in a pretty good place. I think Muse has the same feeling and won't be making any particularly large changes until the next ship or gun are released.

Sorry Gilder, but to me, we are flying airships with giant balloons, not jet fighters. You can only go so fast. The squid is a little weak right now, but I think the balance of the game feels very good right now.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Sammy B. T. on January 29, 2014, 08:53:31 am
Y'all realize you just need to burst the tool and never just leave it on.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: RearAdmiralZill on January 29, 2014, 09:32:59 am
Sorry Gilder, but to me, we are flying airships with giant balloons, not jet fighters. You can only go so fast.

Y'all realize you just need to burst the tool and never just leave it on.

I'm pretty much just quoting to reinforce the fact that these tools aren't meant to be used all the time (couple exceptions of the ones that can be kept up like Kero). Air ships move slow, ugly, and strategically. You use the tools to get out of a bad situation, or put yourself into an advantageous one. Both Hydro and Chute currently do that in their respective ways.

Yes, they fixed ship mass awhile back so that it was working as intended. Looking back now, all the broken mass did was mess with ship balance. Pyras were doing crazy dances and uppercutting ships (all cool, but not intended). Going back to anything like it would be a mistake.

Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: The Sky Wolf on January 29, 2014, 10:15:05 am
I think Hydrogen's damage is actually currently under-powered; I mean look at what it did to the Hindenburg.

But really, it's made to be the perfect escape item, but only for when the poo hits the fan. Muse's idea was to use a small bursts of hydrogen just to get above enemy guns and jump out of heavy enemy fire up into a cloud or something to stall just long enough to patch up the hull slightly and take care of the balloon. If people could just suddenly launch up on top of people's balloon-blindspot/uppercut their hull-blindspot/ or escape very quickly without any serious drawbacks, then every brawl match would win with the guys holding the canister of hydrogen being the winner.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: redria on January 29, 2014, 10:45:59 am
I think Hydrogen's damage is actually currently under-powered; I mean look at what it did to the Hindenburg.

But really, it's made to be the perfect escape item, but only for when the poo hits the fan. Muse's idea was to use a small bursts of hydrogen just to get above enemy guns and jump out of heavy enemy fire up into a cloud or something to stall just long enough to patch up the hull slightly and take care of the balloon. If people could just suddenly launch up on top of people's balloon-blindspot/uppercut their hull-blindspot/ or escape very quickly without any serious drawbacks, then every brawl match would win with the guys holding the canister of hydrogen being the winner.
As it is, using hydrogen will let you take over almost any 1v1 fight if they don't have a balloon popping weapon, or hydrogen of their own. Or if they are a squid. It is usually a lot easier to attack down on somebody and keep them in check than it is to try to maneuver about and attack up at somebody.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: RearAdmiralZill on January 29, 2014, 10:51:07 am
That's just the nature of gun arcs, which is most likely why Hydrogen is more costly then Chute.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: HamsterIV on January 29, 2014, 11:26:37 am
I miss my crazy dancing pyramidion, dodging manticore volleys was awesome. The only thing I want mass to affect is the outcome of rams, vertical movement tools should scale up or down with the ship.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Thomas on January 29, 2014, 11:42:19 am
Drag is the resistance of motion. Ultimately if affects the top speed a ship can reach. Reducing the drag increases the top speed, while increasing the drag reduces it. So my statement about the drogue chute slowing the acceleration is incorrect, it actually reduces the maximum falling speed.

Ship mass does not affect balloon damage from the tools, that is static. (Did some testing just to triple check). Although the testing revealed that the items do more balloon damage than I originally thought. It took 8 spanner hits to fully repair a split second of chute vent; which means it did between 280 and 320 damage. And 9 spanner hits to repair a split second of hydrogen (320-360 damage). This could be that the item activates for a minimum of 1 second, plus an additional 3 seconds after it's turned off. Although that still comes to 260 and 300 damage for chute vent and hydro respectively, so somethings not adding up. Maybe those are old numbers in the tool description and they've been updated? Kerosene and moonshine won't even damage the engines if they're only turned on for a split second (at least not enough for the damage meter to show up, which can happen on occasion).

Ship Stats

ShipArmorHealthSpeed (m/s)Acceleration (m/s2)Turn Speed (degrees/s)Turn Accel. (degrees/s2)Vertical Speed (m/s)Vertical Accel. (m/s2)Mass (tonnes)

Here's the ship stats just for reference (commandeered from my Squidsassin Guide). Green is top in that category, Red is worst. Blue is 2nd best, Orange is 2nd worst.

The big thing to note is the vertical speed and more importantly the acceleration. All the ships have roughly the same vertical speed, but their accelerations vary dramatically. This means the tool has a harder time showing noticeable results for the larger ships, but very noticeable results for the lighter ships. Not every ship is going to skyrocket upwards like the squid and mobula. I'm not asking for the tools to be powered up, just less destructive. You can use them for all the uppercutting, fleeing, and shooting above your enemies all you want currently. The reason players don't do that as much is because it's not very effective on most ships. I use hydro on my pyramidion occasionally, and the ship feels only slightly improved. Where if I use it on my squid, I rise and fall quite rapidly.

Long story short is that only some ships shoot up and down rapidly, while the other ships will experience a much less dramatic change in altitude. It's the ships that need to change altitude rapidly and frequently that suffer the most; as the other ships tend not to use these tools. There should be no reason to punish ships and playstyles that focus on vertical motion.

There is a high risk/high reward concept in a lot of aspects of this game; but then you have to turn your attention back to the other tools on the list. The risk/reward just isn't there in any of them but moonshine, who's damage is about on par with the balloon items, except it's under a lot more control (I see no reason that you shouldn't be able to use the balloon tools precisely). Kerosene can pretty much be left on all the time, and the same is almost true for the phoenix claw. Ships that turn slowly can keep up with even the squid if they use phoenix claw; I use it all the time when taking out maneuverable ships that try to slip around me. Kerosene on the other hand can also be used for ramming far more effectively than bumpers. It increases your speed -and- keeps you from rotating. I've used it to great effect, sometimes even flipping enemy ships 180 degrees if they weren't also using kerosene. It's become standard.

I realize I'm biased in my desire for chute vent and hydrogen to get some love, but there's also a lot of valid points in doing so. I'm also aware that there is a strong bias against such a change, as a lot of current builds and playstyles focus on naval ship combat, where players want their enemies to stay at roughly the same altitude as them. (Which I will henceforth refer to as a Khanian mentality)

 ((Actually quite an effective maneuver in GoIO too))
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: redria on January 29, 2014, 12:35:13 pm
Let's piece this together then.
As a young learning pilot most people avoid using tools, because it will damage your ship.
Next they will start using phoenix claw for short periods to get that quick turn, and they will like it and keep it around.
Next they may try kerosene or tar barrel after seeing someone else use it effectively.
The last thing a newer player will try doing regularly is use vertical tools. This is due primarily to 2 factors: the damage levels attached, and a Khanian mentality. It seems silly to wreck your own balloon to lose your own gun arcs, and most beginner builds tend towards guns with mostly straight forwards arcs (see: metamidion). This isn't to say being above someone doesn't work with these guns, just that it feels more natural to just get them at the same level.

For newer players the current stats keep most of the fighting on a Khanian level. This helps newer players get accustomed to the game, gunners get a chance to shoot regularly, pilots aren't thinking too hard about where an enemy ship is, everything is just on the table in front of them.

With more experienced players, we know how to use the vertical tools pretty effectively, to the point where not having a counter to the vertical tools will get you locked down pretty regularly. We are willing to use tools to get out of the plane of combat and make repairs/get in a better position. However, as you mention, it has a much greater effect on the ships with less mass. Something like a squid will rocket upwards, while a pyramidion moves more slowly. (I disagree that you barely notice hydrogen in a pyra - I usually feel like I'm soaring, but then I never play anything else, so any change is big) The way things currently are, there is no way a pyramidion could keep up and keep arcs with a rising squid unless the pyramidion anticipates it quickly and rises while using hydrogen. The pyra pilot knows the squid can't use too much hydrogen or risk losing its maneuverability, so he knows he has one shot to keep guns on the squid for the first pass. In response a squid could drop down under the pyra and take advantage of the lag time associated with using the tool.

Now let's make the tools not have a lag period and give them repairable damage.

In novice matches, I am envisioning these being some of the first tools used regularly, leading to matches where the gunners and gun loadouts are still set for a Khanian match, but the pilots are bobbing their ships up and down so much trying to dodge bullets that the gunners never get to shoot, and the engineers are only ever on the balloons.
Squids and mobulas quickly become the only close range ships as their ability to move up and down lets them keep out of the gun arcs of every other ship at close range.
The only way to counter this is to go long range and try to snipe from a position where you have arcs no matter what height your enemy is at.
The game becomes slower because now that the vertical evasion tool is a viable option for consistent use during a match, the pilot will focus more on dodging bullets than on directing appropriate fire. Anyone not using the tools will be left with no gun arcs because they can simply never maintain gun arcs.
Pilots bring both vertical tools to give themselves precise control over their vertical movement. This leaves them with one slot left: phoenix claw so they can quickly turn on enemies, or kerosene. Without using both kerosene and phoenix claw, pilots will lose the bravery to charge in knowing they can quickly recover from mistakes. The game begins to move away from CQC entirely as pilots and crews focus their attentions on defeating vertical motion.

Um. Maybe that is a little drastic. My point being, currently the squid is in a tough spot right now as the nimble ship. You can't make it too nimble, or it becomes overpowered. Too nimble and even the best pilots won't be able to prevent a squid sitting in behind them. As they are though, a good pilot can always get a squid in arcs (except maybe on galleon?) and take it out. Squids are the only ship I see needing better vertical motion.

As a side note, I actually like the tools having a lag timer. I can pop hydrogen then use phoenix claw for a super fast recovery by turning faster and rising faster at the same time. It sort of makes these tools a little bit more powerful if you ask me.

Long story short, the game plays in a semi-Khanian mindset, and the tools are designed to allow you to maneuver best within this mindset. The vertical tools give strategic thinkers the potential to (sorry) "rise above" such a mindset, but the game is trying to push you to engage an enemy at an altitude somewhat comparable to your own. This is why there are no guns that default point straight up or down. Buff the vertical tools and you make a game set in a semi-Khanian mindeset that can only be played by thinking anti-Khanian. If you can only play a game effectively by using strategies counter to how the devs designed the game, something is wrong. Squids do need a small buff to be more viable in higher level play, but this isn't the answer. At least not to me.

*edit* I love the term Khanian too, and I used it liberally. I hope you don't mind.  :)
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Crafeksterty on January 29, 2014, 12:41:54 pm
We know how to use chute vent and Hydrogine and moonshine people. Burst. We know.

But were not using them OFTEN enough. Were not playing with them.

Pheonix claw is easily used almost everytime. On a mobula. I use it all the time whenever im doing what is considered a hard turn for the mobula. For the spire, i use pheonix when switching split targets or turns that are 90 angle. And that is alot.

Now place that in perspective with tools such as TAR, or MOONSHINE, KYROSINE and PHEONIX. Vent and Hydro are VERY bursty. Which i think in design it actually fits but its not being played with. I just wonder how the game plays out when you play with the vertical meneuvering as much as people play with turns and speed.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: redria on January 29, 2014, 12:46:11 pm
I use hydrogen in almost every single engagement. If I get in close range, if there is any chance of sustained fire on me, I pop it and go up, then use my spot to play shots down on my enemy or switch to the other target while sitting on the initial one. There's a reason I refuse to bring tar barrel- I feel helpless every match that I play without hydrogen.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Kestril on January 29, 2014, 12:53:31 pm
Yes. Yes we are playing with them. Lots.

I usually run with hydrogen, chute vent, and/or claw or kerosine on anything but a galleon. I don't see what's wrong with the tool.  I don't think the lag times should be touched. After all, it will take a moment for the helium to dissipate after you flood your balloon. Likewise, it will take a few seconds for the balloon to re-inflate after venting most of the air out. So in terms of that, the delay times after deactivation make sense.

I also like the fact that the different ships react differently to the tools. It gives some variety and allows for unique, ship-specific combinations about how you want to fly. If you're a ramming pyramidion. Grab some moonshine and impact bumpers. Want a couple of options to get out of dodge as a mobula? Take some helium or a chute vent. Its the unique nature of each ship that makes them so exciting and different to play. It's also the reason why I'm not that good with a goldfish. That ship is much better in the horizontal whereas I prefer some vertical movement. (which is why I'm such a fan of the junker)

I think the helium/vent are nice where they are now. Highly rewarding, but also a very high risk and not to be abused. I can't count the number of times I've helium'd over a pyramidion going for a ram, only to descend and rake their engines with the starboard guns.

Maybe the opposite needs to happen? Maybe the other tools need to be more punishing and rewarding. Maybe the claw should damage the engines faster, but give an insane amount of turning power.

Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Ariden on January 29, 2014, 01:15:08 pm
Now that we're on the topic of squids, I'd like to add some of my observations.

I think that a Squid pilot ALWAYS needs a vertical tool, without one the ship would be inflexible in combat. These tools I use generally for dodgeing the guns of the opponent. Recently (in the name of achievements) I have been taking Droge Chute rather than Hydrogen, which causese me to fall in case I need to recover from the enemy's attack. However I noticed that when I fall, I spend far more time below combat than intended. My crew fixes everything before I can even get close to the height of the combat, and usually I spend up to 30 seconds rising up with the Squid, telling them 'patience...', while watching my ally die in a 2v1 above me.

So yes, on a Squid I can say that bringing Hydrogen is the most beneficial choice. Any falling tool such as Droge Chute or Chute Vent are not beneficial in the least.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: HamsterIV on January 29, 2014, 01:27:10 pm
I used to be a helium/vent fiend, but since the mass changes I have found that kerosine and tar are better for getting a pyra out of trouble.  The damage the items do to the ship did not factor in to my change in escape tools but rather the lack of benefit I received form it.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Wundsalz on January 29, 2014, 02:25:12 pm
I used to be a helium/vent fiend, but since the mass changes I have found that kerosine and tar are better for getting a pyra out of trouble.  The damage the items do to the ship did not factor in to my change in escape tools but rather the lack of benefit I received form it.
There are a lot of uncomfortable situations one can slip out of with sudden altitude adjustments where neither kerosine nor tar can help you. I personally think hydro to be one of the most powerful steering tools for tactical relocations. It can hardly be compared and definitely not be substituted by kero/shine/claw/tar as it serves an entirely different purpose. Actually, it literally operates in another dimension.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Thomas on January 29, 2014, 03:07:37 pm
Redria brought up some great points, although I'm going to flip them around for my side, because I can. Lag time I'm less concerned about, although it's still a big problem, as Ariden re-emphasized. (chute vent makes you fall faster, drogue chute makes you fall slower. Interestingly I almost got them mixed up when I started the thread. xD).

Anyway, lets imagine a situation where the damage to balloon is reduced, and the lag time is gone. Ships are quite a bit more maneuverable now. Combat becomes a lot more dynamic. In the early matches, new pilots may or may not overtly abuse these tools to the frustration of their crew and enemies. Already they can use the kero/shine and phoenix claw to make their our crew miss too much. Suddenly you have more playstyles opening up, different tactics being employed. Currently those tools aren't used a lot, so learning pilots don't bother with them. It just enforces the khanian mentality. You could say that more experienced pilots use the tools for greater effect and make good use of the vertical space; but how often do you really see that happen?

Take a look at some competitive play. Most of the time is spent fairly level, trying to keep their enemy dead ahead. They may duck down behind cover or try to rise into/above clouds, but combat occurs head to head. Even when using guns with great downward arcs, they will have their ship follow the sinking enemy and try to keep level.

Does the delay make sense? Not particularly. Especially when you look at moonshine, kerosene and the phoenix claw. How do these tools start and stop instantly? In fact, how does the phoenix claw work at all? If you dump fuel into your system, how long should it really take to take effect? How long will it persist after you stop? I can see hydrogen damaging the balloon by over-inflation/pressure build up/whatever, but why would a chute vent do that? You're just letting air escape in a controlled fashion. Or is the character actually cutting holes in the balloon? Shouldn't balloon damage in general help you descend faster in that situation?

At a certain point reality has to take a back seat to gameplay. From my perspective, hydrogen and chute vent are highly specific tools that deal an excessive amount of balloon damage (just around 1/3 of the total balloon hp at minimum); limiting their use dramatically. I'd like to have them be viable options in more situations, and there's not a lot of reasons to avoid giving it a buff (as in a reduction of the negative side effects as opposed to increasing the power).

Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: RearAdmiralZill on January 29, 2014, 04:36:16 pm
Im not quite sure why you guys keep comparing x to y tools in posts that equate to books.

Anyway, lets imagine a situation where the damage to balloon is reduced, and the lag time is gone. Ships are quite a bit more maneuverable now. Combat becomes a lot more dynamic.

No, you just make those tools more spammy, and risk breaking the balanced stats that each ship has in relation to vertical movement. If you want to ask why kero/moonshine get to be left on, my theory would be that maps are much more horizontally large than vertically.

Take a look at some competitive play. Most of the time is spent fairly level, trying to keep their enemy dead ahead. They may duck down behind cover or try to rise into/above clouds, but combat occurs head to head. Even when using guns with great downward arcs, they will have their ship follow the sinking enemy and try to keep level.

Because to counter the use of vertical tools, its best to keep level with your enemy until its no longer advantageous to you, which you then look for altitude advantages.

I'd like to have them be viable options in more situations, and there's not a lot of reasons to avoid giving it a buff (as in a reduction of the negative side effects as opposed to increasing the power).

They each do one thing respectively, so all you change is how often they are used, which just makes them spammy.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Thomas on January 29, 2014, 05:05:30 pm
It depends on how you tweak it. If it did itsy bitsy damage like the kero or claw, it could be spammed. If you tone it down, or at the very least make not last as long, it can be used more effectively without being spammed. It's a balancing act, and these tools -do- need some love.

I can't see how it would break the balance between ships at all. All we're looking for is less damage/more control. Not for an increase in power. Even now it's not as powerful as some people think, especially at the higher levels of play. They would function exactly as they do now in terms of drag and acceleration changes. Making them less devastating to use will not break the game.

The goal is make them more usable, which will likely increase their frequency in use. Other helm tools that are spammable: kerosene, phoenix claw, tar barrel, drogue chute, and impact bumpers. Which is everything -but- moonshine, hydrogen, and chute vent. Although moonshine made it onto your spammable list. I can see it being spammed under the right conditions, but not as frequently as the rest.

Don't be afraid of the Y axis, embrace it!
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: RearAdmiralZill on January 29, 2014, 05:33:08 pm
All you're proposing there is less damage and less activation, but any ship short of a squid (that's being generous) doesn't even move if you leave it for < 3 seconds. The control is honestly in the 3 second activation.

The goal is make them more usable, which will likely increase their frequency in use.

Current ship movement/mass wont just let you break physics. It takes time for the tool's effect to really do much of anything short of damaging your balloon for movement that you could of done not using the tool. If you're imagining airships dancing around at various altitudes, then that is our disagreement. These tools are for the extreme cases that you need a burst of up/down for the sake of positioning, not something to be used constantly.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Thomas on January 29, 2014, 06:14:32 pm
The tools exist for whatever purpose the pilots can use them for, just look at kerosene and moonshine.

As for them not activating if you try to use the tool for less than a second, I would recommend more testing with the tool. You can definitely see results instantly. If you are trying to avoid a sticky situation, then yes, you probably need at least 3 seconds or so to get out of their arc. Probably more. If I'm burning kerosene and I might clip some terrain if I don't slow down, it's nice to use hydrogen to pop up over it a smidgeon. But then you're forced to continue rising and have a difficult time going back down.

And of course the sheer damage it does to the balloon (almost 1/3 of the health) with even the most brief activation. Maybe you want to try bobbing up and down as you close the distance to a sniper. Maybe you want to get out of your ally's way when he's trying to shoot the hwacha. There's a lot of situations where a light touch is desired, but not obtainable. It's not always wanted to have it last as long as it does. Having it be more controllable allows for long bursts of use and short taps.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: RearAdmiralZill on January 29, 2014, 06:35:53 pm
A light touch is achieved through normal movement.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Thomas on January 29, 2014, 07:03:19 pm
If I'm burning kerosene and I might clip some terrain if I don't slow down, it's nice to use hydrogen to pop up over it a smidgeon. But then you're forced to continue rising and have a difficult time going back down.

That's the kind of light touch I'm talking about. Just a tap to dip under a hwacha barrage and take it in the balloon. A small puff of hydrogen to clear a low hill that you don't want to slow down for to clear, a drop of chute vent to duck under you ally instead of bumping them. Small moderate changes that don't cost you 1/3 of the balloon and keep active well after you stopped using it.

The equivalent of using kero/shine for a sudden hard stop before you smack a wall, or a burst of speed to dodge a flak. It should still damage the balloon to a point you can't keep it running all the time, but you should be able to use it more often than it can be used now.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Wundsalz on January 29, 2014, 07:30:37 pm
I can't see how it would break the balance between ships at all. All we're looking for is less damage/more control. Not for an increase in power. Even now it's not as powerful as some people think, especially at the higher levels of play. They would function exactly as they do now in terms of drag and acceleration changes. Making them less devastating to use will not break the game.
Hydrogen is one of the most powerful steering tools already, buffing it would certainly effect the game balance negatively. Regarding your observation of a correlation between player level and hydrogen usage, my personal experience suggests quite the opposite. I refer to hydro as a last resort option to get out of tight situations or to get quicker (back) into action. Hence my enemy needs to challenge me a bit in the first place to make me use hydro. The more experienced the enemy captains are the harder it is to get into a superior position, as they keep closer attention to what you do and know better how to react to your actions or when to take the initiative for a dirty steering trick themselves. As a result I'm forced to use hydro more often when fighting experienced pilots.

That's the kind of light touch I'm talking about. Just a tap to dip under a hwacha barrage and take it in the balloon. A small puff of hydrogen to clear a low hill that you don't want to slow down for to clear, a drop of chute vent to duck under you ally instead of bumping them. Small moderate changes that don't cost you 1/3 of the balloon and keep active well after you stopped using it. [...]a hard stop before you smack a wall, or a burst of speed to dodge a flak.
Any of these maneuvers can be worth way more than 1/3 of a balloons life in many situations and if they are not, well, then it's probably best to stick to regular raising and sinking speed.

As for the minimum duration, I agree with Zill. In any circumstance where I decide to use hydro, I actually (think to) need it for a duration of at least 3 seconds. The altitude adjustment tools are currently designed for drastic and sudden movement alterations and I believe that's a good thing.

In the end it's probably a matter of taste. I really like these tools like hydro and moonshine, which come at a relatively great cost and require precise timing, but grant a severe boost in the times of need. At the same time I'm not a big fan of how tools like kerosene or the claw work - which you can basically throw in and forget about to fly a bit better for longer durations.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: RearAdmiralZill on January 29, 2014, 07:33:14 pm
Well no offence to you Thomas, but our back and forth isnt going to go anywhere, because I can accomplish dodges like :

dip under a hwacha barrage and take it in the balloon.

with normal movement. The use you are trying to get is exactly what I think these tools shouldn't be doing, and what normal movement accomplishes within the balance of the ships themselves.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Thomas on January 29, 2014, 08:26:20 pm
Except against equally skilled opponents. Be aware that ships move up and down dramatically slower than forwards/backwards. If you wait until the last second, you're still getting a face full of hwacha. If you predict when he's going to shoot and move ahead of time, you might be able to avoid most of them. If you get it wrong and move too soon, they'll lead the shot and you get another face full. Using one of the tools just about guarantees a miss (assuming you're close enough). Using kerosene or moonshine can have the same effect, and I often prefer kero or better yet, moonshine, for such situations.

There seems to be a lot of personal taste involved. If you feel you can dodge shots without using a tool, I encourage you to do so and openly applaud; hazzah unto you and all that jazz. Some players might not want to take that risk against skilled enemy teams. Some players might feel the desire for small bursts of up/down without severely damaging the balloon. Some players may want to use it for less than 3 seconds, or may want to choose exactly how many seconds it's active. Maybe they know the enemy is high above them, so they pop hydrogen for two seconds, almost run into the enemy who's dropping down and need to wait 3 seconds before they can chase them (with their balloon in a very sad state at this point). There's a lot of personal taste. And having it limited in the way it is reduces it's usefulness in a lot of other situations.

As for it being the most powerful, I would heartily disagree. That award I would give to the phoenix claw. Nothing keeps enemies in your sights better. If you could choose only -one- tool, this would be it. For it's usefulness in dodging, I can't argue. It's great for that; but mostly at close range. You go mid to long and you're going to have a hard time keeping out of arc. It's basic trigonometry. You can certainly use a little boost for dodging some snipes, but the damage it does and the time it lasts only lets you get away with one or two dodges at most (assuming the gunners don't catch on very fast); and only on the faster vertical ships. Dry dodging a shot with helium on a galleon and it's just not going to happen.

I can compare it to other tools, point out issues and common complaints, use dreaded math, and even come up with alternative solutions. But the only reasons against the proposed balance seem to be:

-I don't want it changed, it's fine as it is
-You're not using it right
-But it's -really- good for dodging/escaping
-I can do that without tools
-I don't want to see it used more
-I have to use it that long anyways to see an effect

What's wrong with wanting it to be used in different situations? Damage aside, why does it need to be left on so long? What's wrong with wanting more control over it's use? Why Khan?
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Wundsalz on January 29, 2014, 09:19:31 pm
The only reasons against the proposed balance seem to be:

-I don't want it changed, it's fine as it is
-You're not using it right
-But it's -really- good for dodging/escaping
-I can do that without tools
-I don't want to see it used more
-I have to use it that long anyways to see an effect
And some fine points have been made there.

What's wrong with wanting it to be used in different situations? Damage aside, why does it need to be left on so long? What's wrong with wanting more control over it's use? Why Khan?
It needs to be left on so long to restrict its usage. Currently you have to make a clear call to either use it and deal with the concequences or rather stick to conventional altitude adjustments. I like this behavior and certainly prefer it over forgiving/encouraging indeceisive, perfectly comtrollable quick altitude changes.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Thomas on January 29, 2014, 09:46:41 pm
But perfectly controllable rotations and forward/backward backward boosts with minimal negative effects are totally acceptable? Something got a little skewed in the risk/reward area of pilot tools.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Captain Smollett on January 29, 2014, 09:50:19 pm
Well after reading this thread I have come to one firm conclusion:

Pheonix Claw is op as hell.  For the last six months (with the exception of the brief super op kerosene phase) I've used Pheonix Claw on every single captains loadout on every ship I've flown.

It gives way too much benefit for its drawbacks.  Damage to engines should definitely be increased.

As for the vertical tool debate, I personally wouldn't mind seeing some slight changes.  Notably, it would be nice to see chute vents duration lowered by 1 second and the damage done during hydrogen reduced around 10-20%.

I (like many of the vets on the forums) played during the era of constant vertical tool usage spam and I recall it being quite fun trying to guess which way your opponent would move and trying to counter it.  I'm not saying we should go back to that era, since the game is so different now; but I do think we've moved too far in the opposite direction and a little more game play on the vertical plain wouldn't be a bad thing.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: RearAdmiralZill on January 30, 2014, 09:25:02 am
Pheonix Claw is op as hell.

And this is why I don't care for comparing tools in a blanket like it has been in previous posts. "Well I can spam claw. Why not make it so I can with hydrogen?" I'd be much more interested claw changes than hydro/chute changes, but that's for another thread.

Wundsalz sums up my thoughts pretty nicely.

It needs to be left on so long to restrict its usage. Currently you have to make a clear call to either use it and deal with the concequences or rather stick to conventional altitude adjustments. I like this behavior and certainly prefer it over forgiving/encouraging indeceisive, perfectly comtrollable quick altitude changes.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Thomas on January 30, 2014, 11:10:40 am

I know I mentioned it before, but the goal was to get it used more often, not spammed. To use it more often, but not used constantly. More than it's used now, but not able to flick it on and off the entire match. Right now the use of hydro and chute vent is extremely, extremely uncommon. Absurdly uncommon. You might use it once or twice in a match, you might use it not at all. I tend to carry it on most of my builds, but it hardly sees any use on a good portion of them.

Using it constantly would be silly, and that's not what we're going for. But right now it's used too harsh to use for anything other than very specific situations. Why do I keep comparing it to other tools? Because they're not restricted nearly as harshly. All other items can be used and your engineers can keep up with the repairs better. They're not even in the same ballpark when it comes to hydro and chute vent. The only other tools that persist upon activation are bumpers and drogue chute, and those only reduce engine performance without damaging the ship.

And again "not spammed, just capable of being used -slightly- more frequently without punishing the ship as severely". Not spammed.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Imagine on January 30, 2014, 11:22:22 am

I know I mentioned it before, but the goal was to get it used more often, not spammed. To use it more often, but not used constantly. More than it's used now, but not able to flick it on and off the entire match. Right now the use of hydro and chute vent is extremely, extremely uncommon. Absurdly uncommon. You might use it once or twice in a match, you might use it not at all. I tend to carry it on most of my builds, but it hardly sees any use on a good portion of them.
I don't actually see how this is a problem. You take hydro/chute for those situational possibilities, and if they don't happen to come up in a match that's why you're able to carry three tools.

I mean, if you really want to use them more, then figure out how to best optimize them instead of changing values around which would make the drawbacks of using one negligible.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Captain Smollett on January 30, 2014, 12:32:24 pm
Oh Thomas, you should really stop doing that to the wall over there, think the building is going to collapse.


I think Thomas is advocating slightly less negative effects to the balloons so that the strategic area where using the tools increased, not to the point where they are spammed, but to the point where the decision to use them isn't exclusively for extreme situations.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Crafeksterty on January 30, 2014, 12:46:08 pm
Smollett pretty much disected and translated it to the brim.

No one really chooses chute vent or hydrogen because the drawbacks scares them alot. But i still stand by that it is Claw and maybe some other tools that need adjusting first. Fix what is being abused, change what is being underutilised later.

Because when you fix what is being abused, perhaps then will you see what is underutilised be more utilised.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Kestril on January 30, 2014, 01:12:24 pm
I don't know what you guys are talking about, but I use the chute vent and hydrogen regularly to re-position myself in a gunfight. Over the course of a match, if the fighting is particularly demanding, I'll use them about six-to-eight times. However, normally it's just three or four, which is about as many times as I emergency moonshine or kerosene.

Sure, it's not as often as the other tools, but I think that's an indicator that the other tools need to be looked at and made to have more of a drawback.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Wundsalz on January 30, 2014, 01:34:35 pm

I know I mentioned it before, but the goal was to get it used more often, not spammed. To use it more often, but not used constantly. More than it's used now, but not able to flick it on and off the entire match. Right now the use of hydro and chute vent is extremely, extremely uncommon. Absurdly uncommon. You might use it once or twice in a match, you might use it not at all. I tend to carry it on most of my builds, but it hardly sees any use on a good portion of them.
Keep smashing! As mentioned before, some people, like me, disagree with your very goal.
Right now the use of hydro is uncommon (no need for extremes here). That's how I personally like it, for reasons elaborated above. I also don't see the need for buffing it in any form either, because despite activating it rarely in matches, those times when I actually use it, the benefit gained is great enough to make hydro one of my most favorite steering tool picks nevertheless. I also doubt that I'm alone with this view, as hydro is a very common steering tool choice among experienced pilots.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Thomas on January 30, 2014, 02:00:28 pm
Not negligible. Less severe. Not spammable. More frequent in use.

I know that the Khanian style of play is quite well supported, and changing that is difficult to consider for a lot of players. I suppose I'd just have to suggest to players to start flying squids (against equally skilled opponents). If you stay roughly on the same plane as your enemy, you're going to get curbstomped something fierce. Especially if they're skilled players. You need to change altitude to survive and get attacks in, but doing so is going to wreck your balloon.

Using hydrogen for the briefest of moments will deal between 320 and 360 balloon damage, chute will deal 280-320 damage (both of which are above the values listed in the tool tips). Your engineers can't keep up with that. Even 1 use will take over 10 seconds to fully repair at the best of times. If you're already taking damage elsewhere on the ship, and your enemy is decent, this maneuver bought you a few seconds to fix everything else before you try to actually escape. Even a ship not using hydro or chute can easily catch up to a ship using it if they are a skilled pilot. You won't get there as fast, but if they try pulling that stunt again they'll just about destroy their balloon. It's a bit of an overstatement to say that these are some of the most powerful tools.

Let's look at the ships and skills. For simplicity, we're going to say that the drag affects the top speed (Vertical speed) and the lift/descend force affects the vertical acceleration. So we'll say the -60% drag is a +60% top speed, and +200% is a +200% acceleration.

ShipVertical Speed (m/s)Vertical Acceleration (m/s2)Hydro/chute SpeedHydro AccelChute Accel

Now how long does it take to reach the top speed using the tools? Assuming you're starting at 0
Mobula - 0.81 seconds Up, 1.21 seconds Down (No tools: 2.27)
Squid - 1.51 seconds Up, 2.27 Down No tools: 4.25
Spire - 1.61 seconds Up, 2.42 Down No tools: 4.53
Goldfish - 1.86 seconds Up, 2.79 Down No tools: 5.23
Junker - 2.02 seconds Up, 3.03 Down No tools: 5.69
Pyramidion - 2.19 seconds Up, 3.29 Down No tools: 6.17
Galleon - 2.69 seconds Up, 4.03 Down No tools: 7.56

So if it feels like your ships is taking at least 3 seconds to reach full velocity, it's because you're:
A- Starting with a negative velocity and taking more time to change directions
B- Using one of the slower vertical ships
C- Both A and B

With all the numbers above, you'll notice that some ships peak out faster, which means they don't necessarily need to use it for the full 3 seconds, as they can cover the same distance in less time. Forcing them to use it for the full period punishes the more agile ships more so than a non-agile ship trying the same maneuver.

Next up we have the balloon damage. Damaged components function at the % of health they have remaining. So an engine with 50% hp will have 50% output. A balloon at 70% hp will have 70% vertical acceleration. As it was mentioned in the OP, hydro and chute do about 6.25% and 5.41% of the balloon hp per second of use; and also these numbers are incorrect, so the actual damage is higher. Each second you use them (and you're forced to use at least 3 seconds) you're losing a hefty chunk of functionality, ultimately reducing the ability of the component. This is fine for the engine tools, as engineers can keep pace with the damage being done, but not true for the balloon damage.

Finally we'll consider the worst case scenario, these tools actually being changed. Clench up everyone.
Let's pretend they're changed as follows (Hydro: 60 dmg/s, effects last for 2 seconds after deactivation, +20% chance fire ignition)(Chute: 50 dmg/s, effects last 1 second after deactivation) ; all other effects remaining the same.

We're looking at 5% balloon hp for the hydro, and 4.17% for the chute per second; for a minimum of 180 dmg and 100 dmg to the balloon on each use. The engineers still can't keep up with the damage, but you're not losing as much functionality upon each use. It's more controllable, but not precise exact timing like you can pull off with kerosene/claw. Has the world ended? Did we break the game? Keep in mind that the tools are uni-directional. Using one makes it harder to go in the opposite direction. Bringing both of them would limit your ability to function on the horizontal.

Personally I like kerosene, moonshine, and phoenix claw. I bring them a lot, and use them even more. Right now I think they function pretty ok. Sure they're used a lot, and it gives certain ships definite advantages over other ships, but making them less useful would probably result in the forums imploding.

If people really want me to, I'll go ahead and discuss trigonometry as well, as that plays a big part in just how effective hydrogen/chute are in certain situations.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Sammy B. T. on January 30, 2014, 02:20:28 pm
Maybe I don't understand the terms but why aren't you taking into account the climb force changes from the skills.

Also for those who want to nerf the phoenix claw, why do y'all want to nerf Pyramidions?
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Kestril on January 30, 2014, 02:39:35 pm
Oooh. Okay. Now I get it! You can stop banging your head against the wall Thomas. Yeah, that actually sounds reasonable and would allow for some more options overall.

As a pilot who loves ambushing with the squid, I do sort of feel punished for choosing that light craft. It always seems like ambushes have to go perfectly or else I'm out a balloon and three engines. The small buff may make lighter craft a bit more viable.

Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: RearAdmiralZill on January 31, 2014, 09:23:23 am
Buffing pilot tools buffs everything in regard to ships. You make the squid "better" but you also make everything else "better"too. The use of altitude is not the only way to avoid guns or their arcs, so I still don't get the thought of hydrogen and chute needing changes that would essentially make them overused.

And no, don't post any trig. I admittedly didn't read half your post because math in this game is fairly misleading.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Spud Nick on January 31, 2014, 10:33:39 am
This game is all about how you position your ship. How you use terrain, cloud cover, your ally as cover/bait. Buffing the balloon tools so you can doge attacks like Street Fighter would make positioning less important. You should not be able to hit one button and get out of a sticky situation that you put yourself in.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Captain Smollett on January 31, 2014, 11:59:17 am
This game is all about how you position your ship. How you use terrain, cloud cover, your ally as cover/bait. Buffing the balloon tools so you can doge attacks like Street Fighter would make positioning less important. You should not be able to hit one button and get out of a sticky situation that you put yourself in.

^ That sounds like the way awkm talks.  Does awkm secretly have an alt account?  I'm not advocating a return to pre 1.1 in any way but someone here must remember how much fun it was to dodge attacks like in Street Fighter with balloon tools.  Someone anyone? 
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Thomas on January 31, 2014, 12:15:53 pm
I thought it would be best just to simplify it as much as possible. Lift force is directly related to the vertical acceleration of the ship, and that's an easier principal for many to understand. The vertical acceleration is equal to Lift Force/Ship Mass. Drag is a constant in the game, although I am unsure of it's exact value. It's basically air resistance/friction that acts against the ship. It sets the maximum velocity and fights acceleration a small amount. Essentially we're neglecting the small effect on acceleration and just applying it's effect to the maximum velocity.
There's a video of hydro/chute vent being used on the squid, mobula, junker, and pyra. The purpose of that video, along with the math, is to give an idea of the difference between the ships especially when hydro/chute get involved. The big concern is that ships will be rocketing up and down and summon cthulu (or something?). But that just isn't the case. In the video, (or better yet, check for yourselves), you can see that the difference in acceleration makes a big impact. Slow vertical ships are still slow, while fast vertical ships are still fast.

We're not looking to have the power of the tool increased. We're just looking to have the damage toned down to reasonable levels, and a tad more control. Not all ships need 3 seconds. Keeping it at 3 seconds benefits the slower ships more than the faster ships. The small reductions proposed would still prevent ships from overusing the tool (there's still a lot of damage and some lag time). So again, we're not making the tool stronger in terms of force increase, drag reduction; ships would still behave the same when using the tool. They'd just be able to use it a tad longer (or a tad shorter) if they so choose.

Which is to say, even with the proposed changes, you would not be seeing ships bobbing up and down at an alarming rate and fracturing the time space continuum. If they can't do it now, they won't be doing it then.

As for the trig, basically the farther you are from the target, the less effect vertical motion has on escaping their arcs. If you're within 50 meters of an enemy, a hydro can certainly seem like a daring escape. But assuming your enemy isn't a ramming pyra, but keeping a decent range for their gat/mortar combo (we'll say 150 meters), that hydo generally isn't enough for you to escape rapidly unless you're a mobula or squid. Especially if they follow upwards. The main point being that it's a powerful tool in specific situations, and much less so in others.

And again, we're not looking for a boost in the power of the tool. The proposed change I tossed out was:
Hydro: 60 dmg/s, effects last for 2 seconds after deactivation, +20% chance fire ignition
Chute: 50 dmg/s, effects last 1 second after deactivation
all other effects remaining the same.

-Also, hydrogen and chute vent have never been adjusted (as far as I can tell). The only thing that changed in previous patches was ships stats. We're not looking to change ship stats. Having the above changes implemented does not allow for dancing pyra's and galleons anymore so than they are currently capable of.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Captain Smollett on January 31, 2014, 01:47:54 pm

-Also, hydrogen and chute vent have never been adjusted (as far as I can tell). The only thing that changed in previous patches was ships stats. We're not looking to change ship stats. Having the above changes implemented does not allow for dancing pyra's and galleons anymore so than they are currently capable of.

That's not quite true.  The same patch that adjusted ship mass also applied a nerf to hydro.  Chute vent was later nerfed 2 seperate times, 1 fairly recently.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Wundsalz on January 31, 2014, 02:20:19 pm
And again, we're not looking for a boost in the power of the tool.
You're asking for the tools negative effects to be reduced while keeping the positive ones as is. That's the very definition of a buff.

Regarding your calculations: You've assumed GoIO to use a VERY simplistic physical model to calculate vertical accelerations: F = m*a where you've only considered the pilots input and neglected possible influences by height and the balloons health. Unless you can back up that assumption somehow, you'll have a hard time to convince me your results are even remotely correct.
To allow you to see where I'm coming from, here's a little discussion about a different equation of motion (which I could personally see muse to use for calculating the vertical accelerations):
F = k1*a + k2*v^2
F: the resulting ascending force
k1: a coefficient as a function of ships mass, the pilot input, balloon health and height
k2: a drag-koefficient as a function of height, attacked surface and a geometry factor
v: vertical velocity

I hope this illustrates how hard it is to do the math behind the scene as an outsider. You've neglected a lot of possibly relevant factors which can themselves be influenced by a lot of unknown parameters.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Wundsalz on January 31, 2014, 05:58:10 pm
I've just realized that those two unknown parameters of my equation could be easily solved for each ship with the date given in your table.

what's the source of that table, Thomas?
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Thomas on January 31, 2014, 11:37:32 pm
I did some more digging, and it looks like they may or may not have been touched in 1.3.1 (most likely was, but not listed)
The suspected changes was a bit of a nerf/buff (Rising force up a little, drag decrease down a lot)

Chute was actually nerfed more in 1.3.2
(65 damage/s from 50 dmg/s)

Mass changes happened in 1.2

I can't find anything prior to that, but I'm only checking the release notes (these forums and the old ones).

For the calculations, I did do a lot of simplifications, although I probably did take it a little too simple. The biggest fudging of numbers was with the drag, mostly because I didn't want to deal with it.

Based on that thread, drag is a constant and mostly affects the top speed with a much smaller effect to acceleration.

For the other assumptions, it was based upon a number of things.

-Height doesn't play a role in acceleration/velocity (only at the floor/ceiling of the map do they take effect)
-Pilot input is always 100% (You're either pushing the button or not. We assume you're holding the button for the duration.)
-Mass has already been factored into the acceleration
-Drag is a constant (independent for each axis)
-Initial velocity is 0
-Drag is negligible for acceleration
-Balloon HP is always 100%
-Gravity does not play a role

Essentially I just used drag as a correlation to the terminal velocity. It's related, but not the by the factor I used. For the balloon health, we just pretend it's at 100%, because while it does play a big role, there's a lot of possible variations. Are they fixing it immediately? What tool? Do they wait until it's low and use a mallet, or just spam the spanner? Does no one fix it at all? For gravity, we can see that it does not play a role while the balloon is active. While the balloon is alive, your ship will not move up or down unless you tell it to. When damaged, you have difficulty moving both up and down. If gravity played a role, it would be easier to descend rather than ascend; and they would likely have different values in the in game reports.

This time around we'll toss in simplified drag and balloon health. We'll be using the numbers listed on the tool tip, although these are known to be inaccurate.

So we'll go ahead and use F=k1*a+K2*v^2 to find the acceleration. Ultimately this will be a function of time.

We assume 100% ballon HP and no tools being used.

As far as I can tell, drag is also independent for each ship. To find the drag coefficient we assume the ship is travelling at terminal velocity (the acceleration is equal to the drag, leaving a net force of 0, and the ship travelling at a constant velocity).

0=a-D*v^2         (using D for drag coefficient. It's the same as k2 and will be a constant)

Rearrange to get: D=a/(v^2)

Goldfish: 0.011259
Junker: 0.010308
Squid: 0.013841
Pyra: 0.009549
Galleon: 0.007776
Spire: 0.012976
Mobula: 0.025921

Now that we have some solid numbers, we can apply the tool effects more accurately. Of course things get kind of ridiculous at this point, since your velocity is based upon the acceleration/drag relationship at a certain time, which is based upon your velocity. Which is why I tossed out drag in the first place. Luckily we're just looking for maximum velocity, so time can take a back seat for a bit.

We'll just do hydrogen
(a drag reduction will actually be an increase, as we've put a negative sign in front of Drag)

a=a0*4.5       (a0 is the normal acceleration)
D=D0*1.6       (D0 is the normal drag, 60%=1.6)
0=a-D*vt^2      (where vt is the maximum velocity)

A +350% is the (original value + 350% of the original). Or more simply (1*Original + 3.5*Original), or 4.5*Original
A +60% is the original value + 60% of the original, or 1.6*original




ShipAccelerationVelocityDragHydro Velocity

Which shows the velocities originally estimated were off by about 5%. I'd say that's fairly accurate all considering.

The most complex question is how long does it take to reach that maximum velocity? Since velocity is a function of the forces over time, and the forces are a function of the velocity. Essentially we'll do it in increments of 0.01 seconds. We'll factor in balloon damage, which will start at 0 and then each 1 second mark after that.

We start with


and get


Vf is the velocity at that time, V0 is the velocity of the last increment. We'll be using the previous increment to calculate the current increment for simplicity when it comes to drag. It won't be exact, but it will extremely close. The acceleration (a) is with the hydrogen active. We're starting a vertical velocity of 0.

ShipActual Peak Velocity (m/s)Time to Reach (s)Distance Covered in 3 seconds (m)

These numbers are noticeably different than those originally posted which assumed ideal conditions. This situation is just about worst case scenario (no one fixing the balloon). This rapidly slows down the max acceleration which in turn reduces the top velocity leading to a smaller area covered. You can see the balloon damage playing a fairly large factor, as the max velocity often happens right before the next tick of damage, where the velocity starts decreasing.

When it comes to distance covered, the mobula is obviously king, followed by the squid and spire. Near the bottom is the galleon and pyra. To give an idea of how much distance that really is, we'll turn to our trig.

We'll use the gat/mortar as our standard

Gatling - Range 450m, Up angle 25 degrees, Down angle 50 degrees
Mortar - Range 400m, Up angle 40 degrees, Down angle 40 degrees (additional shell drop 7m/s2)

At a close range of 50 meters: the gat can hit targets ~21 meters above level, while the mortar can hit targets ~39 meters above level.
At 100 meters: the gat can hit targets ~47 meters above level while the mortar can hit targets ~ 78 meters above level

So you can start to see the pattern where the farther you are, the higher up you can shoot. For the dodges players like to bring up when talking about hydrogen, those generally happen at extremely close ranges while you're already in an upward motion. Basically the best case scenario. Most other situations will result  in only dodging a little damage from the sudden change before the gunners and enemy pilot adjust. The balloon damage reduces maneuverability quite drastically (especially when you remember that the damage is actually higher than listed).

((Numbers were taken from the in game reports))
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: The Sky Wolf on February 01, 2014, 09:19:29 pm
There ought to be a mug of coffee as a pilot item; just pour hot coffee into the engine to make the ship drastically fluctuate in vertical movement causing the ship to go up and down randomly, as well as double your speed.

Get your ship hopped up on caffeine when it's time to dodge hwachas.


It ought to be a nonstop effect that lasts 7 seconds then kills your engines completely.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Dutch Vanya on February 01, 2014, 09:22:36 pm
There ought to be a mug of coffee as a pilot item; just pour hot coffee into the engine to make the ship drastically fluctuate in vertical movement causing the ship to go up and down randomly, as well as double your speed.

Get your ship hopped up on caffeine when it's time to dodge hwachas.

You have a never-ending amount of ridiculous ideas eh jack?
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: The Sky Wolf on February 01, 2014, 09:23:37 pm
Never ever. I'm a MAD scientist at heart.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Spud Nick on March 21, 2014, 10:28:22 am
I'm in favor of reducing the damage from hydro and vents.
Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Captain Smollett on March 21, 2014, 10:46:32 am
I'm in favor of reducing the damage from hydro and vents.

Title: Re: Pilot Skills - Chute Vent/Hydrogen
Post by: Dutch Vanya on March 21, 2014, 06:54:25 pm
I'm in favor of reducing the damage from hydro and vents.


Thirded. Right now if you use these tools for a quick burst in vertical movement, you end up with severely reduced vertical movement because of balloon damage.