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Messages - Andika

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The Gallery / The GoIO Catwalk - Your Favourite Outfit
« on: August 28, 2013, 08:28:12 am »
I couldn't find any similar thread on the forum --- and even if there had ever been one, it certainly wasn't as fashionable as this one, 'cause I wasn't in it [annoying diva mode disabled on majority request] --- so I thought I would start this topic where people can show off their favourite or most gladly worn costume pieces or combinations. So what do you guys parade in when it comes to immobilizing enemies with glamour and style or when you know that the next stage of your longest-ever winning streak might just depend on your lucky Prada goggles?

My clanmates keep joking about how I tend to ask them to make screenshots of me during matches (WHY CAN'T WE ALWAYS SEE OURSELVES FROM THE FRONT IN-MATCH, WHY OH WHY?) because costumes have always been my favourite fascinations in any game I have ever played. I don't often get high-level enough to gain all the fancy epic stuff in games, but I usually try to invent a unique look for myself and I just love combining pieces and coming up with variations that maybe not even the concept artists themselves have thought of before.

So what about you fellow costume freaks? Which is your favourite pick? Have you got some rare or epic treasures perhaps? Show off! Have they got a story? Tell it! Is there a costume combo you'd love to obtain, but you still need to beat the devs a million times to get it? Let us know so that we can steal it and copy it later, muhahaha! Uhm..I that we can follow you on your unbelievably elegant path... Here are my favourite combos:

On the left: my currently favourite gunner outfit. I replaced an old outfit combo when I realized how funny and weird the white hair looked with this one, and I just loved it. One of my clanmates pointed out that I look like Lady Gaga.
In the middle: My most commonly used engineer outfit, although I have many others that I like to switch to depending on my mood. I especially love the top hat.
On the right: My "mad captain" costume. If you've ever flown with me, you probably know very well what I mean by the mad captain part. When I go captain, I usually go crazy. (RAMMING HARPOON SQUIIID YEAHHH!!!) I tend to lose matches as a captain, for some weird and inexplicable reason, but I have so much fun doing so. So should you see me in this costume when a match loads, it probably means you've chosen the wrong ship. I use that one rarely in order not to turn half of the community against me, but I do look good in it when we die.

That's it for me now, what about you all????

General Discussion / Re: The game played the most
« on: August 27, 2013, 11:33:23 am »
304 hours here, GoI is the winner so far. The runner-up is Fable 3 with 68 hours (I heard that game got quite a lot of bad reviews, but I just loved its sense of humour  ;))

General Discussion / Re: Is this kind of behavior acceptable in GOIO?
« on: August 27, 2013, 06:46:40 am »
The slot picking was discussed before. While some (including me) would like to see this there's no sign of ever giving the captain more power. Same reasons are held against as for the kick and ban downsides.

I understand the reasons against kicking power, but this solution would not give captains the power to withhold players from playing or joining a ship. It would only give them a chance to communicate their preferences in a more official way than simply saying "switch to engi please" and also to help them show their preferences once matches have already started (the slots would still indicate that the captain is missing an engi and not a gunner). Players would probably be less likely to join a slot that says "Engineer" if they are gunners. If it only says "crew member", they'll join, thinking, "hey I'm a crew member, after all".

Also players could still join in with different classes, but with the pop-up message and all, they would be made aware of going against the captain's preferred loadout. This would not stop trolls, but would help new players when choosing ships so that good-intentioned players wouldn't be shouted at only because they didn't know that the captain wanted a second engi and not a second pilot.

General Discussion / Re: Is this kind of behavior acceptable in GOIO?
« on: August 27, 2013, 05:55:21 am »
And I still don't want a kick option.  But I would like to specify the role for the slot.  And if I set a slot as Engineer, and a player tries to join as a Gunner they should see the message "The Captain of this airship has set a preference for an Engineer in this slot.  Continue Yes/No?"

This is actually a really good idea. First it tells new players about preferred crew combinations, as they'll see what/who an experienced captain is looking for. This way one can avoid inexperienced players with good intentions joining in as second whatevers (it often happens that somebody does not want to troll at all, just simply doesn't know about preferred crew combos).

Crew formation should have its slots saying not something like "missing a crew member", but the class that the captain selects for it (Captain could edit the text of slots to "engineer" and so on.) When you join a match, it should automatically add you to the slot that fits your class (engi would fill the engi slot, etc.) If somebody still clicks on a slot with a different class, eg. when a match has already started, a pop-up message should appear, asking them whether they really want to join with that class in spite of the fact that the captain is looking for another class. I know a message like that has no power to stop trolls, but it does make honest and well-meaning new players stop and think for a second so that they might change their minds (that is why similar messages were originally introduced on computers when you want to delete an important file or something like that).

If, in spite of all that warning, somebody joins in with a different class, he/she will have little right to complain about his/her crewmates being mad about it. Not as if shouting and swearing would be an acceptable behaviour on the part of anyone, but it is indeed frustrating when you have a good crew and one member deliberately ruins it all. I am never mad at new players who don't know what to do in some situations, but I can get angry at those who don't even care to listen to anyone. A good crew should listen to their captain as well as to each other, that's the whole point of teamplay. If someone is not willing to adapt in any way to the rest of the group, he/she should not expect positive responses.

The Docks / Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« on: August 27, 2013, 05:10:36 am »
On popular demand, I edited the second silly-loudouts match. This time we took a harpoon/mine-launcher junker. This match was funny not only because of the loadouts, but also because of the conversations on board, so this time I tried to highlight a few lines from our crew. (my favorite is the "who harpooned who?" discussion)

It must have been really late for me that day, as no matter how long I searched, I couldn't find a single funny line on my part (I said boring stuff like "Here comes a ship" and "There goes a mine" Am I really that dull during matches???). Anyway, if those actually speaking up in the vid feel bad about their lines being shown, let me know and I'll make a muted version, but I pre-assumed, on a friendly basis, that nobody will mind if I present these sentences, as nothing really personal or anything of the sort was said.

Also, my favourite scene is when a mine flies right into my face. ^^

The Docks / Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« on: August 26, 2013, 06:34:24 am »
Yesterday...three fearsome mine-launching, hull-breaking, ramming mobulas...took up arms against a terrifying galleon, a mighty junker....and a double-harpoon spire----- (a WHAT???). I said, a double-harpoon spire!

You may all be wondering which clan was the one mostly responsible for such a mindless (but not mineless, haha mine pun!!!) duel. Well, the video below can give you a clue.  :P

This is a "match highlights" montage of yesterday's silly-loadout match (mines-and-harpoons-mines-and-harpoons hahaha). I recorded the match following this one as well, but it still needs editing, so I may upload it later on. Many thanks to all for making it such a fun experience! Both teams did a great job and it was truly exciting to experiment with these weapons. Spud Nick and Locutus were on the other team, and they fought really well with their mobulas. Locutus was awesome with mines, and Nick got us several times with Topsy Turvy during the match. The video is from my perspective, so you can see a lot of hwacha-ing and harpoon ropes in it.  ;D

Community Events / Re: Thanks for the Memories! (And the Tournament)
« on: August 25, 2013, 05:00:28 am »
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the organization/management of the tourney, it was a really fun event. Also thanks to all the teams and players who showed up and made the evenings so exciting with all those good matches.  :) BTW, any chances to find the twitch vids on youtube in the future? I'd like to save them for clan history, but downloading from twitch is beyond me.  :D

The Docks / Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« on: August 24, 2013, 01:51:35 pm »
Late warning: I forgot to add a crucial note to my previous post in time, so please follow the steps provided here below even if you have already violated them.

Step no. 1. Whatever you do, just DO NOT google those words as they appear above!!! Terrible content. Petrifying experience. Lifetime scars. I mean it.

Step no. 2. Please proceed to Step no. 1.

The Docks / Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« on: August 24, 2013, 01:14:41 pm »

The Docks / Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« on: August 24, 2013, 12:21:47 pm »
Today...we shall...triumph...See attached visual for further info.

Community Events / Re: Flotsam Dynasty Tipping thread
« on: August 23, 2013, 07:03:47 am »
MM def PaFa
Gent def MM
Cake def TCD
Cake def Gent 5-4

The Docks / Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« on: August 23, 2013, 05:26:02 am »
hey can someone get me a screenshot of a mobula with flamethrowers firing?

I soo wanted to do such a video for a long time now, either with a squid or with any other ship, but I guess we'll need an actual friend-ship for that where everyone would fire the flamethrowers at the same time, while somebody else records the whole thing. Little chance otherwise, its difficult to capture such a ship in action.  :-\

Community Guide / Re: Pictures for the guides. (Opinions Needed)
« on: August 22, 2013, 02:22:25 pm »
Text colors are a bit difficult to read, but maybe it's just my bad eyes.  :D Otherwise the pictures are clear and easy to follow.

The Pit / Re: Did somebody say "fire"?
« on: August 22, 2013, 08:48:34 am »
suggested loadout for those going against Cake at the next tournament event.

The Pit / Re: The Sad State of The Spambot Industry.
« on: August 22, 2013, 04:48:52 am »
I am a spambot myself. Shall I stay away from this thread?

(BUY GOLD NOW!!!1,000,000 kk for ONLY 100 magic crystals!!! ALSO WTB costm pack!!! WTT EPIC SHIP for EPIC GUN!! FREE NAKED SQUIRRELS!!! PM ME! VISIT THIS SITE:

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