Author Topic: Ship Power Level Rating  (Read 25124 times)

Offline Milevan Faent

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Ship Power Level Rating
« on: July 11, 2018, 12:55:52 am »
This is a list of all the ships. Please rate them from best to worst!

I'm mainly making this to try and gather community information to see what needs buffing, what needs nerfing, what is fine, things like that. I'll share the results with the Experimental Crew. Please note that some ships are already being tweaked (Stormbreaker, Galleon, and Junker afaik), but I still want feedback based on current ships.

Offline Milevan Faent

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Re: Ship Power Level Rating
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2018, 03:32:52 am »
As a reminder, 1st means best, while 13th means worst. Don't forget that! Also, all ships should be rated based on their Live versions, not devapp versions.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2018, 03:52:25 am by Milevan Faent »

Offline Milevan Faent

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Re: Ship Power Level Rating
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2018, 06:35:03 am »
To clarify something, I'm asking you to rate them based on how viable and effective you feel they are, not just how strong their firepower is. Also, this is for PvP only, as PvE doesn't even know what Balance is.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2018, 06:43:01 am by Milevan Faent »

Offline Corporal Ravioli

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Re: Ship Power Level Rating
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2018, 11:13:28 am »
You're right in trying to avoid the metric "firepower" conversation - there are enough discussions and spreadsheets re: this that you can easily do your own research.

The minimal form of the survey makes this topic intensely subjective. The platform you choose is typically only 25-50% of the actual decision-making going into formulating a viable ship. What is your engineer team maintaining the ship with? What weapons are on board; ammunition? What performance enhancements are the pilots employing? The variety of builds that each ship platform can express overshadows the question of what's more viable in the abstract. What you're left with is a - frankly difficult to answer - mess of personal opinions.

The core strategy of the game has never been to find the "strongest" ship, but to observe the enemy and devise an applicable solution to neutralize them. This is too deeply entwined in a player's developed style to get objective results out of. The two of us have already clearly demonstrated how identical ships do /not/ entail identical results.

I tried to answer your survey but the results manifested more from "what do you enjoy flying and find success with" than "what's 'strongest'" because that's as specific as I can get with the information provided. Hope it still helps.

Offline Milevan Faent

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Re: Ship Power Level Rating
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2018, 05:04:35 pm »
You're right in trying to avoid the metric "firepower" conversation - there are enough discussions and spreadsheets re: this that you can easily do your own research.

The minimal form of the survey makes this topic intensely subjective. The platform you choose is typically only 25-50% of the actual decision-making going into formulating a viable ship. What is your engineer team maintaining the ship with? What weapons are on board; ammunition? What performance enhancements are the pilots employing? The variety of builds that each ship platform can express overshadows the question of what's more viable in the abstract. What you're left with is a - frankly difficult to answer - mess of personal opinions.

The core strategy of the game has never been to find the "strongest" ship, but to observe the enemy and devise an applicable solution to neutralize them. This is too deeply entwined in a player's developed style to get objective results out of. The two of us have already clearly demonstrated how identical ships do /not/ entail identical results.

I tried to answer your survey but the results manifested more from "what do you enjoy flying and find success with" than "what's 'strongest'" because that's as specific as I can get with the information provided. Hope it still helps.

I want to make a second survey later that works better, but haven't figured out how to work it into something that most people will be willing to fill out.

Some of the information is showing expected trends though, which shows that the data is going the direction I expected at least.

Offline Bookkeepper

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Re: Ship Power Level Rating
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2018, 06:58:39 pm »
Hmm, I rated in terms of "how much do I want to 1v1 this ship assuming a veteran crew and meta loadout?"

So of course stormbreaker is 1st...