Solid facts, now for some speculation!
As we know, India is a hot place, and not an island nation. Given that it is close to the "Feudal Europen" Baronies, just a little south of the tundra line that is prevalent in the Anglean Republic and Firnfield, I would suspect it would be too cold and deprived of sunlight to have the population develop "Indian" sensabilities, thus make it unlikely that cultural influences that developed in hot, Indian environments arise naturally in a place that might require heating part of the year (im speaking about the buildings here). Changes in the global environment from a warm era to a cooler era, noted in my posts about the Anglean Republic, would fit here; buildings designed for a warmer time, by a culture adapted and risen from a warmer environment, would make sence. Furthermore, that it is an island nation, and has a noticible "English" influence, I would hypothesize that Chaladon is located in this world's version of England. Perhaps the "English" heavily recrutied or replenished thir armies from "India", lead to a decrease in the "English" influece and an increase in the "Indian" influence in "England", which lead to what we know of as the Order today.
What about trade? The island is great source of food itself, with a strong agricultural base. Its also has some scientific development, at least enough worth mentioning. It could export either of these, but who is to say that they aren't trading with other nations, places that are not on the map, that aren't players in the Airship war?
Any island nation that wants to stay independant will have a strong navy (see England and Japan), it wouldnt be unreasonable to see some of their boss ships being huge floating fortresses refitted or purposely built for taking down airships, to force pilots to hug the ground when taking them down.
I could also see, with their combination of mad science and being an island nation, that they could apply mad genetics to local wildlife, to help them increase fish yield, domesticate gigantic turtles to make submarines, or even breed flying whales.
Skywhales, if you will.